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About LIfenetwork

At Life Network we work to maintain and build a society where every human being is valued and protected from conception to natural death.

We work to empower women and men to engage with all human beings recognising the inherent dignity and rights of everyone alive.  We believe all human interactions should be in the context that everyone is of value.

Life Network was founded on Catholic principles of morality and social justice, and central to this is a Catholic understanding that all human beings are created in the image and likeness of God. All we do is consistent with the teaching of the Catholic Church.

At Life Network we love and respect every human being regardless of his or her own beliefs and world view. We are happy to collaboration with all people interested in the protection of life at all stages, regardless of their nationality, age, colour, creed or sex.


To move the objectives for a better society forward these are our main areas of work:

Our Main Objectives

  1. Supporting mothers with an unplanned pregnancy by providing accommodation before and after birth
  2. Supporting mothers with an unplanned pregnancy by providing supplies, advice, and general support
  3. Providing accommodation for mothers and babies transitioning back into independent living.
  4. Providing counselling to pregnant mothers
  5. Providing post-abortion counselling and support
  6. Running educational programmes in schools in Malta
  7. Running educational programmes and projects for adults of all ages
  8. Providing a strong public voice in defence of some of the most vulnerable members of society: those at the very beginning and end of their lives.  Life Network advocates publicly against abortion and euthanasia.
  9. Providing training for young people who wish to support the pro-life cause.
Babies Born*
Families Helped
LLM Calls
Counselling Hours

*These are babies born to mothers who have moved into our home ahead of giving birth and have remained resident at our homes for up to 12 months after the baby was born.

Our Team

Dr. Miriam Sciberras


Natalie Vassallo

Human Dignity Curriculum programme

Philip Delia

HDC & LAP programmes

Daniela Gatt

Archipelago of Treasures, HDC & LAP programmes

Jean Claude Dimech

AOT & LAP programmes, Parish Outreach,

Suzette Muscat

Executive Secretary

Christie Gellel Zammit

Administrative Officer

Christine Debattista

Personal Secretary to the CEO

Daniel Muscat

Project Co-Ordinator

Jennifer Fenech

Residential Care Worker and helping at ID F’ID.

Josephine Formosa

Residential Care Worker and helping at ID F’ID.

Nathalie Cauchi

Residential Care Worker and helping at ID F’ID.​

Sylvia Farrugia

Residential Care Worker and helping at ID F’ID.

Maria Muscat

Residential Care Worker and helping at ID F’ID.

Magdalene Scicluna

Residential Care Worker and helping at ID F’ID.​

Melenie Zerafa


Kristina Gatt Frendo


Abigail Marsh

Creative Marketing Manager

Doreen Distefano

Fundraising co-ordinator

Board Members

Tonio Fenech


Dr. Joseph Bugeja

Deputy Chairman

Dr. Klaus Vella Bardon​

Deputy Chairman

Patrick Cutajar

Financial Secretary

Dr. Ivan Padovani


Dr. Daniella Zerafa


Chris Piscopo


Anton' de Piro


Dr. Mark Sciberras


Mariz Cassar


Our Partners