President of Malta sends message of support and encouragement to Perinatal Care Symposium hosted by Life Network.
Life Network hosted an academic symposium led by international medical professionals discussing the best ways to care for mothers and babies following a challenging medical diagnosis of a baby before birth. The medics discussed how to care for both mothers and babies and highlighted examples of best practice.
“No mother, no family, should face a challenging perinatal diagnosis on their own. Life Network is here to help” said Tonio Fenech, Chairman of Life Network, as he opened the symposium.
Dr Christine Francis from the USA, spoke about prenatal diagnosis as an instrument of care. This was followed by Prof. Giuseppe Noia from the

Gemelli Hospital, Rome, speaking about the medical advancements for both baby and mother over recent years. Dr Elaine Pace Spadoro, Dr Ethel Felice, Anna Louisa La Teano and Angela Bozzo highlighted the care necessary for all those involved in a perinatal diagnosis: the unborn baby, the mother and also the father – and highlighted the significant levels of care and support that are now available, including practical, psychological and social.
Following this Dr Dione Mifsud led a conversation with three mothers who shared their experiences of having challenging medical diagnoses for their unborn children, and how they experienced both positive and negative responses and reactions from both medical professionals and family.
Dr John Bruchalski gave a impassioned account of how he came to the realisation that when one truly looks after a pregnant woman, one must recognise that there are two patients, and that one must look after them both in body and spirit. He talked about the great example of integrated medicine that is available in Malta – including the great and inspiring work of Life Network Foundation.
The President sent greetings wishing those present “great success in their work supporting mothers and their babies”.
The Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-fai attended the whole conference and shared the greetings of Pope Francis. He highlighted that “maternity is not an individual business”, and thanked those who spoke for their work of protecting and promoting the dignity of both mother and
baby, “because every life is a gift of infinite value”. He said “I learnt a lot, a lot”.
Dr Miriam Sciberras, CEO of Life Network Foundation said: “It has been a wonderful day and a great encouragement that the President has sent her greetings and encouragement to all of us who work for a holistic approach to the care of pregnant women and their babies. We thank her for her inspiring support”.