Tarbija titwieled b’saħħitha minkejja li t-tobba ssuġġerew li jsir abort

Madwar 20 sena ilu, omm ta’ żewġt itfal li kienet qed tistenna tarbija ingħatat l-aħbar li t-tarbija fil-ġuf mhux qed jiżviluppalha l-moħħ kif mistenni, u li kawża ta’ hekk, ikun aħjar li tirreferi għall-abort, liema parir ġie rrifjutat mill-ġenituri.

Din l-istorja ħarġet fil-beraħ matul simpożju dwar il-kura ħolistika għall-familji li qed jistennew tarbija li għandha xi forma ta’ diżabilità, organizzat mil-Life Network Foundation, fejn bosta ommijiet kif ukoll professjonisti fil-qasam mediku esprimew l-esperjenzi u sitwazzjonijiet xejn faċli li jaffaċċjaw. Fosthom tkellem ukoll it-tabib John Bruchalski li minn professjonist li kien jagħmel l-abort fuq nisa tqal wasal biex sar tabib favur il-ħajja, liema konverżjoni seħħet meta kien qed iwettaq abort fuq mara u fil-pront twieldet it-tarbija li kien se jtemmilha ħajjitha qabel iż-żmien.

Christina Galea Curmi rrakkontat li vista fir-raba’ xahar tat-tqala biddlet il-ħajja tagħha u tar-raġel. Minn sken irriżulta li fuq moħħ it-tarbija bdiet tidher marka li ma setgħux jinterpretaw x’tikkonsisti. Minkejja li saru numru ta’ testijiet inkluż MRI fuq il-fetu, ir-riżultati ma setgħu jikkonkludu xejn.

Għaldaqstant, il-koppja rrikorriet għal parir minn żewġ timijiet prominenti fil-qasam mediku ta’ sptarijiet prestiġġjużi f’Londra u Boston. Wara bosta evalwazzjonijiet, l-esperti waslu għall-konklużjoni li ma kien hemm l-ebda indikazzjoni li l-moħħ tat-tarbija kien qed jiżviluppa. Minħabba t-tħassib tagħhom għall-iżvilupp newroloġiku tat-tarbija hija u tikber, il-professjonisti waslu biex issuġġerew lill-koppja tagħmel abort.

Madanakollu, il-koppja Galea Curmi rrifjutat dan il-parir, hekk kif għalihom li kienu diġà ġenituri ta’ żewġt itfal, kienu lesti li jilqgħu it-tielet wild tagħhom minkejja l-problemi li setgħet iġarrab. L-omm, Christina, qalet li kienu kommessi li jagħtu l-aħjar ħajja possibli lit-tifla tagħhom.


Katarina Galea Curmi

It-tarbija titwieled kompletament b’saħħitha

Meta wasal il-jum tat-twelid, Katarina twieldet b’C-section u għall-iskantament ta’ kulħadd, twieldet kompletament b’saħħitha. Għaldaqstant, il-biża’ u l-ansjetà mill-pariri li ngħataw mit-tobba sfaxxaw fix-xejn, hekk kif f’idejhom kellhom tarbija mingħajr ebda anormalità.

Għaldaqstant, matul il-konferenza Christina saħqet li l-parir tal-esperti mediċi ma kienx biss misinterpretazzjoni iżda wkoll kif minkejja l-iżviluppi mediċi li qed isiru fix-xjenza, xorta jistgħu jkunu suġġetti għall-iżball. Iktar minn hekk, semmiet kif wieħed ma għandu jissuġġerixxi t-terminazzjoni tal-ħajja għall-ebda raġuni.

20 sena wara, dik it-tarbija li skont l-esperti kellha tiġi abortita, Katarina, hija studenta li qed taħdem fil-qasam tas-saħħa u tiddedika l-ħajja tagħha fis-servizz lejn l-oħrajn. Il-ħajja tagħha, għaldaqstant, isservi bħala xhieda tal-valur fundamentali tal-ħajja tal-bniedem.

Ma’ Newsbook Malta, Katarina li tinsab fit-tielet sena tal-kors tagħha biex issir qabla – midwife – qalet li l-istudju tagħha qed jgħinha tapprezza dejjem iktar l-isfidi kbar li jgħaddu minnhom l-ommijiet u l-missirijiet fit-tqala.

Hi kompliet tgħid li l-istudju jikkonsolida l-għarfien tagħha speċjalment f’każijiet ta’ diffikultà għall-ġenituri u t-tarbija fil-ġuf. “Għalhekk napprezza dejjem iktar l-għażliet li għamlu l-mamà u l-papà,” qalet ma’ dan is-sit.


Katarina Galea Curmi

Min-naħa tagħha, l-omm sostniet li l-esperjenza li għaddiet minnha tiżvela l-bżonn li wieħed jistaqsi u jeżamina l-vuċijiet l-aktar b’saħħithom partikolarment dawk tal-awtorità.

Hija temmet id-diskors tagħha tistqarr li l-valur tal-ħajja ma jistax jitkejjel dejjem mill-aspett tas-saħħa jew tal-konvenjenza, iżda mid-determinazzjoni u l-fidi li twassal għal riżultati straordinarji.

Illum, il-Ħadd 1 ta’ Diċembru se jsir marċ favur il-ħajja li jitlaq mill-Pjazza Jean De Valette fil-Belt Valletta fit-3:00pm.


Article published by Newsbook

Patricia Sandoval at March for Life 2023

Patricia Sandoval – will speak about her Escape from Drugs, Homelessness, and the Back Doors of Planned Parenthood

Patricia came from a broken home, good and bad boyfriends, three abortions, a job at Planned Parenthood (where she was told never to reveal what she saw), followed by methamphetamine addiction and homelessness.

Patricia Sandoval’s life story is an unusually gripping, hard-to-put-down ride along a journey that leads to an extraordinary triumph of God’s mercy—the mercy that waits patiently for all of us.

The way that Jesus came to her in the streets will leave you breathless, as will the heights to which God has since carried her.

If you know of someone who believes they cannot be forgiven or return to Church, this is the book to give them. (Watch the video of reader comments below.) Read Transfigured. Be Transfigured.

Patricia now travels the world as a pro life speaker, sharing her story with millions in packed stadiums and on radio and television shows, such as EWTN’s Bookmark, Life on the Rock, Women of Grace, At Home with Jim and Joy; and in Spanish, on EWTN’s Cara a Cara, Nuestro Fe en Vivo, Ellas lo Dicen, De Dos en Dos—and now on her own show with Astrid Bennett Gutiérrez: Informe Provida

Planned Parenthood Uses Hamas Attack to Sell Abortion

On October 7, Israel was the victim of one of the most horrific terrorist attacks in modern history. Heavily armed Hamas gunmen flew or drove into civilian centers and then began slaughtering everybody within reach, including women and children. By the time the massacre was done, over 1,000 Israelis had been killed, thousands more injured, and hundreds taken hostage. In the face of this appalling attack, Israel quickly responded, launching numerous airstrikes into Hamas-controlled Gaza. As of this writing, it appears that Israel is preparing to invade Gaza, the next stage in what is likely to be a long and brutal war. Read the full article here

Selfless mother-of-two volunteers to save abandoned premature babies

A 25-year-old Tanzanian woman has given up all her time to provide 24-hour ‘kangaroo care’ to abandoned premature infants.

The life of Mariam Mwakabunga, a selfless mother-of-two and a resident of Kinyerezi in Ubungo District in Tanzania, radically changed when she visited a hospital and discovered the plight of premature babies who had been abandoned. 

Read the full article here

Amended pro-life bill passes through committee stage, despite appeals by pro-choice activists

The government’s amended abortion bill has passed through Parliament’s committee stage with unanimous support from all MPs present, despite appeals by pro-choice activists for the bill which had initially been proposed to be reinstated.

The amendments to the bill, which seeks to change Malta’s Criminal Code, were presented last week, with the government changing several controversial elements of its first proposal in an act which drew praise from pro-life lobbies, and scorn from pro-choice lobbies.

Read the full article here.

Malta govt backs down on abortion bill after protests

VALLETTA, June 23 (Reuters) – Malta’s government on Friday backed down on a bill which would have allowed the abortion of pregnancies when the mother’s health was at serious risk, saying instead that terminations would only be allowed when the mother’s life was in danger.

Read the full article here.

Pro-life relief, pro-choice dismay: reactions to changed abortion bill

Revised amendments to Malta’s abortion laws have sparked contrasting reactions

Pro-life activists have welcomed changes made by the government to a proposed amendment to the Criminal Code that will allow for the termination of a pregnancy in select circumstances.

Health Minister Chris Fearne announced the revised wording of amendments on Friday morning.

Read the full article here.

The Pregnancy Effect – The Physical and Mental Challenges a Pregnant Woman Faces by Shirley Jobson

It is a legitimate fact: pregnancy is not always easy! Just as we are all unique, every experience we face may also be particular to each person. Some women seem to breeze through their pregnancy and birth with minimal side effects. However, it may not always be as rosy for others.

A woman’s body goes through many changes when she is expecting. She faces physical issues and exacerbated conditions which can be extremely exhausting. Her mental and emotional wellbeing is also put through the wringer, with intense levels of psychological ups and downs. She may even feel guilt and shame for experiencing depression at a time when she is expected to be celebrating the new life inside her.

I spoke to three Maltese women to explore what they went through during their pregnancies.

 In the course of her two pregnancies, at ages 39 and 42, C. experienced various challenges which affected both her physical and mental state.

 “I suffer from scoliosis, and my back problems increased during both my pregnancies. I endured an inflammation of the sciatic nerve both times, leading to a constantly painful back which made sitting and lying down extremely tough.”

 Eating was also a “double-edged sword” for C. “I used to get hungry, of course, but after eating, I would feel very bloated, heavy, and nauseous. I also suffered from heartburn, which was more severe in my second pregnancy. This left me with constant pain in my stomach. As the baby grew, its position increased my discomfort considerably.”

 Sadly, C.’s first pregnancy resulted in a stillbirth a few weeks before her due date.

“Yes, there were obviously mental struggles. I’m sure these occur in every pregnancy—you don’t need to experience a stillbirth. The worry, the sleepless nights, the fear of the unknown. Will the baby be delivered safely? How will I manage to breastfeed?”

“It is obviously quite tough to have another child after experiencing a stillbirth. But I really wanted this child, and we happily got pregnant—and I repeat, happily! Thankfully, our second pregnancy was fruitful!”

 S.* fell pregnant at 19 years of age—“and it just shook my world!”

 An unplanned pregnancy may bring overwhelming psychological issues, which, along with the physical side effects, can be enormously distressing. Furthermore, a girl still in her teens might not feel fully prepared for such a tremendous change in her life.

“My first pregnancy resulted in a very traumatic birth,” explained S.* “I was prepped for a C-section—which never happened! My baby was born via ventouse. I had a million doctors observing me during the birth—for which I was never asked permission. Afterward, I couldn’t even sit down because of all the stitches. It was a nightmare!”

Assisting a birth with a ventouse involves attaching a vacuum cup to the baby’s head through suction, a procedure which involves a number of risks for both the mother and the baby. Moreover, S.* felt that no one was explaining anything to her during the process.

“I was so traumatised by the birth of my firstborn, I thought I was going to die.”

S.*’s troubles did not stop there, however. “I had problems breastfeeding. I was really struggling and having a hard time mentally. In fact, I had post-natal depression for a year afterwards. The whole experience left me shaken.”

In spite of all this, S.* still went on to have two more children in her twenties.

At 42 years of age, J.’s experience “defied science and logic from the start”.

“Getting pregnant at 42 was incredible, especially without the basic vitamins needed. Since this was my first pregnancy, however, I had a high chance of miscarrying. We learned that, scientifically, the mother is simply a carrier and cannot protect from or prevent the worst. The baby is completely on its own to fight for its own life.”

“I had a fibroid on the posterior wall of my cervix, meaning a natural birth was impossible. This landed me a couple of times in the hospital. I also suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome from the beginning of the second trimester, as well as hypertension (high blood pressure) and gestational diabetes. I was confined to bed rest and ended up giving birth via C-section a week before plan. The procedure per se went well; the aftermath was an event that nearly landed me in the ITU.”

It is vital to point out that most physical and mental issues during pregnancy are treatable.

The women I spoke to certainly did not have easy pregnancies. But they all found their own ways to cope.

  1. drank milk to help with her heartburn and took tablets to suppress the acid reflux in her stomach. The mental issues were harder to overcome, but C.’s positive approach helped.

“I never allowed the negative thoughts to take over. My attitude was: this child is precious, and an accident that happened in my first pregnancy will not take that away. I was grateful, and the gratitude literally took over. I just felt . . . it will be ok.”

S.*, on the other hand, was closed to children in her mind, but she reached out to others.

“My family really helped me during my first pregnancy. And my then boyfriend, who is now my husband, was very supportive. It was not easy—we were young but in a totally different stage of life to our friends. My second pregnancy was the best out of the three. During this time, I attended meetings provided by the perinatal mental health services in hospital. These really helped me overcome my past anxieties.”

The major support that J. received from her husband and family was “stellar”.

“I also received support from the perinatal mental health services. Due to a genetic predisposition, I immediately accepted their assistance, even at a time when all I felt was happiness and awe. Thankfully, all tests done on the baby in the womb showed him to be growing in a healthy manner.“

So, is it worth it being pregnant and having babies?

C.’s response was categorical. “In spite of all the issues, it is worth it 101%—if not more! A child is a blessing, a joy, innocent. Children bring out the beauty in humanity. I like to say: humans are children, then they become adults—unfortunately! I find it in myself as well; I’m not always a nice adult,” she added with a smile.

S.* also agreed that the struggles were all worth it. “I would do it again—no doubt about it. Because it’s not about me, it’s about my children. Even with my first pregnancy, it was always about my son. He’s here, so I’m happy about that. Abortion never even crossed my mind. No way—I prefer to die! Giving birth is always stepping into the unknown, but it is so rewarding.”

  1. too extolled the awe-inspiring circumstances surrounding pregnancy and child-bearing.

“A pregnancy and a baby, in all their powers, have the strength to defy science from start to finish. The simple fact that we did manage to deliver a healthy baby is in itself a defiance of the odds. Furthermore, this baby never needed the resuscitation room and never experienced any withdrawal symptoms from the medications I was taking. And if you see him today, he is just a joy to be around.”

“My experience as a mother, both mentally and physically, is another trip of choices. I had every excuse to give in to a pity party. This was an opportunity to become a woman more resilient in all my ways. I want to ensure that, whatever negatives come my way in life, I have an option not to transfer any of them to the baby. I learnt, instead, to deal with them as they come—at times with outside help—and develop new skills on how to tackle every situation.”

  1. concluded: “This journey was also an opportunity to give birth to self. For a woman, this is a unique and precious time to get to see a better version of herself.”

It is clear that both mental and physical issues during pregnancy are common and may be present even after the baby is born. It is vital that the woman or girl speaks up and reaches out. Mental problems are nothing to be ashamed of, and neither is seeking help for them.

Most women do survive the challenges they face when expecting, and most of these can be remedied. Abortion, however, is not a remedy. It is merely a procedure that will bring its own physical and mental problems, rather than solve the situation.

Be inspired by the women who endured and came out stronger than before—as mothers!

And reach out to LifeLine if you are experiencing any kind of predicament during or after your pregnancy at https://lifelinemalta.eu/

*First initial was changed to protect anonymity.