Beware the Trojan Horse

The prospective Bill on ‘gender identity’ is the next move in the shabby scheme to undermine the family. The assault on the unassailable concept that a family is made up of a man and a woman has a long gestation. The powerful transgender and homosexual organisations have been working assiduously to influence public policy into discarding this self-evident reality.

We have now reached the ridiculous situation that any assertion of the obvious, that a family is formed by a man and a woman, is now branded as being homophobic. The very idea of a family is being destroyed and redefined. Anybody choosing to have a relationship with anybody irrespective of one’s sex can claim to be a family. The Bill on gender identity is the battering ram that will smash down what’s left of the integrity of marriage and the family. Divorce legislation was the first blow that knocked out the crucial significance of marriage. The dire warnings that divorce legislation was the precursor of further legislation that would further undermine marriage and the family have been proved right.

The next stage was set when the legislation of civil union was deceitfully coupled with the introduction of gay adoption. Shockingly, this controversial and far reaching law has gone through almost unchallenged. This ‘gender bill’ is now the Trojan horse that will subvert any notion that previously upheld the true meaning of what is a family. In short, marriage between homo­sexuals will be legalised by default.

Yet, even more is at stake. Young people are now entitled to decide their gender irrespective of their biology. We are no longer created male and female. Sex-related genes of xx and xy are now irrelevant. According to the Bill, one can choose one’s sex. The strategy to break down the time-honoured value of sexuality is being realised.

Unbelievably, this virulent attack is promoted and supported by the United Nations and other inter­national agencies as a result of the libertarian and contraceptive culture that is suffocating the West. This insidious campaign lies at the heart of the so-called sex education that also includes the active promotion of homosexuality in young people.

One need only examine the shameful website on sexual health adopted by our government in December 2013.

We should all know where this leads to. Now, the child is no longer the fruit of the intimate relationship between a man and a woman. The child is no longer entitled to have a mother and a father. The child is now an object to which anybody and everybody has a right. Abortion, sperm donorship and surrogate motherhood will be the next consequence of these developments.

A nation that destabilises marriage and the family is doomed. No worthy civilisation has a future if the meaning of male and female is immaterial, if marriage means nothing, if it is of no consequence whether marriage vows are upheld or not.

Society depends on the stable sexual unions of man and woman that provide the necessary innate security for children. For this reason alone, society should have an interest in protecting marriage.

The government claims that it will listen to public opinion. One wonders if there is a public opinion to listen to. We all seem to be sleep walking into any alien social framework fashioned by people who have only their narrow, selfish self-interests at heart.

Unfortunately, most people with families don’t have the time and money to become political activists. Most of the people who do have the time to be political activists don’t have families; the laws these people lobby for with great success represent special interest groups, but they do not represent the interests of that general interest group, the family.

As a result, most laws are very much anti-family and against the common good.

This prospective Gender Identity Bill will lead to the redefining of relationships and marriage. It will radically alter the nature and meaning of a fundamental institution so vital to society’s wellbeing.


Klaus Vella Bardon

Equality is the name of the game

The proposed Gender Identity, Expression and Sex Characteristics Act attempts to make a case for equality and human rights by redefining the real meaning of these terms. This Bill, if enacted, will try to alter the meaning of family life in Malta. It will attempt to silence the voice of the Church because it cannot accept nor tolerate its teachings. It will also try to poison our children’s minds in schools by pushing ‘sexual health programmes’, including gay sex, on some misguided ploy of discrimination or homophobia.


According to the gender ideology, a man and women are not born so, but become so. In the name of ‘free choice’, one will be having the choice of one’s sex and sexual orientation. This means to arbitrarily decide whether he or she wants to be man or woman, to try to destroy the concept of male and female. No psychological, medical or any assessment would be needed to make such a choice. No age limits either.


At the tender age of 14, which is biologically, hormonally and psychologically a challenging and stressful time for any adolescent, our youths will be encouraged to experiment and subsequently choose their sex. Gender mainstreaming asserts that the differentiation into two sexes is only a construct of society.


The public needs to be aware that this law will try to change the innermost core of our social structure in society. This law does away with the concept of the human person, with an unchangeable sexuality integrally connected to the person. It’s about dissolving the identity of man and woman step by step as well as sexual standards and social forms based on marriage, family, motherhood and fatherhood. It does away with the differences between male and female as well as the complementarity of both sexes so beneficial to child development.


This Cultural Revolution is called ‘gender mainstreaming’. Once enacted, this Bill will have many ramifications, of which I would like to mention but a few. Any direct opposition to an active homosexualisation of society will not be tolerated.


Same-sex marriage would enshrine in law a public judgment that the desire of adults for families of choice outweighs the need of children for mothers and fathers. It would give sanction and approval to the creation of a motherless or fatherless family as a deliberately chosen ‘good’. Embryos would have to be created to accommodate demand, and the Embryo Protection law, which in Malta gives the maximum protection to the embryo in IVF procedures, would be sacrificed.

According to the gender ideology, a man and women are not born so, but become so


It will put increasing pressures on our schools to implement programmes embracing ‘diversity’ in the name of ‘equality’ but negating concepts of ‘sexual difference’, ‘male and female complementarity’ and natural law. Studies from brain scan research, sociology and psychology, which show the undeniable difference and the need for complementation of the male and female sexes, will be ignored. Bullying will be ‘used’ as a pretext for inserting the ‘gender ideology’ in school programmes.


What will happen to the rights of parents to make decisions about their children’s education, particularly on moral issues? Will parents be given the right to opt out if they do not wish that their children be thought these concepts as the norm? The concept of parents as primary educators, besides being a parental right, is also taught by the Church and was given emphasis by the late St Pope John Paul II.


What about the Church? The Church teaches that sexual activity between people of the same gender cannot be reconciled with its beliefs and doctrines. Although it has condemned all forms of hostility to any individual on the basis of her or his actual or perceived sexual orientation, the Church has been precise in its moral teachings.


The Catholic Church teaches that marriage is the lifelong, faithful, indissoluble bond open to life between one man and one woman. We are already seeing a growing intolerance experienced by Christians in many countries in Europe and the US.


I call on all serious MPs to read up on the malaise of gender ideology, before they embark on the discussion. The Church authorities must speak out. Religious freedom depends on this Bill being repealed; before we get to the stage when it would take an act of ‘courage’ to even say that the child’s father is a man and a woman, the mother.

Pro-Life Student Wing On Campus

The Pro-life foundation Life Network youth wing would like to cordially invite all the University staff students to visit their stand during Fresher’s week.[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Life Network is a voluntary pro-life foundation just recently set up with a mission statement to promote and maintain a pro-life culture in Malta.

If we are to remain a country “free to choose life”, we cannot afford any complacency regarding protection of human life at any stage. The fundamental principle that all rights flow from the human person must remain at the heart of our society.

Peace cannot be taken for granted, lest we have war. The same is true with life. If we are not vigilant in protecting the intrinsic value of human life in all its stages, the anti-life mentality will creep in…… slowly but surely.

Malta remains the only country in the EU that fully respects human life from conception; however the unremitting pressure to comply with women’s so called ‘reproductive rights’ including abortion remains.

The pressures on Malta will keep increasing. How will we respond? It is not going to be easy, but…. if we do not prevail in our pro-life stance we face the lethal implications of abortion for the unborn child victims like most countries.

Please help us in our mission. Join us, help us, and donate towards our work.

Miriam Sciberras

BChD(Hons) MA Bioethics

Chairman Life Network

26.09.2014 [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_cta_button2 h2=”Help Us Help Life” style=”rounded” txt_align=”left” title=”Make Your Donations” btn_style=”rounded” color=”juicy_pink” size=”md” position=”right” link=”|title:Donate|” h4=”Why Support Life Network?”]

We need your support in order to be able to spread the news on the value of life. Your donation will help us to educate people of all ages, organise pro-life seminars and buy books & materials to facilitate educate. Like every life is infinitely priceless, so is every donation. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Life Network


Life Network First Pro-Life Event

Ms Aisling Hubert, a member of Abort67, was the guest speaker of an educational pro-life event organised by Life Network. The aim of this event was to show the implications of allowing abortion in Malta as well as educating students about the value of life.[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

The First Pro-Life Event

The event, the first public event organised by the Life Network, was a huge success where it attracted a very good number of University students, Medical students and members from the political community. Over 70 people attended this educational programme which was held on the 24th September at the PKI Institute in Floriana.

The Programme

Ms Hubert’s programme talked of topics relating to generating awareness of the abortion genocide, the situation of abort with respect to Malta and educating students on the arguments in favour of life. Throughout the presentation videos, images and arguments were brought to light with much passion by the guest speaker, that left everyone who attended with a new awareness.

Genocide of Abortion

One of main aspects discussed was that abortion has become the greatest genocide ever in history. With twice the amount of babies aborted annually than people lost in World War II, the situation is very critical. Malta, having kept the illegality of abortion intact, is still resilient in the face of this age discrimination mass murder but the country has to be careful as forces are pushing to throw the last EU country into the abortion pit.

A Choice Of Arguments

Abortion is validated by Pro-Choice and Planned Parenthood advocates with a great number of arguments. Ms Aisling Hubert dismantled them all and she argues that in the face of the miracle of life no arguments stand strong. By finding common ground (in being empathic with the people facing the choice of abortion), giving comparisons and asking questions one can look beyond arguments that favour the murder of the unborn child.

Lack of Awareness

One of the main aspects pointed out was that people do not have the full picture of what abortion is and what is happening. People need clear examples and graphic images to actually show the horrors of abortion. Ms Hubert advocated the use of graphic images which are the real truth behind abortion.

Finally the event was a great opportunity for the pro-life organisation to come together and meet. Bringing different people from different ages, mentalities, occupation and political creed, the huge success of this event is a testament to Malta’s stand in the face of abortion. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” interval=”3″ images=”346,347,348,349,350″ onclick=”link_image” custom_links_target=”_self” title=”Photos From” img_size=”400×300″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_cta_button2 h2=”Help Us Help Life” style=”rounded” txt_align=”left” title=”Make Your Donations” btn_style=”rounded” color=”juicy_pink” size=”md” position=”right” link=”|title:Donate|” h4=”Why Support Life Network?”]

We need your support in order to be able to spread the news on the value of life. Your donation will help us to educate people of all ages, organise pro-life seminars and buy books & materials to facilitate educate. Like every life is infinitely priceless, so is every donation. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Life Network


Pro Vita Onlus Partnering

Life Network has established rapport with the Italian Pro-Life Organisation ‘Pro-Life Onlus’. They have been established in 1991 and are continuously working to promote the value of life in Italy.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The partnering allows both of our organisations to share information that allows for the promotion of the value of life. Life Network is now able to share their website ( information and also link their monthly magazine. The link to this month’s magazine can be found here.

[/vc_column_text][tmq_promobox title=”View This Month’s Magazine” button_text=”View” button_color=”normal” link=”” popup=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]