Reference Material & Books

Good Reference material:

  1. Vatican website
  2. Important Church Documents/ Formal teaching:


Good websites to learn from:

  1. LiveAction USA
  2. Archdiocese website
  3. Pro-life resources
  4. Students for Life of America
  5. Pro-Life Campaign Ireland
  6. Right to Life UK
  7. One of Us Foundation
  8. Human Life International 
  9. Bishop Robert Barron - commentaries on faith and culture
  10. Word on Fire Institute - educational

Abortion facts - learn more


Remembrance Day for Aborted Children (9th September)

Good website including image of Mother of the Unborn, story of artist, Miss Tidwell, Prayer to the Mother of the unborn, a Mother's Prayer and quotations from St. Mother Theresa - see here



  1. Prayer at a Gravesite or Memorial Site
  2. Prayer of Mourning for Victims of Abortion
  3. Memorial Service Opening Prayer
  4. Prayer for Those who Have Lost a Child to Abortion

Homilies - by the Auxiliary Bishop

Good books:

  1. Stephanie Gray Connors: Conceived by Science
  2. Lila Rose: Fighting for Life
  3. John Paul II: Theology of the Body
  4. Carl Anderson/ Jose Granados: Called to  Love
  5. Kampowski/ Granados/ Peres-Soba: Handbook for Pastoral Care of the Family