Nicole’s Story


Nicole was in her late twenties. She already had two children and was going through a difficult period of life, while pregnant with her third child. She had started using drugs and she seemed to be in danger of addiction when she discovered she was pregnant. Unfortunately, her family didn’t want to support her when she discovered this news and pressurised her into having an abortion. Due to her habit of using drugs, she was being supported by a lot of services, and although she had a lot of pressure to abort her baby, she remained unsure. She called Lifeline for help and a counsellor went to meet her. Then she came to realise that, with support, she would be able to create a life for herself and her three children. Life Line was also able to help her by patching up the broken relationship with her family. They were able to speak to her parents about her positive decision and this too helped Nicole go forward with her life. Knowing that her family would be there for her and her children made a big difference to Nicole. Life Line was also able to provide support to her family and in this way, Nicole was able to stay in her family home. Her pregnancy was without complications and she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, surrounded and supported by her whole family. However, unfortunately, soon after the baby was born, she had a relapse.  In order to resolve this situation, she then decided to commence an official rehabilitation programme to save-guard her third children. And at this point she also decided to enter the maternity home with her 3 children. Once she had been able to clean her herself up, she moved out to an apartment; she was able to pay for her housing on her own, through the paid work that she was doing. In this way, she moved away from addiction to an independent single mum, supporting herself and her 3 children. We are so glad that she is doing well and remains so grateful that she didn’t abort her child. We remain in touch and support her in any way that she requires. Sometimes we catch up with a chat over coffee. 



Nicole kienet fl-aħħar ta’ l-għoxrin sena. Diġà kellha żewġt itfal u kienet għaddejja minn perjodu diffiċli tal-ħajja, waqt li kienet tqila bit-tielet wild tagħha. Bdiet tuża d-droga u dehret li kienet fil-periklu tal-vizzju meta skopriet li kienet tqila. Sfortunatament, il-familja tagħha ma appoġġjawhiex meta skopriet din l-aħbar u għamlitha pressjoni biex tagħmel abort. Minħabba d-drawwa li tuża d-droga, kienet qed tiġi appoġġjata minn ħafna servizzi, u għalkemm kellha ħafna pressjoni biex tabortixxi lit-tarbija tagħha, baqgħet inċerta. Cemplet lil Lifeline għall-għajnuna u konsulent min taghna mar jiltaqa’ magħha. Ilqajnijha b’imhabba kbira u hemm kien fejn indunat li bl-appoġġ kbir li konna qed noffrulha kienet se tkun kapaċi toħloq ħajja għaliha u t-tliet uliedha. Stajna ngħinuha wkoll billi tkellimna mal-ġenituri tagħha dwar id-deċiżjoni pożittiva tagħha u dan irnexxha wkoll ghax l-genituri taghha indunnaw li ahna konna qedghin hemm ghalijhom wkoll. Dan ukoll għen lil Nicole timxi ‘l quddiem b’ħajjitha, billi kienet taf li l-familja tagħha kienet se tkun hemm għaliha u għal uliedha. Stajna wkoll nagħtu appoġġ lill-familja tagħha u b’dan il-mod, Nicole setgħet tkompli tghix mal-familja tagħha. It-twelid tat-tarbija kien mingħajr kumplikazzjonijiet u Nicole welldet tarbija b’saħħitha, imdawra u appoġġjata mill-familja tagħha. Madankollu, sfortunatament, ftit wara li twieldet it-tarbija, hija kellha rikaduta ghad-droga. Ahna konna hemm ghalija wkoll u bl-ghajnuna taghna imbagħad iddeċidiet li tibda programm ta’ riabilitazzjoni mid-droga uffiċjali biex issalva lit-3 uliedha. Kien f’dan il-mument li iddeċidiet ukoll li tidħol fid-dar tal-maternità  flimkien mat-3 uliedha. Wara li temmet b’success il-programm tar-riabilitazzjoni ghenijha issib appartament u xoghol. Marret f’appartament, li setgħet tħallas għalih waħedha permezz tax-xogħol li kienet tagħmel. B’dan il-mod, hija għaddiet biex tkun tista’ ssostni lilha nnifisha u lit-3 uliedha, bħala omm waħedha. Ninsabu ferħanin li sejra tajjeb u tant grati li ma abortitx lil binha. Ghadna f’kuntatt maghha u ghadna nappoġġjawha b’kull mod li Nicole teħtieġ. Mhux l-ewwel darba li  imorru niltaqaw ma’ Nicole u 3 angli taghha u nghidu kelma waqt  li niehdu kafè.