American College of OB/GYNs announces support for killing preborn humans ‘without limits’

The pro-abortion American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG) has announced that it will nationally support abortion up to birth “without limits.”

In an op-ed written by leaders of ACOG and the Society of Family Planning for The Washington Post, the groups stated that abortion “must be available without restrictions, without limitations and without barriers.”

Read the full article here

European bishops: there is no “fundamental right to abortion”

COMECE on the “ethical indefensibility” of an EU fundamental right to abortion

In the context of the public debate on including a supposed right to abortion in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, COMECE publishes the statement The Ethical Indefensibility of an EU Fundamental Right to Abortion elaborated by its Commission on Ethics.

Read more here

EU Bishops: ‘No such thing as a right to abortion’

EU Bishops: ‘No such thing as a right to abortion’

As the European Parliament prepares to discuss a second resolution reaffirming its support to the US 1973 ruling Roe v. Wade, which was recently overturned, the Catholic Bishops of the EU insist that abortion is not a fundamental human right.
See the full article here.

Amended pro-life bill passes through committee stage, despite appeals by pro-choice activists

The government’s amended abortion bill has passed through Parliament’s committee stage with unanimous support from all MPs present, despite appeals by pro-choice activists for the bill which had initially been proposed to be reinstated.

The amendments to the bill, which seeks to change Malta’s Criminal Code, were presented last week, with the government changing several controversial elements of its first proposal in an act which drew praise from pro-life lobbies, and scorn from pro-choice lobbies.

Read the full article here.

Malta govt backs down on abortion bill after protests

VALLETTA, June 23 (Reuters) – Malta’s government on Friday backed down on a bill which would have allowed the abortion of pregnancies when the mother’s health was at serious risk, saying instead that terminations would only be allowed when the mother’s life was in danger.

Read the full article here.

Pro-life relief, pro-choice dismay: reactions to changed abortion bill

Revised amendments to Malta’s abortion laws have sparked contrasting reactions

Pro-life activists have welcomed changes made by the government to a proposed amendment to the Criminal Code that will allow for the termination of a pregnancy in select circumstances.

Health Minister Chris Fearne announced the revised wording of amendments on Friday morning.

Read the full article here.

David vs Goliath

‘David vs. Goliath’: Pro-life leader describes strong pressure on Malta to legalize abortion

On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon speaks with Dr. Miriam Sciberras, leader of the Life Network Foundation Malta, about the outpouring of pro-life support as lawmakers debate a bill to legalize abortion, the domestic and foreign pressure to upend Malta’s culture of life, and why she thinks abortion is the foremost human rights issue of all time.

Read full article.

With whom is the Government consulting?

18/2/ 2023  

Statement issued by the Coalition Int Tista Ssalvani: With whom is the Government consulting?

The Coalition Int Tista’ Ssalvani and the Group of 80 Experts and supported actively by over 25,000 petitioners, are being ignored.

According to media reports of comments made by the Minister for Health yesterday, Government will be holding meetings on the abortion bill with a “wide array” of stakeholders till next week or the following.

The PM has also been quoted as saying that Government will meet with everyone to understand the main concerns and fears presented by the amendment and to understand any concerns about how it can be abused.

The Inti Tista’ Ssalvani coalition wrote to the Prime Minister on 1st December 2022 to ask for “an urgent meeting”, but is yet to receive a reply.

Read full press release here.

PBS censorship of the President of Malta when speaking against abortion

28/1/ 2023 

PBS censorship of the President of Malta when speaking against abortion.

Life Network Foundation, Doctors for Life and I See Life, on behalf of the Inti Tista’ Ssalvani coalition, the leading campaign against the introduction of abortion in Malta, wrote to PBS and the Broadcasting Authority in regard to the Broadcasting Act. The coalition is complaining about the censorship carried out by PBS, in the news service that appeared on TVM on 26th January 2023, about what His Excellency The President of the Republic of Malta said in commemoration of the Holocaust.

Read full press release here.

New Distribution Hub

As part of Life Week, LNF announced the opening of a new Central Distribution Hub for Mothers and Babies in need.

Listen to an explanation below and read the press release here: