Malta STAND UP for Life! Candlelight March 2016

Join us on the 3rd December at 17:30 in front of Castille to light a Candle for Life! We have a responsibility to protect all life from the moment of conception until natural death and to STAND UP for life! We need your support. See you there!


Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

  1. See you on the 3rd Dec .

  2. Stop abortion

  3. “Although they have known the ordinance of God , they have not understood that those who practice such things are deserving of death . And not only do they do these things , but they applaud others doing them. . ROMANS 1.32. ” ” It is the time of the sin against the Creator.”Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

    1. Well said !

  4. For all the Babies I stand as their Voice……to Have the RIGHT TO LIVE….
    A goverment who does not support the RIGHT TO LIFE, Supports murder!! Full stop!!

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