Pro-Life Advocates Celebrate Defeat of Argentina Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth


Pro-life advocates across the world are celebrating a major victory for unborn babies after Argentina defeated a bill Wednesday that would have legalized abortion on demand.


The Senate rejected the bill in a 38-31 vote Wednesday evening after the lower house of parliament passed it earlier this year. The bill would have legalized abortions for any reason up to 14 weeks and up to birth in limited circumstances, including rape.

EuroNews reports pro-lifers celebrated with fireworks and shouts of joy outside parliament in Buenos Aires after the vote. Many pro-lifers wore or waved baby blue bandannas, a symbol of the fight for unborn babies’ rights in the country, according to CBC.

Read the full LifeNews article here

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  1. This was such excellent news. It is evidence that there are still good Christians who understand the implications of abortion, for any reason whatsoever. Yet here there are supposedly Christian women promoting it, and seem to be determined to see it legalised.

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