Prime Minister Muscat On Abortion

During a visit by the Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s at the Life Network’s stand, members of the Life Network gave exposure to the value of life and took note of his comments. 

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video title=”Muscat On Abortion” src=”“//“” width=”“560“” height=”“315“” frameborder=”“0“” link=””][vc_column_text]Life Network is currently present at the Fresher’s Week on University Campus. During the brief encounter with Hon Muscat, the Prime Minister gave his comments with regard to the issue of abortion.

His comments gave a great indication into what he believed the Maltese people agree upon in this regard. He stated that his belief is that ‘there is a consensus’ of the Maltese people against abortion. Using the word consensus implies that there is more than a general feel against abortion but a unifying agreement against its introduction. He also noted that that he has ‘no doubt’ that the consensus will remain as is.

Hon Muscat was shown a leaflet portraying the effects of abortion on the unborn child. To the images on the leaflet Hon Muscat said nothing and likewise he did not give any indications on his personal opinion on this matter.

Life Network is an NGO devoted to educating people about the value of human life (See our mission statement). The NGO has formed a new youth wing on the University Campus (see press release) where they will be present between the 1st and 8th October 2014.

For news about the Youth Wing On Campus go to:[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]