Leading Italian gynaecologist to be guest speaker at public debate on MAP

Leading Italian gynaecologist, Dr. Bruno Mozzanega, of the University of Padova, will be in Malta next week at the invitation of Life Network Foundation Malta. During this visit, Dr Mozzanega, will share his research and experiences at a public debate called ‘Morning After Pill. Abortion through the back door?’ to be held at the Excelsior Hotel, on Thursday 19th January at 7.30pm.

Dr. Bruno Mozzanega is author/co-author of over 180 scientific papers, including oral presentations in Congresses and abstracts. Moreover, he wrote a textbook (Da Vita a Vita), concerning reproductive biology, directed to adolescents, couples and families. Ninety four papers are present in the website of the Ministero dell’ Istruzione dell’Universita`e della Ricerca (MIUR).

He always put a great interest to the ethical aspects of Reproductive Medicine and is involved in activities aiming at forming high-school teachers in the fields of Reproductive Biology and Fertility Control. In recent years he published review papers on the mechanism of action (MOA) of emergency contraceptives, evidencing that their main MOA is post conceptional and not anti conceptional. His textbook “Da Vita a Vita – viaggio alla scoperta della riproduzione umana”, first edited in 1992, was successively edited by Gregoriana Libreria Editrice, Padova, 2002. The third Edition (2010) is by Società Editrice Universo – SEU – Roma, and has been widened and updated in 2013.

He is the Chairman of the Società Italiana per la Procreazione Responsabile, S.I.P.Re. http://www.sipre.eu/

He is currently assistant professor at Padova University in the postgraduate School of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (Course of “Family Planning”) and in the Triennial Degrees in Obstetrics and in Nursing. In the past he delivered lectures at the Magistral Degree in Medicine and Surgery and has been a lecturer in the Triennial Degrees in Social Assistance and in Physiotherapy.

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