Championing the Cause of Life in Malta
At the heart of our mission is a commitment to advocating for the protection and dignity of every human life. Through our advocacy efforts, we strive to influence public policy, raise awareness, and mobilize the community to stand up for the unborn and promote a culture of life.
March For Life
Presently, life in Malta is protected from the very beginning, but the need to be vigilant is felt today more than ever before. We are living in a time of continuous virtual messaging, creating a state of contempt towards life in the womb. So many babies are being aborted under the law in many countries.
Malta has always been in favour of life. Life is a fundamental human right. No other right makes sense or can be enjoyed without the right to life.
Today, Malta is the safest place for a baby in the womb.
Let us be the ones who with our presence, give a guarantee that Malta will continue to protect life since its beginning