Championing the value of Human Life at every stage
Life Network
Foundation Malta
We practically and emotionally support mothers and their babies, we deliver counselling for those in crises or need, we provide educational opportunities in schools, and advocate publicly for the value of every human life from the moment on conception until natural death.
We proudly serve every individual, respecting the uniqueness of each person and with a commitment to equality and understanding.
We provide compassionate care and resources to pregnant women facing unplanned pregnancies, empowering them to choose life for their babies.
We offer educational programs in schools and communities, teaching the value of life and the science behind its beginnings.
We promote pro-life values in Maltese society, championing the protection of all human life.
*These are babies born to mothers who have moved into our home ahead of giving birth and have remained resident at our homes for up to 12 months after the baby was born.
Keep In Touch With Us...
We send periodic, factual updates on what is happening in our country on all matters regarding life, from conception to natural death.