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The new Law/ the life-saving amendment as at June 2023: 

Summary: The life-saving Amendment passed through Parliament with unanimous support on Wednesday 28th June 2023.  This amendment, as passed, codifies what has been current medical practice for many years. Doctors can administer life-saving treatment to pregnant women in danger of losing their lives whilst all is done, when possible, to also save the life of the unborn child. Abortion remains illegal in Malta.

  1. Explanation of Law - Life Network - Friday 30th June 2023
  2. Opinjoni - Discussion with Dr Miriam Sciberras & Dr Joelle Azzopardi - Friday 23 June 2023
  3. The amended Clause
  4. The Times - "Pro-life relief, pro-choice dismay [...]" - Friday 23 June 2023
  5. Reuters - "Malta govt backs down [...]" - Friday 23 June 2023
  6. Gript - "Malta rejects legalised abortion [...]"- Friday 23 June 2023
  7. Malta Today - "Uncomfortable government MPs [...]"- Monday 26 June 2023
  8. The Times - "The dishonest abortion lobby" - Monday 26 June 2023
  9. The Independent - "Amended abortion bill passes [...]" - Monday 26 June 2023 
  10. The Times - "Abortion bill approved unanimously [...]" - Wednesday 28 June 2023
  11. The Times - "The battle for life" - Sunday 2 July 2023
  12. The Independent - "Elaborate indecision" - Sunday 9 July 2023
  13. Right to Life UK - Explainer: How pro-lifers in Malta achieved a major victory and stopped abortion coming to Malta (Magazine read) - July 2023
Beginning of LIFE: the facts 

  1. Link to Dr Miriam Sciberras's speech on start of life
  2. Life’s beginnings
  3. Meet Baby Olivia
  1. The Facts  
  2. Abortion Procedures
  3. Learn about abortion procedures, risks & side effects and more
  4. We don't need abortion - by HLI
  5. Pressure to abort? - by HLI
  6. There is no medical reason for abortion - Video by LiveAction
  7. Abortion, Chastity, Healthy Marriages, and more with Lila Rose & Michael Knowles
  8. Abortion: how it impacts siblings, generational trauma and survivors' guilt with Krista Corbello 
The Abortion Pill

A deadly lie is being told that the abortion pill is safe. See these videos:

  1. I Saw My Baby: Natalia’s Story | Live Action
  2. I Saw My Baby: Kirsty’s Story | Live Action
  3. I Saw My Baby: Elizabeth’s Story | Live Action
  4. I Saw My Baby: Monica’s Story | Live Action

See News & Posts

Abortion Pill Reversal (APR)

If you or someone you know took the abortion pill and regret it, there may still be time. LifeLine provides free and confidential care. Call LifeLine on 2033 0023 or go to There may still be time to save your pregnancy

Abortion due to rape

Abortion does not remove the pain of sexual assault — Are the people conceived through rape/incest still valuable? See the faces of seven celebrities conceived in rape



Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
  1. What is PGD? (1 min video)
  2. Embryo Protection Act – Protocol 2018
  3. The Church’s position paper- June 2022
  4. Pro-Life Statement on IVF amendment - May 2022
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

  1. What, Why and How - By Students for Life
  2. Assisted Reproduction - by HLI
  3. Is IVF Wrong? (2 min video) - by HLI
  4. Does contraception defy marriage? - by HLI
Roe vs Wade – then and now

  1. The Times of Malta - ‘Roe v. Wade’ is no more
  2. The True Story behind Roe vs Wade
End of LIFE: Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, Death with Dignity

  1. One of Us 
  2. Life Network Foundation
  3. End of Life Issues - HLI
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