The Holy Trinity and GAY “Marriage” by Patrick Pullicino

One of the best known stories about the Holy Trinity is that of St Augustine. He was walking along the seashore in North Africa, in the early fifth century, trying to understand the Trinity. He saw a little boy who had dug a hole in the sand and was running back and forward to the sea with a bucket, filling the hole with water. When St Augustine asked what he was doing, he said he was emptying the sea into his hole. When St Augustine told him that this was impossible as the sea was too big, the boy replied that it was easier to put the sea into the hole than for St Augustine to understand the Trinity and he promptly vanished. The message that St Augustine took was that our human brains are too simple to fully understand the Trinity.

Evidence that our single God is made of three distinct persons can be found in both the Old and New Testament: The Father – the Creator, the Son – who became a human to save us from Hell and the Spirit – the Giver of Life. The complexity of the Trinity did not stop Augustine, who was intellectually brilliant, from writing De Trinitate, one of the most referenced books on the subject to this day. St Augustine was particularly struck by analogies of the make-up of the Trinity in our daily lives. He put forward the analogy of Lover, Beloved and Love to understand the three persons of the Trinity. The Father: the Lover, the Son: the Beloved and the Spirit: Love. The love between the Lover and Beloved results in a third person, the Spirit.

This analogy of St Augustine shows how the intimate relationship of the Trinity is reproduced in traditional marriage: the father and mother are lover and beloved, and the love between them results in a third person, a child.  That traditional marriage reflects the fundamental make-up of the God who made the universe is not often considered. It is not however surprising that God who is so personable and loving would want to use the Trinity structure as a building block for our society.

At the centre of newly created life is sexual reproduction. We are so used to this concept in biology and zoology that we accept it as part of life and the basis for evolution, without thinking where it comes from. We can see however all around us, the profusion of life that is its result. Consider the hundreds of seeds in a single pumpkin or the schools of hundreds of tiny fish that you see in shallow waters off Malta. This is the work of the Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life.

When we recognize the link between new life and the Trinity we start to understand how sacred the institution of marriage really is. The life giving element of marriage is essential for marriage to be based on the structure of the Trinity. Husband and wife must be male and female to be able to produce new life, as Archbishop Scicluna has stated. Gay “marriage” unable to produce new life, is at odds with this.

Setting up new structures of long term partnership like Gay “marriage” is extremely problematic on a spiritual level. It is a conscious exclusion of the major role of the Holy Spirit in the world, that of giving life. Since the Holy Spirit is God, this is denying God his role in the building block of society that the traditional family is. In simple terms it says to God that we do not want his very intimate loving structure to be what we base our society on. Society depends so much on the traditional family for its structure and function that without it, society is damaged, as are its members. The worst however is the major insult to God himself.

We need to reflect on how it is that an island like Malta that has had a deep commitment to God and his laws, dating back hundreds of years, is now wanting to reverse this. It is a cataclysmic change for an island with such strong Catholic roots and it will have major negative effects. The politicians who sign in this change bear the major responsibility before God, particularly the leaders. However, all of society is tainted by this and we all have to see what we can do to stop it happening or if it goes ahead to reverse it as quickly as possible and atone to God for this gratuitous attempt to distort his wonderful plan of life.


The killing of marriage by Herbert Messina Ferrante

The campaign to abolish marriage on this tiny island of Malta is now close to succeeding. It is amazing how quickly it has happened and how a small, yet determined, group of extremists has found its way to smash a centuries-old institution in just a matter of a few years.

The latest blow – civil marriage for gay couples – is indeed cunning.

Politicians love to pretend they are giving when they are, in fact, taking away. It also suits them to portray the defenders of traditional marriage as intolerant bigots. This new plan of theirs achieves both these things at once.

The government had already dented the meaning and significance of marriage when it gave almost equal privileges to two people who choose to set up house together on far less stringent conditions than those demanded of married couples.

The current phenomenon of the increasing prevalence of cohabitation is a reflection of a culture that has lost its faith in permanence, in loyalty, no matter what challenges life brings. Today, more than ever before, the ultimate physical bond through sexual union has lost its full meaning. It does not imply total commitment any more. It has been trivialised and devalued.

Even without moralising, statistics bear this out.

Relationships in marriage, despite the availability of divorce, tend to last longer than those in cohabitation.

Yet, our Western culture presents us a distorted concept of freedom which is reflected now in every dimension of social life. Gone are the days where one took pride in giving loyal service to one’s calling for a lifetime.

Today, we live in a culture of disposables.

Even in human relationships, when faced with difficulties we consider it a great achievement that we can walk out of a relationship. The concept of making a vow, a covenant has been shattered.

I sometimes wonder what St Paul would think about our culture if he were shipwrecked on our shores today.

This life-long commitment of a man and a woman in marriage and open to life gave stability to society 

Marriage has been gutted of its significance by a ruling class that has nothing but contempt for an institution that has been the bedrock of our people through the ages.

The final blow is now being dealt as the privileges of marriage are about to be bestowed on homosexual couples. Very conveniently, anyone who objects is branded as ‘homophobic’ when, in fact, the argument is about something else altogether.

In the past, marriage between a man and woman was granted privileges because it is crucial to a healthy society.

Married couples were given respectability, security, legal protection and tax breaks in return for making a binding public commitment to do something brave, difficult and immensely valuable for society.

This life-long commitment of a man and a woman in marriage and open to life gave stability to society and to their country and guaranteed its future.

In a way, marriage also provided independent sanctuaries where decisions could be made in a safe and secure environment without government interference.

This was best put by, of all people, D.H. Lawrence, author of Lady Chatterley’s Lover, who said: “It is marriage which has given man the best of his freedom, given him his little kingdom of his own within the big kingdom of the State; given him his foothold of independence on which to stand and resist an unjust State.”

And he warned: “Break it and you will have to go back to the overwhelming dominance of the State, which existed before the Christian era.”

We live in an age of ever-increasing State interference in our lives. The law pokes its nose into our homes in ways undreamed of 40-50 years ago, and is taking a growing interest in what we say and think as well as what we do.

Global big business regards us as fodder, scorning our private needs and turning every day into a working day, something which even Stalin did not succeed in doing.

These forces see the married family as a stumbling block.

The State wants to take over the roles of husband and father, making more and more people dependant upon it.

Both business and the State want mothers out at work, encouraging them to leave children with carers, and if they don’t want them, the very soon available option of having an abortion (is it in the pipeline?)

With such giant allies, the Ultra Feminists are in sight of achieving what they think they have always wanted, a life without any ties or commitments – a country without marriage and without family life, fathers or husbands.

I wonder if they will like it when they get it.

Herbert Messina-Ferrante is a dental surgeon, educator and sports administrator.

Facing social realities by Tonio Fenech

Regrettably I cannot but disagree with Dr Simon Busuttil’s position.

I agree with Simon that the Party has to face social realities.   The social reality is that the vast majority of Maltese still value marriage (this was the argument also made by people who wanted divorce) as a union between a husband and a wife that includes the intrinsic value of procreation, which I hope we all agree is a social good, if we want the human race to survive.  

To give marriage equality we don’t call oranges bananas.  This is absurd.  In Dr. Simon Busuttil’s own words the Civil Union Act already conferred all rights so what social realities are we ignoring?

The only social reality that the Nationalist Party is ignoring, is the reality of its own voters, who in the main are against the position being taken by the PN by a vast majority.  Please stop and listen.  There are many of us, beyond the numbers you seem to have decided to term insignificant. 

Society at large does not want discrimination against the LGBTIQ community but that does not equate to divesting marriage of its essentials to please the few who want to impose their dominance on public opinion and policy.

Unfortunately, the PN change of policy was not the result of an open debate, but a leadership imposition when Simon Busuttil decided out of his own accord to push the Party in that direction when Joseph Muscat pronounced himself in favour of Gay Marriage (when previously he too had pronounced himself against) simply to create a diversion on the Panama Papers issue.

The Party never discussed the issue, but out of loyalty MPs abstained from pronouncing ourselves publicly even though many in the Parliamentary Group disagreed. 

On the Electoral Programme:

  1. A Party that lost the election is not bound to execute its Electoral Programme as that Programme was rejected by the voters, it is the Party in Government that carries such an obligation.
  2. The law that has been presented goes beyond what we were told to be our position, i.e. that we were simply recognizing the fact the Civil Union brought about defacto marriage.   The law presented by the Labour Government goes beyond as it removes any identity from marriage as we know it as though a marriage between a husband and a wife, a mother and a father is something that cannot be mutated in society so much so that a 36-page law has been passed to erase such concepts from all our laws.  Civil union and marriage can never be the same because although they both “love” which needs no legal intervention, the natural order, biology has dictated that a heterosexual couple procreates and is thus distinct. 

Negating distinction is not equality, negating diversity is intolerance, a tolerant society is one that exults diversity and not legislate homogeneity and negating todays marriages who they essentially are, husbands and wives, father and mothers.

  1. The law presented by the Labour Government is a charade to mask the real intentions of this Government i.e. to remove the gender identity from marriage (the concept of husband and wife, father and mother who now became the person who has a child) and make the definitions accommodating to the real intentions of this Government that include changes to the Embryo Protection Act to allow for Surrogacy, and sperm and egg donation, which will open us to serious LIFE ethical issues.
  2. The electoral program of the Nationalist Party was approved by a General Council without a debate, through a General Council limited with pre planned speeches.  No invitation was made to the Councilors for interventions, Councilors who are supposed to be the highest organ of the Party and who have a right to express their views and opinions in a Statutory General Council.  Rather a vote was taken by simple show of hands without debate.  Does not say much about the democratic structures of the Party.  If the Leadership knew that such proposals would not find consensus, then they should have been dropped not forced.
  3. I assure the PN that it has lost a significant number of votes of people already, families that I am meeting every day, through calls, messages and around coffees who are telling me please be our voice.  Many of these have abstained in this election and many others are saying this may have been the last time they voted PN.  For these people fighting Corruption was not enough, they expect to hear from us alternative proposals and talk about all the values that distinguish as from Labour, the Values that have built and sustained our Party, yet that seem outdated for the few in power.

Painfully I have seen the leadership impose its views on the many, as we were told this was the only way we get the gay vote back.   The gay vote was never the reason for the 2013 electoral defeat, the European Elections in 2009 had already given that same result with the same margin, and then the Gay debate had not even started.  Let us stop fooling ourselves and sell our values for cheap.

Even make exaggerated assertions that by not voting for the bill we are condemning the PN to eternity in Opposition.  If Simon Busuttil wants the Party to be united and that the conservative and the liberal factions to coexist, one faction cannot oppress the other and it is for this reason the Party MPs should be given a free vote.  Why an outgoing Leader keeps insisting on wanting to impose his opinion to the exclusion of all other baffles me.

I contend that the Nationalist MPs are not bound by the Party’s Whip on this Bill but are obliged to vote freely as this is a matter of Conscience.

The Whip cannot deny the freedom to an MP who wants to object to a Bill as a matter of Conscience.

I want to assure the Nationalist Party that it is very mistaken to ignore its core vote who if objectively asked will tell you don’t touch marriage– I urge the exiting leadership to stop imposing their will on a Party that is seeking to understand what went wrong and why the PN lost by an even bigger majority.  If the PN want to win the next election it needs to reconnect with its voters and not keep kicking us in the teeth, unless it wants to lose our votes for good and remain in Opposition for much longer.  

This election was not won or lost because of our position and abstention on Civil Union – stop these ridiculous apologetics, I compromised and abstained even though I was against gay adoption and I have no regrets for what I did because I believe that adoption is the right of the child and is not the commodity of couples being heterosexual or gay. 

It was wrong than, it remains wrong now. 

The election was won by Labour because of the success it managed to sell on the economic front, which as a PN we left unchallenged, focusing only on Corruption.

We lost because our strategy was too single focused and people heard very little of our proposals NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GAY MARRIAGE VOTE so much so that despite the apologetics of the leadership of the Party and the promises, the Party did not get the gay vote. 

The electoral results are fact.   The next election will be won or lost again on the economic front, and the PN had better prepare itself to convince people that it can make a difference and make people’s lives better and it has the ability to Govern rather than keep the focus on issues that separate it from its core.

A free vote should be given to Nationalist MPs who need to give hope to a lot of voters like me that the Nationalist Party protects our values while being sensitive to social realities.  

The LGBTIQ community already has its rights, facing social realities is not about not remaining who we are –

DO NOT TAKE WHAT IS OURS, it is now the turn of the LGBTIQ community to accept who we are.

A summary of salient points of contention re Marriage Equality Bill

Dear Members of Parliament, kindly consider these facts and discuss before voting.

  1. The Marriage Act and other Laws (Amendment) Act, 2017 is not just about changing the name of Civil Unions Act. If it was just the name legislator does not need to introduce a new act of 37 pages.
  1. Change in name – no longer the originally proposed “Marriage Equality Act‟ but the “Marriage Act and other Laws (Amendment) Act, 2017‟. Unlike most foreign Marriage Equality laws– the notion of equality was specifically removed from the title. In fact a thorough study of this bill shows clearly that it is not about bringing gay marriage at par with heterosexual marriage, but introducing the former whilst eliminating inherent concepts of the latter.
  1. Conscientious Objection: the bill does not give enough protection to conscientious objection it limits itself to merely religious protection. Further Articles need to be added, such as the following proposals:

The bill should guarantee the protection of conscientious objection to all individuals , including, guaranteeing anyone in Malta to remain free to choose who may use their facilities and halls for marriage ceremonies and celebrations, to whom they rent their housing accommodations, or to whom they provide their services consistent with their principles.

  1. “conceived and born to the parties” – will now be connotated to both heterosexual and homosexual couples. Yet it is a biological fact that gay couples cannot conceive or give birth to children. This Bill presupposes illegal mechanisms such as surrogacy and gamete donation. Presuppositions of surrogacy and gamete donation entail the undermining of the Embryo Protection Act.
  1. Paramount Interest of the child: with regards to the mechanism of repudiation, child protection is done away with, leaving repudiation open to any circumstance upon the presentation of a genetic tests, whilst before it was limited to four circumstances. With regards to gay couples the child would even more be exposed to repudiation since s/he will never result to be the genetic child of both of them! Without acknowledgment there is no obligation of the spouse to provide maintenance to the child!
  1. Vocabulary: Note that motherhood, fatherhood, maternity and paternity will no longer form part of our vocabulary this does not reflect equality or respect towards others who profoundly cherish the meaning of these words. Does this mean abolition of ‘Mothers’ Day’ and ‘Father’s Day’?

The bill imposes on those couples who wish to use the terms “wife‟ and “husband‟ to use “spouses” in public documents and to use ‘Parent’ instead of mother and father.  This bill should be about equality and not abolition of heterosexual couples. Thus it would be recommended that they be given a choice whether to choose for e.g. wife and husband or spouses not eliminating the choice.

One of the amendments to the Interpretation Act will be: Words importing the feminine gender shall include males. The word mother shall include father and vice versa. While this amendment says –‘includes’ in reality these words have been eliminated from the other amended laws.


This act is not about true equality but elimination of such terms like mother, father, husband and wife and the complementarity of men and women – which have deep anthropological connotations. If this is just about marriage equality, this law should only offer an option and not eliminate the existing marriage as it is. This act is about bringing a culture change and not merely changing the name of a law. Motherhood and fatherhood have loaded meanings which have been proven to play an essential role in the pedagogical formation and the development of children.

We urge the Members of Parliament to consider these facts before taking a vote on this Bill.


M. Sciberras


Dr Miriam Sciberras BChD (Hons), MA Bioethics

obo Life Network Foundation Malta

Marriage is a covenant

In a 2015 pastoral letter on the same-sex marriage debate, themed ‘Don’t mess with marriage’, the Catholic Bishops of Australia observed that “At this time in history, there is much discussion about the meaning of marriage”.

In Malta, although certain laws were introduced that directly or indirectly changed the meaning of marriage, unfortunately, there was little debate both in Parliament and in the social arena. The government has now declared it will introduce ‘same-sex marriage’. I am convinced that if a debate takes place, the stand of the Catholic Church might be of great help to all those of goodwill who would like to make the right choice for the common good.

Justice requires us to treat people fairly and, therefore, not to make arbitrary, groundless distinctions.

Thus, we must treat like cases alike and different cases differently. It, therefore, follows that if the union between a man and a woman is different from other unions then justice demands that we treat that union accordingly.

Marriage is an institution designed to support people of the opposite sex to be faithful to each other and to the children of their union. This truth is not only based on faith but also on sociological, psychological and anthropological evaluations and considerations.

Such truth is inscribed in man’s nature; it is ‘natural law’.

The Australian bishops argue that what is unjust – “gravely unjust” – is: “to legitimise the false assertion that there is nothing distinctive about a man and a woman, a father or a mother; to ignore the particular values that real marriage serves; to ignore the importance for children of having, as far as possible, a mum and a dad, committed to them and to each other for the long haul; to destabilise marriage further at a time when it is already under considerable pressure; and to change retrospectively the basis upon which all existing married couples got married.”

If civil law ceases to define marriage for what it really is, it will be a serious injustice and will undermine that common good for which civil law exists.

Same-sex relationships are of a different kind to heterosexual relationships: to treat them as the same does a grave injustice to both kinds of relationships and ignores the particular values on which marriage is based.

Sometimes, people claim that children do just fine with two mothers or two fathers and that there is “no difference” between households with same-sex parents and heterosexual parents. However, sociological research, as well as the long experience of the Church and society, attests to the importance of children having both a mother and father. Thus, the Australian bishops conclude that ‘messing with marriage is also ‘messing with kids’.

When we come to legislation regarding ‘same-sex marriage’, it is very important to keep in mind that the word ‘marriage’ is not simply a label that can be attached and transferred to different types of relationships as the fashion of the day dictates.

It has an intrinsic or natural meaning despite other considerations or legislations introduced by the State.

Besides, marriage reflects God’s plan for humanity, our personal growth and that of our children and society.

To say that other relationships cannot be considered as a marriage is not to demean those other relationships or the individuals concerned but merely to recognise that marriage is the covenant of a man and a woman to live as husband and wife, exclusively and for life and be open to the procreation of children.

Considering the present debate, all the Maltese and Gozitans that truly support the institution of marriage are called to make their views known to their parliamentary representatives. These should then be left to make an informed and ‘free’ decision.

While democracy should in no way be considered as the rule of the majority at all costs, such an important decision on an institution that is crucial for society as a whole should have a natural and real democratic course, ensuring proper debate and reflection.

Fr Renato Borg spent 19 years as secretary to the late Gozo Bishop Nikol Cauchi.


On the issue of marriage, gay or otherwise

On the issue of marriage, gay or otherwise

by Dr. Michael Asciak

It seems that Parliament is to meet fast after the election and it also seems that one of the first issues on the agenda is that of gay marriage. Now let me make some things clear from the start. I am not against some kind of arrangement or civil union for gay people, I am not against any kind of dialogue and rapprochement with them, I am against any type of discrimination against anyone for that matter. I feel sorry for the discriminatory way the world has treated LGBTQI people in the past and I feel I ought to apologise for any such behaviour from others. Even in the Church of which I am a lay member, let me be clear that I am not against any of this bridge building to the point that the Church should welcome everyone with good intentions, that the Church encourages real relationships as long as the distinction between the moral object and the moral act is maintained. I am ready to accept blessing of relationships, Holy Communion, LGBTQI prayer groups and Masses as long as the distinction between moral object and moral act is maintained.

I am ready to accept even the adoption of children in contingent, not necessary, situations (the difference between necessity and contingency is an important distinction in philosophy and I use this distinction entirely within this context) but I question whether the Church can ever stand where secular society stands today on the matter of gay marriage. If the relationship between two men or two women is ever called a marriage then what would one call the relationship between a man and a woman that God created, because in all respects, it is not and can never be, the same! I am a human being and a human person with full natural rights, but being diabetic I can never exert my right to eat cake, ice cream, bread, sweets, chocolate, pasta and several other goodies in the same amount like other people. We all have restrictions imposed on us by our nature or nurturing development, genetic or epigenetic!

I am writing this letter to try to activate a dialogue because to have gay marriage introduced to our society without any form of dialogue, especially as it seems that all Members of Parliament might be voting in favour not to upset the party applecart. This smacks of political conformity that is idiotic, far from democratic and more akin to the democracy in North Korea. I always say that if everyone agrees with something then some people must not be thinking at all! The Labour party has made this issue one of its siren calls for its own reasons but ought the PN to follow suit without a proper discussion and questioning of this issue, because I know for a fact that many of its supporters are asking profound questions on this single issue? Make no mistake, my hobby is sailing and I know which way the wind is blowing. It is not my intention to obstruct the passing of this law or to hurt anyone by what I say, but the PN and society ought to realise that there are other people who have a different ethical take on this issue, as it provides a watershed in social behaviour and its effects. These people have a right to have their say in accord with their own ethical beliefs. But how are these people supposed to vote on an issue that goes against their ethical beliefs without betraying their own consciences and such beliefs? What is there left to live for then, money, power or social benefits?

The issue might be construed as a religious one, and even on those grounds people of a religious persuasion have a right to make their voice heard, but this goes beyond religion. It is an issue steeped in anthropology, in philosophy, in psychology and in sociology. It is a question for anyone with a pair of eyes to see that a gender norm exists, and for those such as me who rationally accept principles of normative ethics, that norm has a natural outcome. The outcome of an exclusive physical and emotional binding union between a man and a women resulting in a special communal relationship called ‘marriage’. Nothing can compare to it, nothing ever will. The marriage relationship is not only an emotional outlet for love and charity but it also includes an obligation, and that obligation is to provide a home for the natural fruits of that relationship. Marriage is not only composed of the rights of fidelity and love of the couple or “fides” but also the rights and obligation of “proles” or procreation. This is singular to marriage and can never be replicated by anyone of whatever other sex at least not in the human race (parthenogenesis not known to happen). Therefore, the rights and obligations of marriage are in tandem with the couple who bring children into the world and are responsible for raising them as the children normally receive their own individual identity from being raised by their genetic parents. It is their singular right entrenched in the United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child (which we have signed). There are contingencies for which we have laws. This singular obligation of marriage cannot be replicated by any other form of relationship because the dissonance between the fides and the proles parts of a marriage changes the nature of the relationship. Other forms of relationships may exist but not a marriage by self-definition. Again I am here talking about necessity not the contingency of couples who cannot have children through no fault of their own! That is still marriage because the absence of proles is a contingent issue beyond the intention of the married couples. This is what I and many other Maltese people believe.

Now if Joseph Muscat wants to go ahead with this for his own political reasons, well let him. It seems that the Labour Party is not prone to much ethical behaviour judging by the way that they behaved before and during the electoral campaign. If any within the PN want to go along with this issue, then let them, they have a right to their own views. However, what about those people in the PN who are against this issue of marriage between two people of the same sex? Should we be forced to agree with this situation as well and forced to vote for it to boot! I think not! I therefore publicly ask the party to sort this out through internal dialogue and reason. To allow the space for everyone to express their views is only an element of real democracy and if there are MPs who wish to vote against this issue, or at least not vote in favour in Parliament, they should be given a free vote and allowed to do so. I am against any witch hunting and those who like me believe that there are natural rights based on natural law and based on right reason and have their reasons to abstain from voting in favour of, or wish to vote against this law, then the PN should give them the right to do so. We are not a herd of cattle but neither are we trees and, not being trees, we have a right to move where our ethical beliefs take us!

I am very aware that following the recognition of the right of gay people to marry, other so-called rights that are not in line with natural law will directly follow, like the right to have children. Since children cannot be had by natural means, they will be had by other possible ones – so much for the fides part of the relationshipIf the proles part they wish to enjoin involves having children through third parties through IVF, gamete donation and even worse through the slavery of surrogacy, then bang goes the children’s’ rights of identity by their genetic parents. If this right goes, then so does the right to life of innocent early human life, because embryo freezing will be made legal to facilitate the rights of LGBTQI couples, as not many female egg donors are willing to go through the dangerous and painful hyperstimulation process procedures just to donate eggs for use by others. Therefore, extra embryos left over after embryo freezing in IVF become an essential item, which then justifies the introduction of embryo freezing during IVF, which although not currently needed because egg freezing is just as efficient, leads the Labour Party strangely enough, to be already committed to, wonder of wonders, embryo freezing. The slippery slope to “A Brave New World” is then in place and we create a world of human products with few rights, rather than human beings with personal rights. I ask the PN to please allow me to disagree with this developing scenario and to allow others who think like me to do the same! If not, and the gay marriage proposal is carried, please allow someone to table a Bill in Parliament which calls the relationship between a man and a woman something else other than marriage, because it would not be a marriage according to the new law, but something else entirely for which we might want to find a modern appropriate neologism!

One of Us brings together in Budapest representatives from all over Europe to send a message of support to governments defending life and family


“The crisis we experienced started the day abortion became law”: Jaime Mayor Oreja

The Symphony of Life is a tribute to the French doctor Jérôme Lejeune, discoverer of the genetic cause of Down syndrome.

“Doctors who continue to practice abortions would ask them if they believe that ending a life helps the mother”: The winner of the II One Of Us Prize, John Bruschalski


On May 27th, Budapest gathered around 600 representatives of life-support organizations from all over Europe at the II European Forum of One of Us, with the main goal to show the support of many Europeans for the policy developed by governments such as Hungary or Poland in favor of life, family and motherhood.  


Jaime Mayor Oreja, President of the Federation One of Us, affirmed that “The crisis we experienced started the day abortion became law: from there, the doors open to the imposition of gender ideology  and all those trends that attack the person and the values ​​of true humanism.  Here we are the ones that do not resign ourselves, we come to look at the roots of the crisis and to face them.”

María San Gil, former deputy in the Basque Parliament and a member of the Values ​​and Society Foundation, said: “Today we defend that life is not the heritage of any ideology and in its defense we have to be absolutely radical. The world has values ​​that deserve to be radically defended, that we do not use double meanings, double arguments, that we do not have complexes of any type and we defend them from the front, with truth and with forcefulness.” 

The One of Us Forum concluded with a presentation of its vision of the future, in which the political and social context has changed, but values ​​and convictions can not be absent from the European and national public debate.

The Symphony of Life arrives in Budapest promoted by the European Federation One of Us

The musical work, promoted by the Spanish association Symphony Orchestra and Choir JMJ, is a tribute to the French doctor Jérôme Lejeune, discoverer of the genetic cause of Down syndrome and great defender of life.

The composition has been made by the Spanish Carlos Criado and the Russian Kuzma Bodrov, and for its execution has required the presence of more than 300 musicians on stage.

In addition to the musicians of the JMJ Symphony Orchestra and their choir, the Children’s Choir of the Hungarian State Opera and the Vox Mirabilis Choir in Budapest have also taken part in the performance of the Symphony.

One of Us gives the II European Prize “A hero of the life” to the American doctor John Bruchalski

This year also gave the One of Us ‘A Hero of Life’ Prize to the American doctor John Bruschalski, a former abortionist doctor, who currently runs one of the United States’ life-support medical centers, the Tepeyac Family Center.

Dr Bruschalski spent part of his professional life promoting abortion until he felt a complete disregard for what he was doing: “I do not see happiness and joy in my clinic. More abortions means more broken relationships, more infections, more destruction, more bitterness” says the Hero of Life.

Dr. Bruchalski: “Doctors who continue to practice abortions would ask them if they believe that ending a life helps the mother. It is very hard for a mother not to worry about her son, and I would ask them if they really think that abortion is the best answer; If they do not believe there are better solutions, and if you are interested, contact me.”


2nd Forum OneofUs Life regains its dignity in Budapest

The ONE OF US European Federation brought together more than 600 people in Budapest for the second European forum for life. It was placed under the high patronage of the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán and the minister for Families, Katalin Novák.

The forum brought together Europe at the service of life: European and national politicians, associative personalities, health and ethics experts, all gathered around the theme “Protecting life: the heart of a new cultural debate”.

The forum has revived the debate on issues of life in Europe and on the strongness of values, being at the forefont of the debate the protection of vulnerable human life . The forum also sent a message of support to governments developping policies to defend human life.

During the opening of the Forum, Bence Rétvari, Hungarian Minister of Human Capacities: “I am pleased that ONE OF US has chosen our city to hold its forum. We, Hungarians,The are proud that Budapest is the capital of families … The Defense of life is one of the most important values ​​in Europe, we have added it in the Hungarian constitution by committing a fundamental declaration upholding human dignity. For the stakes of life, you can always count on Hungary.”

Jaime Mayor Oreja, President of the UN FEDERATION, reminded us that “the crisis we are experiencing began the day abortion became a right, from there the doors were opened for the gender ideology, GPA and all those ideas that go against humanism. We are the ones who refuses to accept this situation and want to fight the roots of the crisis”.

Malta was represented by Dr. Miriam Sciberras, Chairperson of Life Network Foundation Malta.