Il-Pillola tal-Għada Filgħodu (Morning-After Pill): Kun af il-fatti

Il-Pillola tal-Għada Filgħodu (Morning-After Pill): Kun af il-fatti

Is-sopravivenza hija istint uman bażiku li jitqanqal hekk kif il-ħajja ta’ xi ħadd issib ruħha fil-periklu. Meta nifaċċjaw theddida, l-istint li naħarbu jew niġġieldu, l-iskop li nħarsu lilna nfusna, naraw li huma parti integrali minna lkoll. Ħafna minna jibqgħu ‘l bogħod minn sitwazzjonijiet li huma ta’ sogru jew ta’ periklu għall-ħajja, anke jekk dawn ikunu rikreattivi.

Dawk li jogħxew bl-adernalina għandu mnejn ifettlilhom jaqbżu minn ajruplan jew jixxabtu ma’ rdum, imma ħadd mhu se jagħmel hekk mingħajr l-apparat tas-sigurtà u mingħajr ma jieħu l-prekawzjonijiet meħtieġa. Il-ħajja prezzjuża u ħafna minna, f’każ ta’ dubju,  jippreferu jagħżlu li jkunu  kawti jekk ikun hemm l-inqas ċans li se jfeġġ xi il-periklu għal ħajjithom jew ħajjet ħaddieħor.

Mela allura, għaliex hemm min lest jilgħab ir-roulette Russa b’dik il-ħajja umana li qiegħda tifforma fil-ġuf?

​​Diġà kien hawn ħafna diskussjonijiet, artikli u dibattiti fuq il-Pillola tal-Għada Filgħodu (Morning Afer Pill), u jekk din hijiex abortifaċjenti jew le. Hawn ħafna li jsostnu li mhux vera din il-pillola għandha t-tielet funzjoni, jiġifieri li ma tħallix il-bajda fertilizzata timpjanta. Fi kliem ieħor, jgħidu li l-Pillola tal-Għada Filgħodu ma taffettwax bajda li tkun impjantata diġà, u allura m’għandhiex effett abortifaċjenti.

Kull min jagħmel ir-riċerka sew isib li ċerti studji urew li l-Pillola tal-Għada Filgħodu tassew tista’ ma tħallix il-bajda fertilizzata timpjanta fil-ġuf, spejalment jekk l-ovulazzjoni tkun diġà saret. Hawn min isostni li tqala tibda biss wara li-bajda ferilizzata timpjanta fl-utru. Effettivamnet qegħdin jgħidu li, jiġri x’jiġri lill-bajda qabel l-impjantazzjoni, qatt ma tista’ tgħid li hemm telfien ta’ ħajja.

Imma dan imur kontra x-xjenza li turina li l-ħajja tibqda mat-tnissil.

Skont l-American Association of Pro-Life Obstericians (AAPLOGG), L-informazzjoni fuq it-tikketta ta’ Plan B tgħid li din il-mediċina ma tikkawżax abort fil-każ tqala impjantata, imma tammetti li għandu mnejn ma tħallix li ssir l-impjantazzjonu ta’ bajda fertilizzata (embrijun). Aħna noġġezzjonaw għal dan id-diskors ambigwu u qarrieqi. Li tittermina embrijun uman huwa abort, kemm qabel ma jimpjanta fl-utru u kemm qabel. Jekk il-kunsens se jkun  infurmat u xieraq ifisser li l-mara għandha tkun infurmata b’mod ċar dwar il-possibiltà li jekk tuża l-pillola tal-għada filghodu jista’ jkun hemm abort.’’

Barra minn hekk,ellaOne kimikament tixbah lill-pillola abortiva magħrufa bħala RU-486, tant li dawn iż-żewġ pilloli qishom aħwa. Fil-fatt, instab li ellaOne mhux biss iżżomm l-impjantazzjoni milli ssir, imma anke tikkawża abort tal-embrijun wara l-impjantazzjoni. Tagħmel hekk billi “ma tħallix il-progesterone jeħel mal-ħajt tal-utru u b’hekk iċċaħħad lill-embrijun min-nutrijenti li jeħtieġ biex jibqa’ jgħix.’’

Dawn l-avvenimenti jista’ jkun li huma rari, imma jiġru.

Hemm argument qawwi ħafna li l-pillola tal-għada filgħodu jista’ jfixkel il-proċessi naturali tal-iżvilupp tal-bniedem u tqiegħed fil-periklu il-ħajja. Ħadd ma għandu jwarrab dawn l-argumenti bħallikieku ma jfissru xejn. Jekk tassew hemm il-periklu, żgħir kemm hu żgħir, kull min jgħożż il-ħajja għandu jieqaf u jaħseb.
Il-possibiltà li din l-hekk imsejħa pillola ‘’li ma tagħmilx ħsara’’ ikollha effett negattiv fuq il-bajda fertilizzata – il-ħajja l-ġdida – hemm qiegħda. Barra minn hekk, din il-mediċina għandha s-side effects tagħha fuq il-mara li toħodha. Il-mara għandha teżamina u tiżen dan is-sogru qabel ma tirrikorri għall-pillola tal-għada filgħodu.

Xi wħud iġibu l-argument li l-Pillola tal-Għada Filgħodu se twassal biex ikun hemm anqas aborti.

Madankollu, skont l-AAPLOG, id-data turi li anke meta n-nisa jkollhom ‘’il-kontraċezzjoni ta’ emerġenza’’ b’xejn id-dar ma nstabel l-ebda differenza fir-rati ta’ tqala mhix ippjanata jew fir-rati tal-abort. Fil-fatt, fir-Renju Unit “il-kontraċezzjonia ta’ emerġenza” ilha dosponibbli mingħajr riċetta sa mill-2001 u r-rati tal-abort fir-Renju Unit telgħu fl-ogħla livelli li qatt kienu.

​Għalhekk inħeġġu l-pubbliku ingenerali – u speċjalment lin-nisa – biex jinfurmaw ruħhom. Ninkoraġġguhom li jsiru jafu x’inhuma l-għażliet kollha qabel jieħdu deċiżjonijiet kruċjali. Irridu li n-nisa jkunu jafu li mhumiex waħidhom. Aħna dejjem lesti noffrulhom l-appoġġ, speċjalment f’każ ta’ stupru, teenagers li joħorġu tqal u sitwazzjonijiet oħra li ma jkunux kif wieħed jixtieq.

Filwaqt li nissimpatizzaw għal kollox mat-tfajla jew mara li qiegħda tiffaċċja tqala li ma tridhiex, il-ħajja ċkejkna fil-ġuf xorta waħda hija prezzjuża u jistħoqqilha l-protezzjoni wkoll. Iċ-ċirkustanzi li wasslu għat-tnissil ta’ din il-persuna ġdida ma jnaqqsu xejn mill-umanità tagħha.

Mela minn qalbna nitolbuk li taħsibha darbtejn qabel tirrikorri għal xi ħaġa li tista’ tkun ta’ theddida għall-istess ħajja.

Anke jekk il-pillola tal-għada filgħodu tista’ tinkiseb faċilment mingħajr riċetta, m’għandhiex tintuża bla ħsieb. Irridu nqisu li jista’ jkollha konsegwenzi fatali għal ħajja umana innoċenti kif ukoll li tista’ tipperikola s-saħħa tal-mara. Kun af il-fatti u ddeċiedi bil-għaqal.

U ddefendi l-ħajja, dejjem.

Artiklu miktub min Shirley Jobson 

Shirley Jobson is a freelance writer and proofreader, born and raised on the island of Malta. An avid reader and writer from a very young age, her wish is to use her skills to raise awareness about societal issues that are close to her heart. Shirley is passionately pro-life and pro-women. She is in favour of life-affirming choices and support for women in crisis, as well as safeguarding every life, from the moment of conception until natural death.


The Dangers of the Morning After Pill

Plan B: Abortifacient and Other Risks

Does the Drug “ella” Cause Abortions?

The Morning-After Pill
An article by Wendy Wright, Carol Denner, R.N., and Jill Stanek, R.N.

The Morning After Pill: Know the Facts

The Morning After Pill: Know the Facts

Survival is a basic human instinct that kicks in whenever someone’s life is in danger. When threats arise, the urge to flee, the instinct to fight, the goal of self-preservation, are all innate in every human being. Many will shy away from risky or life-threatening situations, even if these are recreational.

Adrenaline junkies might jump from a plane or abseil down a cliff, but none of them will do it without the proper safety equipment and precautions. Life is precious and most of us would tend to err on the side of caution if there is the slightest risk that their own, or someone else’s, life will be endangered.

So then, why are people willing to play Russian roulette with the tiny human life forming inside the womb?

​​There have already been numerous discussions, articles, and debates about the Morning After Pill (MAP), and whether it is abortifacient or not. Many have argued that the third function, that of potentially preventing implantation of a fertilised egg, does not exist. They claim that the MAP does not affect an already implanted egg, thus negating its abortifacient quality.

Anyone who does their research well however, will find that certain studies have indeed shown that the MAP can stop the fertilised egg from implanting itself in the womb, especially if ovulation has already occurred. Some people further insist that a pregnancy does not start before the egg has implanted itself in the womb. They are effectively claiming that anything that happens to the egg before implantation does not lead to loss of life.

But this negates the scientific fact that life begins at the moment of fertilisation.

​According to the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians (AAPLOG), “the FDA labelling on Plan B states that the medication will not abort an implanted pregnancy, but allows that it may stop implantation of a fertilized egg (an embryo). We object to this deceptive doublespeak. Terminating a human embryo is abortion, whether before or after its implantation into the uterus. Adequate informed consent dictates that the woman using this medication be plainly informed of this abortifacient potential.

​Also, ellaOne is chemically similar, and often referred to as the sister drug, to RU-486, the abortion pill. In fact, ellaOne has been found to not only impede implantation, but also to cause embryos to be aborted after implantation. It does this by “preventing progesterone from adhering to the uterine lining and thus denying the embryo the nutrients it needs to survive.

These events may be rare, but they can happen!

There is an extremely viable argument that the morning after pill can actually interfere with the natural process of human development and endanger life. No one should dismiss these facts as if they mean nothing. If the risk is there, however small it is, anyone who values life should stop and think.

The possibility that the fertilised egg—the new life—will be negatively affected by this so-called “harmless” pill does exist. Furthermore, this medication also carries its fair share of side effects for the woman taking it. It is worthwhile to explore and evaluate these risks before resorting to the morning after pill.

Some people argue in favour of the Morning After Pill (MAP) by saying that it will lead to less abortions.

And yet, according to the AAPLOG, actual data demonstrates that even providing women with free “emergency contraception” on hand at home has not made a difference in the unintended pregnancy or abortion rates of women. Indeed, the United Kingdom has had over-the-counter access to “emergency contraception” since 2001 and UK abortion rates have risen to their highest levels ever.

​We therefore urge the general public—and especially women—to inform themselves. We encourage them to know their options before making any crucial decisions. We want women to know that they are not alone. We will always offer them support, especially in cases of abuse, rape, teenage pregnancies, and other less than ideal situations.

While we sympathise deeply with the girl or woman who is facing an unwanted pregnancy, the little life inside is still precious and innocent and deserves to be protected too. The circumstances leading to the conception of this new person do not make him or her any less human.

So please, think twice before resorting to something which potentially threatens life itself.

Being readily available over the counter does not mean that the morning after pill should be used recklessly. The possibly fatal consequences to an innocent human life, as well as the health risks for the woman herself, must be carefully considered. Know the facts, study the risks, and tread carefully.

​And always keep standing up in favour of life!

Article written by Shirley Jobson

Shirley Jobson is a freelance writer and proofreader, born and raised on the island of Malta. An avid reader and writer from a very young age, her wish is to use her skills to raise awareness about societal issues that are close to her heart. Shirley is passionately pro-life and pro-women. She is in favour of life-affirming choices and support for women in crisis, as well as safeguarding every life, from the moment of conception until natural death.


​The Dangers of the Morning After Pill

Plan B: Abortifacient and Other Risks

Does the Drug “ella” Cause Abortions?

The Morning-After Pill
An article by Wendy Wright, Carol Denner, R.N., and Jill Stanek, R.N.

Celebrating All Women on Women’s Day-Press Release

Celebrating All Women on Women’s Day

The gift of a woman including her skills, intuition, nurturing, talents and maternity need to be appreciated daily. On the 8th of March, annually, we pay tribute to women. On this day, the world stops and gives women coming from all walks of life, ages, races, nationalities, cultures, and social backgrounds the acknowledgement and merit they deserve.

Life Network Foundation Malta joins in the celebration of all women from conception to natural death. This year, we are restricted to celebrating online.

We have messages from Pro-Life women which we will be broadcasting via social media.

Empowering pregnant women is part of our mission.

Last year, through our support branch Life Line, we had the privilege to assist women who were facing crisis pregnancies. The women chose life and we celebrate saving the lives of over 30 babies. 

We are horrified to see that in 2021, with the equality battle cry full on, sex-selective abortion in other countries still leads to the death of millions of babies. A five-year study by the publication Down to Earth shows that almost 23.1 million females are missing due to sex-selective abortions in 12 Asian and European countries. Generations of women are being wiped out before they take their first breath, depriving us of mothers, sisters, nurses, teachers, doctors, scientists and explorers.

Let us, therefore, celebrate all women on women’s day – including the baby girl in the womb – who is the woman of tomorrow.


Happy Women’s Day!

Life Network Foundation Malta


Click here to view our video clip with messages from Pro-Life women celebrating Women’s Day

Niċċelebraw lin-Nisa Kollha f’Jum Il-Mara

Niċċelebraw lin-Nisa Kollha f’Jum Il-Mara

Il-mara, bil-ħiliet, l-intuwizzjoni, il-kapaċità li trabbi, it-talenti u l-maternità għandna napprezzawha kuljum. Kull sena, fit-8 ta’ Mejju, nonoraw lill-mara. Bħal-lum id-dinja tieqaf u tagħti r-rikonoxximent u l-ġieħ mistħoqq lin-nisa mill-isferi kollha tal-ħajja, ta’ kull età, razza, nazzjonalità, kultura u sfond soċjali.

Life Network Foundation tissieħeb maċ-ċelebrazzjoni tan-nisa kollha mit-tnissil sal-mewt. Din is-sena jkollna bilfors niċċelebraw online biss. Għandna messaġġi minn nisa favur il-ħajja li se nxandru permezz tal-media soċjali.

Parti mill-missjoni tagħna hija l-nagħtu l-ħiliet neċessarji lin-nisa li qegħdin jistennew tarbija – u li nsaħħuhom. Is-sena li għaddiet, permezz tal-fergħa tagħna li tipprovdi l-appoġġ, kellna l-privileġġ li ngħinu lil diversi nisa li t-tqala kienet se titfagħhom fi kriżi. Dawn in-nisa għamlu għażla favur il-ħajja u nistgħu niċċelebraw il-fatt li tletin tarbija ġew salvati.

Hija sitwazzjoni tat-tkexkix li fl-2021, minkejja l-ħafna kliem u l-battalji favur l-ugwaljanza bejn is-sessi, l-abort selettiv abbażi ta’ sess qed iwassal għall-mewt ta’ miljuni ta’ trabi. Studju ta’ ħames snin mill-pubblikazzjoni msejħa Down To Eath turi li hemm kważi 23.1 miljun mara fi tnax-il pajjiż Ażjatiku u Ewropew li, minħabba l-aborti selettiv, qatt ma kellhom ċans jitwieldu. Ġenerazzjonijiet ta’ nisa qegħdin jinqerdu qabel ma jroddu l-ewwel nifs, u l-umanità qiegħda tiċċaħħad minn ommijiet, aħwa, infermiera, għalliema, tobba, xjenzati u esploraturi.

Mela, f’Jum il-Mara  ejjew niċċelebraw lin-nisa kollha, inkluża t-trabi nisa fil-ġuf – li hija l-mara ta’ għada.

Awguri, f’Jum il-Mara!
Life Network Foundation.


Agħfas hawn biex tara l-filmat bil-messaġġi minn nisa favur il-ħajja jiċċelebraw Jum il-Mara



Life Line Malta Crisis Pregnancy Support  

Life Line Malta Crisis Pregnancy Support  

Being in a crisis pregnancy, finding yourself alone, lost and not knowing what to do or nowhere to turn to is no easy task.

At Life Line Malta (within Life Network Foundation), we offer support through our help line 20330023 and our 24/7 online chat on

All calls and chats are kept confidential and anonymous. Life Line Malta crisis pregnancy support has opened its doors in 2018 and has been offering help by being there for the mother, the father and their families in any support that is needed. Our professional counselors and skilled listeners are ready and available to help you if you are facing a crisis pregnancy, a negative diagnosis or trying to find healing after an abortion. In the years that Life Line Malta has been operating we assisted mothers from different ages, background and cultures. Life Line Malta is ready to help anyone who is in need of our services and support. Our aim is to empower women during and after their pregnancy, with the ultimate goal to help them grow into becoming a better woman and mother.

Since its inception, Life Line Malta has offered its support to over a hundred families, who in some way or another needed emotional help or material help.

In 2020, Life Line Malta saved 30 babies, which is the equivalent to two kindergarten classes.


The 24/7 online chat assists and supports women in need. A team of skilled listeners are available through our helpline to give continuous guidance. A vital cornerstone in our support services is the counselling branch, through our dedicated counsellor who walks alongside and supports all the mothers, fathers and family throughout the pregnancy and after childbirth. Together with the team and the counsellor we walk the whole journey with the family.

Dar Tgħanniqa T’Omm offers shelter to mothers in a crisis pregnancy right up to the child’s first birthday. On the 22nd of January 2021 the shelter celebrated its second year of operation. The aim of the shelter is for the mother and child to seek residence with us. In the time the mother would be residing at ‘Dar Tgħanniqa T’Omm’, our staff together with the help of our volunteers would be there to support and assist the mother in all that she needs prior to the baby’s birth and also after the child is born.

At Life Line Malta, through its progamme ‘SaveOne post abortion healing’, we also offer an effective healing process to women, men, and couples as well as family members who are carrying the pain of an abortion in their life.



World Down Syndrome Day 2021-Press Release

World Down Syndrome Day 2021

Sunday the 21st of March 2021 marks World Down Syndrome Day—a day to acknowledge people with Down Syndrome and their valid contribution to society.

Until the mid-twentieth century, people with Down Syndrome were commonly institutionalised, with many of them passing away at a young age due to health problems which were largely left untreated. In recent decades, however, attitudes towards them began shifting due to growing advocacy from parents, medical staff, and various organisations. People with Down Syndrome and other conditions were increasingly accepted into society, an integration which significantly increased their life expectancy to more than double. In fact, many of them live long and relatively healthy lives well into their sixties and seventies.

Today, people with Down Syndrome lead accomplished and ordinary lives. They receive their education in mainstream schools and universities. They are able to work, volunteer, marry, and live independently. They can vote and offer a beneficial and valid contribution to society. Many speak out publicly about their condition, creating awareness through their personal backgrounds. They demonstrate that their abilities are not restricted by their condition and that they are valuable members of today’s world.

Sadly, there are countries which do not validate the lives of people with Down Syndrome and other disabilities. In Iceland, nearly a 100% of women who confirm that their unborn child has Down Syndrome choose to abort their baby. The percentage of termination after diagnosis of this condition in Denmark is 98%; in France, 77%; in the United States, 67%. These percentages are shocking and heartbreaking. Iceland boasts of eradicating the condition, but in reality this practice is merely terminating the lives of the people with the condition. If expectant mothers and parents-to-be were instead offered more support and given information about what life with a person who has Down Syndrome entails, there would be fewer of them resorting to abortion.

Here in Malta, approximately five to seven babies are born with Down Syndrome annually. Our society has come a long way in accepting this condition with all the challenges it may bring. A measure of uncertainty and misinformation may occasionally be encountered locally, especially when it comes to slower child development. However, parents of children with Down Syndrome feel that the policy of inclusion here in Malta enhances their interaction with other children and aids greatly in their education. There is a lot of support from government and private organisations, which offer therapy, financial benefits, and other assistance to families. Discrimination against people with the condition has indeed gone down significantly, and they are nearly invariably treasured by Maltese society.

Life Network Foundation values every human life, whether in the womb or out of it. The protection of children in the womb is essential, even more so when an unexpected diagnosis leads to a crisis pregnancy due to fear or uncertainty. Life Network Foundation will continue to offer support and raise awareness about Down Syndrome and other conditions, because every single person is unique and deserves to be celebrated and loved.

Happy World Down Syndrome Day!

Life Network Foundation Malta

Il-Jum Dinji tad-Down Syndrome 2021-Stqarrija għall-Istampa

Il-Jum Dinji tad-Down Syndrome 2021

Il-Ħadd 21 ta’ Marzu 2021 huwa il-Jum Dinji tad-Down Syndrome – jum li fih nirrikonoxxu lill-persuni bid-Down Syndrome u l-kontribut siewi li jagħtu lis-soċjetà.

Sa nofs is-seklu għoxrin, il-persuni bid-Down Syndrome kienu sikwit jinżammu f’istituzzjonijiet u ħafna minnhom kienu jmutu ta’ età żgħira minħabba problemi ta’ saħħa li, ħafna drabi, ma kinitx tingħatalhom kura għalihom. Imma fi żmien iktar reċenti, l-atteġġjamenti lejhom bdew jinbidlu minħabba li l-ġenituri tagħhom, il-ħaddiema mediċi u l-organizzazzjoni varji bdew jaqbżu għad-drittijiet tal-persuni b’Down Syndrome. Iktar ma għadda ż-żmien iktar is-soċjeta’ bdiet taċċetta lill-persuni b’Down Syndrome u b’kundizzjonijiet oħra. Din l-integrazzjoni tawlet ġmielu l-ħajja tagħhom tant li bdew jgħixu d-doppju li kienu jgħixu qabel – u aktar. Fil-fatt, ħafna jgħixu ħajja twila u relattivament f’saħħitha u jaqbżu s-sittin u s-sebgħin sena.

Illum, il-persuni bid-Down Syndrome jgħixu ħajja bħal kulħadd, bis-suċċessi tagħha wkoll. L-edukazzjoni tingħatalhom fl-iskejjel normali u fl-universitajiet. Jistgħu jgħixu, jagħmlu l-volontarjat, jiżżewġu u jgħixu m’mod indipendenti. Jistgħu jivvutaw u joffru kontribut validu u ta’ ġid lis-soċjetà. Ħafna jitkellmu fuq ħajjithom apertament u bl-esperjenzi personali tagħhom juru xi tfisser li tkun bniedem b’dik il-kundizzjoni. Juru wkoll li l-kundizzjoni tagħhom ma taffettwax il-kapaċitajiet tagħhom u li huma membri siewja tad-dinja tal-lum.

B’sogħba kbira infakkru li hemm pajjiżi li għalihom il-ħajja ta’ persuni bid-Down Syndrome u diżabiltajiet oħra ma jiswewx wisq. Fl-Islanda kważi 100% tan-nisa li jkunu jafu li t-tarbija fil-ġuf se jkollha d-Down Syndrome jiddeċiedu li jagħmlu abort. Fid-Danimarka 98% itemmu l-ħajja tat-tarbija fil-ġuf wara dijanjosi bħal din; fi Franza 77%, u fl-Istati Uniti 67%.Dawn il-perċentaġġi huma xokkanti u ta’ qsim il-qalb. L-Islanda tiftaħar li qerdet din il-kundizzjoni, imma fil-verità din il-prattika teqred il-ħajja ta’ dawk li għandhom din il-kundizzjoni. Kieku l-ommijiet u l-missirijiet li jkunu qegħdin jistennew tarbija jingħataw akatr appoġġ u informazzjoni dwar xi ġġib tfisser li tgħix ma; persuna bid-Down Syndrome, ikunu anqas dawk li jirrikorru għall-abort.

F’Malta jitwieldu bejn ħames u sebat itfal bid-Down Syndrome kull sena. Is-soċjetà tagħna għżamlet progress kbir u din il-kundizzjonai, b;isfidi kollha li ġġib magħha, taċċettaha. Kultant niltaqgħu ma; xi ftit inċertezza u informazzjoni żbaljata, speċjalment minħabba li fit-tfulija l-iżvilupp isir b’pass inqas mgħaġġel. Però il-ġenituri  ta’ tfal bid-Down Syndrome iħossu li, hawn Malta, il-politika ta’ inklużjoni tkattar it-taħlit ma’ tfal oħra u tgħinhom ħafna fl-edikazjoni tagħhom. Hemm ħafna appoġġ mill-Gvern u għaqdiet privati li joffru terapija, benefiċċji finanzjarji u assistenza oħra lill-familji. Id-diskriminazzjoni naqset b’mod sinifijattiv, u s-soċjetà Maltija kważi dejjem tgħożż ħafna lill-persuni b’din il-kundizzjoni.

Life Network Foundation,, tagħraf is-siwi ta’ kull ħajja umana, kemm fil-ġuf u kemm barra. Il-ħarsien tat-trabi fil-ġuf huwaessenzjali, aktar u aktar meta jkun dijanjosi mhix mistennija li twassal għal kriżi fit-tqala minħabba biża’ jew inċertezza. Life Network Foundation se tkompli toffri l-appoġġ u tqajjem kuxjenza fuq id-Down Syndrome u kundizzjonijiet oħra minħabba li kull persuna hija unika u jistħoqqilha li tkun ċelebrata u maħbuba.

Awguri, Dinji tad-Down Syndrome 2021!

Life Network Foundation   

Stqarrija dwar Abbozz 198: Abbozz perikoluz li jimmina il-Kostituzzjoni

Stqarrija dwar Abbozz 198: Abbozz perikoluz li jimmina il-Kostituzzjoni

Il-Life Research Unit  jinsab serjament imhasseb dwar l-Abbozz Nru 198.

Huwa ta’ thassib li dan l-abbozz jista’ jwaqqa’ u jgib fix-xejn sentenzi tal-Qorti Kostituzzjonali li iddecidew illi f’kull stadju ta’ proceduri  li jwasslu ghal pieni   amministrattivi  ta’ eluf ta’ ewro, ic-cittadin ghandu dritt li jidher quddiem qorti tal-gustizzja, u mhux tribunal jew ufficjali jew korporazzjonijiet pubblici.

Bl-emenda proposta ghall-Att dwar l-Interpretazzjoni, il-legislatur qed jipprova  jbiddel it-tifsira tal-Kostituzzjoni b’semplici maggoranza ta’ wiehed fil-Parlament minnflok iz-zewg terzi rikjesti.

Dan hu precedent ferm inkwetanti ghal kull min jahdem ghad-difiza tal-hajja. Jekk dan il-metodu isehh, ikun inholoq precedent ikrah, fejn kull Gvern fil-futur qarib jew mbieghed jista’ b’maggoranza ta’ wiehed fil-Parlament ibiddel it-tifsir u s-sostanza  ta’ kliem bhal  “persuna” jew “hajja“ fl-artikolu 33 tal-Kostituzzjoni  u, nghidu ahna, jeskludi it-trabi  mhux imwielda mid-definizzjoni ta’ “persuna”, jew idahhal l-ewtanasja billi jbiddel it-tifsira  tal-kelma  “hajja”.

Huwa ta thassib serju ukoll, illi b’dan l-abbozz il-Gvern  sejjer jippermetti  il-Bord tal-Ugwaljanza fl-Abbozz Nru 97 (dwar l-Ugwaljanza) sabiex jimponi pieni amministrattivi kbar (20, 000  euro multa u penali ta’ 500 ewro kuljum) fuq ghaqdiet u/jew istitzzjonijiet  li jinstabu hatja minn persuni lajci nominati mill-Gvern ta’ “diskriminazzioni”,  liema  kelma hija definita bl-iktar mod vag fl-Abbozz Numru 97 . Dan meta l-Qorti Kostituzzjonali ddecidiet li qorti biss tista’  timponi pieni   bhal dawn.

Il-Kostituzzjoni ghandha tibqa’ l-ghola protezzjoni tal-ligi f’pajjizna.

Huwa ferm importanti li jkun hawn gharfien li l- Kostituzzjoni tista’ tigi mhedda jekk isehh dan il-precedent. Ghalhekk nistiednu l-ghaqdiet kollha mhux governattivi u ohrajn midhla tal-ligi, sabiex jesprimu il-preokkupazzjoni taghhom. Nitolbu lill-ghola Awtoritajiet ta pajjizna inkluz lill-President ta’ Malta sabiex jassigura li l-Kostituzzjoni ta pajjizna ma tigix imminata. 

Il-Life Research Unit huwa l-Advisory Legal Unit fi hdan il-Life Network Foundation.

22 Marzu, 2021.

Life Network Foundation   


A statement about Bill 198: A dangerous bill which undermines the Constitution.

A statement about Bill 198 : A dangerous bill which undermines the Constitution.

Life Research Unit  is seriously preoccupied about Bill No 198

It is very worrying that this bill may go against and nullify sentences of the Constitutional Court which have established that in all the stages procedures which may lead to administrative fines amounting to thousands of Euros, citizens have the right to appear in a court of justice, rather than in front of a tribunal, officials or public corporations.

With the amendent proposed to the Interpretation Act, the legislator is trying to change the meaning of the Constitution with a simple majority in Parliament instead of the required two thirds.

Those who labour in the pro-life camp find this a highly disquieting precedent.

If this proposal comes into effect, a nasty precedent will have been created, whereby in the near or distant future any Government enjoying a majority of one may change the meaning and substance of words like “person’’ or “life’’ in Article 33 of the Constitution, and may, for example, exclude unborn children from the definition of “person’’, or introduce euthanasia by changing the meaning of ther word ‘’life’’.

It is also highly preoccupying that, through this Bill, Government will allow the Equality Board in Bill No 97 (Equality) to inflict large administrative fines (20000 Euros fine and penalties of 500 Euro daily) on organisations and/or institutions who are deemed guilty by lay persons nominated by government of “discrimination’’, a term which is defined very vaguely in Bill No 97. This despite decisions by the Constitutional Court that only Courts of law can impose such fines and penalties.

The Constitution should remain the highest protection for the law in our country.

It is very important for people to be aware that this precedent can constitute a threat to the Constitution. Therefore, we call upon all NGOs and others who are conversant with the law to express their concerns as well. We request the highest authorities in the land, including His Excellency the President of Malta to ensure that the Maltese Constitution is not undermined.

Life Research Unit is the Advisory Legal Unit within Life Network Foundation.

22 March, 2021.

Life Network Foundation