Malta govt backs down on abortion bill after protests

VALLETTA, June 23 (Reuters) – Malta’s government on Friday backed down on a bill which would have allowed the abortion of pregnancies when the mother’s health was at serious risk, saying instead that terminations would only be allowed when the mother’s life was in danger.

Read the full article here.

Pro-life relief, pro-choice dismay: reactions to changed abortion bill

Revised amendments to Malta’s abortion laws have sparked contrasting reactions

Pro-life activists have welcomed changes made by the government to a proposed amendment to the Criminal Code that will allow for the termination of a pregnancy in select circumstances.

Health Minister Chris Fearne announced the revised wording of amendments on Friday morning.

Read the full article here.

David vs Goliath

‘David vs. Goliath’: Pro-life leader describes strong pressure on Malta to legalize abortion

On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon speaks with Dr. Miriam Sciberras, leader of the Life Network Foundation Malta, about the outpouring of pro-life support as lawmakers debate a bill to legalize abortion, the domestic and foreign pressure to upend Malta’s culture of life, and why she thinks abortion is the foremost human rights issue of all time.

Read full article.