The Dictatorship of the Wealthy Donor

The Dutch ‘Safe Abortion Initiative’ aims to donate €600 million worth of abortion services to people in Africa and other parts of the developing world.

Has anyone bothered to ask the Africans?

Press release by Life Network Foundation Malta in response to the recent press conference by Minister Dalli and Prof Serracino Inglott hosting Prof Philippe Bouchard

Part of a famous quote states “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” Unfortunately, in Malta, this is the case in the discussion of the Morning After Pill (MAP).

Yesterday, at a press conference, French endocrinology professor Philippe Bouchard stressed that there is no scientific evidence that the MAP has any impact on implantation. He did not make any distinction between different pills available let alone their different modes of action but just spouted out words without backing up what he was saying.

Prof. Bouchard, or those promoting him, forgot to include a disclosure in his introduction, i.e. that Prof. Bouchard has a conflict of Interest in this discussion.

Prof. Bouchard is a scientist who works for, or is engaged by, pharmaceutical companies including HRA Pharma. The relationship between HRA Pharma and Bouchard goes back to 1980. He gets consulting and research fees from HRA Pharma and others. Isn’t it a strange coincidence that HRA Pharma is the producer of MAP and that he is in fact lobbying in favour of their products overseas?

Prof. Bouchard has also been a ‘Senior Consultant to The Population Council, New York since 1986. The Population Council offers policymakers and healthcare providers the evidence they need to help communities implement safer abortion and post abortion care practices. The Population Council is pro-abortion. How can anyone in favour of aborting a child be trusted to speak in favour of protection of embryonic human beings?

The introduction of the Morning After Pill in Malta came about as a result of a campaign of misinformation. How can MAP be about self-care when it can kill an embryo? As a prolife foundation with no pecuniary interests other than to be a voice for the pre born child, Life Network Foundation invites Prof. Bouchard and Prof. Serracino Inglott to be truthful to the scientific action of the MAP. Women taking these pills deserve to be fully informed about their possible abortifacient effects.

The Chamber of Pharmacists has a right to insist on conscientious objection and also to refrain from referring to another pharmacy stocking the MAP.

Life Network Foundation Malta notes that the recommendations presented by Parliament through the Joint Health, Social Affairs and Family Affairs committee regarding the licensing of the Morning After Pill in Malta, have acknowledged not only that different types of MAP have different modes of action, but also that there are those that operate by the prevention of implantation of the embryo, thus achieving their goal by an abortifacient process.

Dr Miriam Sciberras

Chairman Life Network Foundation Malta




ONE OF US denounces the attack to the freedom of expression and to the possibility of information to women on their maternity in France

The French Members of Parliament have passed a law banning websites that offer information on abortion to pregnant women.

The Law extends to some websites that promote what they call “false information.” Based on a 1993 legislation that penalizes third-party “interference” in the face of “interruption of pregnancy”, originally, this law intended to prevent pro-life activists from physically blocking access to abortion clinics.

The new “digital reality”, according to Rossignol, demands an update of its content, and has stated that “Thirty years ago militants were chained to abortion clinics … today their successors continue this fight on the web.”

The law punishes this practice with up to two years in prison and a fine of €30,000.
The One of Us Federation regrets and rejects this regulation that not only supposes a direct attack on the freedom of expression, but also blocks the access to information for pregnant women.

The French legislator gives himself the full capacity to decide what kind of information women can or cannot receive. It raises itself as a kind of guide to “protect” women, who cannot discern between the information they can and cannot have, that they care about or do not care about, that they need or do not need.

The Freedom of expression is clearly curtailed in France, being the legislator who defines what content is “true” and what content is not.

The French Constitution of 1975, which legalized abortion in France, foresees that women must know the alternatives to abortion. Therefore, the new legislation approved, responds to a manipulation of the reality and the possibility of choosing maternity. A society that does not protect motherhood as the very essence of the existence of that society is bound to chaos.

One of Us wants to clearly and emphatically state that motherhood is a social benefit that must be protected, while abortion is a social problem that society and legislators must solve with a prevention policy, not with censorship or jail.

European Federation ‘One of Us’
Press Contact +34 645734423
Twitter: @oneofuseu
Facebook: /oneofuseurope

Truth on morning-after pill

Lara Dimitrijevic reacted with remarkable haste to the article by Tony Mifsud (January 28) that challenged the stand of the Women’s Rights Foundation on abortion.

She should have dispassionately studied all the evidence presented to the Conjoint Parliamentary Committee related to the morning-after pill before supporting its introduction so wholeheartedly.

She tried to belittle MP Godfrey Farrugia by dismissing him as a family doctor and instead invoked the authority of the WHO, the International Federation of Gynaecologists and Obstetrics and the European Medical Agency. What she conveniently leaves out is that these authorities are all openly pro-abortion. These professional bodies do not care about the rights of the unborn child let alone embryos.

WHO and EMA quote scientific papers which say that the morning-after pill acts to stop ovulation. However on examining their own papers one finds that there is a major flaw and that they do not stop ovulation in the most fertile days. WHO and EMA also have different views of when life and pregnancy begin. They conveniently ignore the first two weeks of life and define pregnancy as starting at the end of implantation. These facts are very easy to research and verify.

For reasons best known to them, the local medical experts and above all Anthony Serracino Inglott, as head of the Medicines Authority, also chose to ignore the first stages of embryonic life.

Bruno Mozzanega, a renowned authority on the morning-after pill, recently gave a presentation locally. Despite being invited, Mark Brincat and Serracino Inglott evaded the opportunity to face him and challenge his claims that MAP is abortifacient.

Mozzanega did not mince his words. With great lucidity, he portrayed the abortifacient properties of these drugs that are wrongly peddled as contraceptives. He politely called on women to stop blindly believing all that was being claimed by the WHO and the EMA, stating unequivocally that if any scientific expert insists that the morning-after pill is not abortifacient, then “the expert is deceiving”.

He bluntly said that “if in the light of the scientific evidence available, a gynaecologist insists that MAP is not abortifacient, he is lying”. He presented scientific papers to back what he was saying. He is more than willing, together with others, to return to Malta to testify with scientific facts, and the challenge is open to whoever wants to debate with him.

Therefore, Tony Mifsud is definitely not talking through his hat when he contends that the morning-after pill can be an abortifacient and that calling it a contraceptive is a lie. In fact, it is worse than a lie to give false information to Parliament on a life and death issue. It is scandalous.

To this end, Life Network Foundation Malta and all pro-life groups will never accept emergency abortifacients, also falsely labelled emergency contraceptives. Maltese law upholds the well-established scientific fact that life starts at conception, and it is a disservice to the consumer that these facts are withheld.

That Dimitrijevic and her organisation help women in distress does not exonerate her wrong stance on MAP. In her article, she does not spell out what she implies by sexual and reproductive health, which is why it could easily be construed as a cheap slogan to promote abortifacients and worse.

After all, at a meeting of the European Parliamentary Committee on ‘Women’s Rights’ held with women’s organisations on February 3,  Dimitrijevic and Andrea Dibbins boasted that they had campaigned successfully for the introduction of MAP showing indifference to the evidence of their abortifacient properties.

Therefore, her contention that the Women’s Rights Foundation does not have a position on abortion is most worrying and justifies Mifsud’s grave concerns. An NGO worthy of its name should have a position on such a core issue irrespective of what some of its members may think. Not taking a position speaks volumes.

We agree with her that every effort should be done to assist women facing pregnancies in difficult situations. There is widespread consensus in Malta about this. We hope that when such a worthy project really takes shape it will get the full support of all women’s NGOs.

Miriam Sciberras is chairman and  Klaus Vella Bardon vice-chairman  of Life Network Foundation Malta.


Precautionary principle

Lara Dimitrijevic should keep doing the good work she said she and the Women’s Rights Foundation (WRF) are doing regarding women’s equality and against domestic violence.

Although we are one of the few nations that still abhor the murder of innocent, voiceless unborn children through abortion, we are proud of our Maltese values and laws that protect the unborn from conception.

This has been the formal position of the three main political parties so far. The latter have taken part and made pro-life speeches in the celebrations of life on pro-life days organised by the Malta Unborn Child Movement during the past 11 years.

Bruno Mozzanega the Italian gynaecologist of world fame who was in Malta last month giving talks on the morning-after pill (MAP) said the “information provided by the World Health Organisation and the European Medical Agency on the morning-after pill is not correct”.

Mozzanega, who has written over 180 scientific papers on reproductive biology, insisted that the scientific data available on the contraceptive MAP proved it is abortifacient and women were being misinformed.

“If Maltese laws protect embryos and politicians decided to introduce the contraceptive without medical prescription they have been deceived by misinformation.”

Mozzanega called on women to stop believing blindly what was being posited by the World Health Organisation and the European Medicines Authority, insisting that if any scientist considered an expert insists that the morning-after pill is not abortifacient, then “the expert is deceiving”.

The authorities should have acted cautiously on MAP. Even the chairman of the local Medicines Authority said in a power point presentation in front of the parliamentary joint committee last July that MAP “may” not be abortifacient.

In this case the precautionary principle should have been applied. Unfortunately, the hasty introduction of MAP in Malta was a great, premeditated mistaken action camouflaged by the supposed consultation, especially in parliament, by the powers that be.

On May 24, 2016, this newspaper reported Minister for the Environment José Herrera saying that “Malta is to vote against the renewal of licences for a controversial herbicide glyphosate with potential links to cancer… In the absence of scientific consensus regarding glyphosate, Malta’s original position was to abstain and recommended the possibility of implementing more stringent conditions in the licensing regimes at a national level… The government has decided to further apply the precautionary principle and, therefore, Malta should vote against the renewal of such licences.”  Those were the words of a wise government minister.

So who bears the responsibility: the dispensing chemist? If MAP has abortive consequences, where will the buck stop? 

A woman has a right over her body but she also has a duty to be careful, wise and prudent in her sexual life. She has no right to dispose of her offspring murderously through abortion or through possible abortifacient pills like MAP.

Dimitrijevic, again, said nothing at all about the rights of the unborn child from conception as protected by Maltese laws.

Dimitrijevic should reflect on the article by Josie Muscat (January 16). To my knowledge Muscat is a colleague of Mark Brincat, mentioned by Dimitrijevic. He wrote that: “The simple stark reality remains that should the MAP alter the endometrial milieu and, therefore, prohibiting nidation, then we are actually introducing abortion by the backdoor.”

He further laments that “we have become a shattered society composed of individuals who do not relate to anyone or anything except their own perceived ‘needs’”. And he warns: “The stark reality is that no one has assumed responsibility for educating and informing those interested as to what are the consequences of taking MAP or who to hold responsible.”

By implication that means WRF has failed, so far, to offer these services. It also means the authorities concerned were not reminded by WRF, as WRF “had reminded them to introduce MAP”, of their grave responsibilities to provide much-needed counselling services to MAP users.

The Pro-Life Movement in Malta has been offering free counselling and material services to pregnant women in difficulties through the service HOPE for many years. And there are plans to enhance this service even further.

Muscat laments further: “The medical profession called for MAP by prescription. The Medicines Authority ignored this advice and ordered that MAP could be sold over the counter at the request of the public. No age limitation, no advice and, certainly, no information.”

So who bears the responsibility: the dispensing chemist?  If MAP has abortive consequences, where will the buck stop? Does Dimitrijevic feel the buck stops also somewhere near her and WRF? She has already claimed merit for the introduction of MAP in Malta.

In spite of saying that the “WRF has no position on abortion now”, we have just to wait until the debate on abortion really takes off to see what the position of the WRF will be. Indications are the debate will not take very long to begin.

When it starts we will have to see if, again, there are those neat coincidences that occur when a leading figure in the government who is leading the MAP and similar campaigns sticks to the word given lately, and the promised “more to come” measures start rolling in.

In fact the Times of Malta already reported (January 26) that “the Women’s Rights Group behind the morning-after pill campaign lately demanded a mature debate on reproductive rights and abortion in schools… The call was made after a lesson on abortion delivered by the pro-life lobby Life Network Foundation to fifth form students at the National Sports School some days before.”

When I read Dimitrijevic’s reply (January 31) to my article ‘Women’s Rights and Fetal Rights’ (January 28), I wondered whether time will tell and it would establish if I really knew and understood her thoughts, her plans and her intentions.

Let’s hope I was mistaken.

Tony Mifsud is coordinator, Malta Unborn Child Movement.

“One of Us” expresses its full rejection to a possible EU taxpayer funding to perform or promote abortion

Jaime Mayor Oreja, President of the Federation One of Us: “After the resounding voice expressed by 2 million EU citizens demanding to the European Institutions to ban the fund of the activities that suppose the destruction of human life, the new declarations and requests for funding actions that directly threaten human life are not a right, but a clear violation of our democratic principles and of the defence and protection of life we owe to our society”.

Carlo Casini, honorary president of the Federation One of Us, former chairman of the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament: “Offer money to organizations that propagandize and implement abortion in the world, violates the principle of equal human dignity that Article. 2 of the EU Treaty sets as the foundation of the Union”.

Thierry de La Villejégu, Vice-President of the Federation One of Us: “The funding by the EU of programs promoting and providing abortion in developing countries is an act of pure violence, a violation of the conscience of women and a violation of national sovereignty”.

Jakub Baltroszewicz, Secretary General of the Federation One of Us: “We are firmly standing against financing abortion from the common budget of the EU”.

Alex van Vuuren, Board member of the Federation One of Us: “It is very troubling that our government is exporting abortion “services” to other nations. As if these nations cannot decide themselves about family policy and the protection of life and health of its citizens”


Brussels, February 10th 2017.- On 23 January, the new president of the United States, Donald Trump, reinstated the so-called “Mexico City Policy” – a policy first introduced and sustained by Presidents Reagan, Bush Sr., and Bush Jr., and abolished by Presidents Clinton and Obama. The Mexico City Policy states that no US taxpayer funding should go to international or foreign organizations which perform or promote abortion.

But, now, in response to this US decision, the Dutch Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Lilianne Ploumen, has launched an initiative to fund international abortion organizations under the name “She Decides”. The Dutch government is actually launching an international abortion fund to “counter” President Donald Trump’s ban of most U.S. government funding of foreign pro-abortion groups.

Dutch Trade and Development Minister Lilianne Ploumen announced on Tuesday that the fund would bankroll projects to increase access to contraception and abortion as well as “women’s education” in developing countries, according to the Independent.

The Netherlands has approached other European Union members to donate to the fund, and intends to ask non-EU governments, corporations and social institutions as well, the CBC reported on Wednesday.

The Dutch government has held preliminary discussions on the initiative with other European Union members who have responded positively, a foreign ministry spokesman said on Wednesday.

Governments outside the EU, companies and social institutions will also be approached to participate.

One of Us demands that women should be helped, not the help of abortion. Women in developing countries need essential obstetrical care, not abortion.

The 2012 World Health Organization data shows that 91 percent of maternal deaths “are preventable”. Women are experiencing suffering due to the scandalous lack of effective care during pregnancy and childbirth, resulting in 333.000 of them dying annually, 99 percent of which occur in developing countries. In sub-Saharan Africa, the risk of dying is one in 31 pregnancies. These deaths are due to direct obstetrical causes during the last trimester of pregnancy, during labour and delivery, and one week later

Jaime Mayor Oreja, President of the Federation One of Us, declares that: “The European Citizens Initiative One of Us, has been the most successful ECI by now, with almost 2 Million citizens supporting with their signatures the demand to the European Institutions to ban the fund of the activities that suppose the destruction of human life. After this resounding voice expressed by the European citizens, we have to denounce that, once again, these new actions clearly go against the demands of the citizens. These declarations and requests for funding actions that directly threaten human life, are not a right, but a clear violation of our democratic principles and of the defence and life protection”.

Carlo Casini, honorary president of the Federation One of Us: “The European Court of Human Rights has never recognized a right to abortion and it has imposed on Europe the neutrality on this subject. The Court of Justice in Luxembourg declared the human dignity of the embryo from the conception. Offer money to organizations that propagandize and implement abortion in the world, means getting out from this neutrality, encourages abortion and violence the principle of equal human dignity that Article. 2 of the EU Treaty sets as the foundation of the Union”.

Thierry de La Villejégu, Vice-President of the Federation One of Us: “The first duty of the EU toward women is to allow them to deliver a baby in conditions of dignity. I urge the European countries to quickly develop high quality medical care for each and every pregnant woman. The funding by the EU of programs promoting and providing abortion in developing countries is an act of pure violence, a violation of the conscience of women and a violation of national sovereignty. These programs must be condemned.”

Jakub Baltroszewicz, Secretary General of One of Us Federation: “The action of the Dutch Minister stand vividly against the most successful European Citizens Initiative ONE OF US. We are firmly standing against financing abortion from the common budget of the EU. This matter is not competence of the European Union and it should remain strictly the competence of the national governments.”

Alex van Vuuren, Board member of Federation One of Us and director of general affairs of the Dutch organisation Cry for Life: “It is very troubling that our government is exporting abortion “services” to other nations. As if these nations cannot decide themselves about family policy and the protection of life and health of its citizens. The argument is made that part of the funding goes to other services than abortion. That is not a product one country should export to another country under the pretext of development help. This policy of the Dutch government goes against the deep convictions of hundreds of thousands of Dutch citizens”.

European Federation ‘One of Us’

Press Contact

+34 645734423

Speech given at Oratory of St. John’s Co-Cathedral on the occasion of International Day of Life – 5th February 2017

Members of Parliament

Members of the Clergy

Distinguished guests

Ladies and Gentlemen


I would like to thank Mr. Tony Mifsud for honouring me with his invitation to address this distinguished gathering on behalf of Life Network Malta in this magnificent oratory of such great significance.

 First of all, I would like to pay tribute to Mr. Mifsud whose remarkable energy in working for the common good and for so many years is truly remarkable.

 As we all know, life flourishes in a wholesome and healthy environment.

Society has a grave responsibility to do its utmost to safeguard and protect clean air, safe water supplies, sound and harmonious housing planning etc., etc., etc.

That is why the laws of our land curb pollution, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and legislate on waste management… just to mention a few examples.

However, and above all, the most critical environment for life is that at its earliest stages… life in the womb.

That is why, Tony Mifsud has focussed with such commitment … one could say with so much passion, on the ecology of the womb where life is at its most vulnerable.

Our own NGO, Life Network Malta… set up recently, endorses his invaluable work and mission to raise public awareness on the vital importance of this issue.

Here I would like to pay tribute to other organizations such as Gift of Life of Paul Vincenti who are working in favour of life.

Sadly, in Malta, due to cultural changes in our values, the security of life in the womb is now under threat as never before.

Besides the negative extraneous factors such as environmental pollution due to chemicals entering the woman’s system, we are now facing dangers we bring about ourselves… self-inflicted …due to behaviour patterns that damage the ecology of the womb.

We know that incipient life suffers when mother smoke, ingest alcohol or take drugs. Worse still, an increasing tendency to promiscuity is leading to the spread of debilitating Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Besides damaging the embryo and the foetus, their negative impact on women have led to pain, infection, sterility and cancer.

It is most distressing to note that we seem to be taking the wrong-headed approach to such a grave issue that has proved so disastrous elsewhere.

We must recognize the impact of sexual behaviour on the integrity of the womb.

The time honoured pillars that uphold Human Dignity and revered chastity and faithfulness in marriage between a man and a woman have been abandoned and we are facing the consequences with the sharp rise in teenage pregnancies, the spread of sexually transmitted disease and broken families.

Yet the greatest threat to the womb ecology is the deliberate destruction of life itself.

In Malta we take pride that in our life is protected from conception to natural death and that abortion is illegal.

Unfortunately, we have seen repeated attempts to change this situation. As a foundation in favour of life, we are very concerned at the manner in which the Morning After Pill was introduced in Malta when it is scientifically proven that is often an abortifacient.

Who will bear the political responsibility for this decision?

As a movement we expect an answer to this question.

We regret that the recommendations of Conjoint Parliamentary Committee have been ignored.

We insist that the debate is re-opened again.

We have scientific experts of international standing who are prepared and ready to give evidence on this.

Flushing embryos down the toilet so as to indulge in irresponsible sexual behaviour is surely the most destructive behaviour one can indulge in.

I therefore take advantage of this opportunity to make an impassioned appeal to the people in authority and people of influence to change tack.

Let us fight for what is best for our young people, especially young women, the mothers of tomorrow so as to make them aware of their dignity, of the sacredness of the tabernacle of life that is their womb, and the miracle of conception and pregnancy.

As our President [Marie Louise Coleiro Preca] had said at this occasion held last year: – While I wish the Malta Unborn Child Movement (MUCM), to continue working to promote the ‘wellbeing’, even of the baby when still in the womb, and I wish them every success in their goals, to continue serve as a voice for the child who has no voice.”

I conclude by warning that the curse of abortion is on the threshold of our country.

The future and authentic well-being of society and future generations depends on you.

Do not reject this opportunity of such grave importance.

May the Holy Spirit touch your hearts and illuminate minds.

Thank you.

Klaus Vella Bardon

Vice Chairman


Full Video: Public debate – MAP: Abortion through the back door?

The 1st part of the discussion includes an introduction by Dr. Miriam Sciberras, Chairman of Life Network Foundation Malta, a presentation by Dr. Bruno Mozzanega on the mechanism of action of the Morning After Pill, and comments on the judicial protest by lawyer Dr. Tonio Azzopardi.


The 2nd part of the discussion includes comments and questions by the public to the panel, on matters relating to the Morning After Pill.