Stqarrija dwar Abbozz 198: Abbozz perikoluz li jimmina il-Kostituzzjoni

Stqarrija dwar Abbozz 198: Abbozz perikoluz li jimmina il-Kostituzzjoni

Il-Life Research Unit  jinsab serjament imhasseb dwar l-Abbozz Nru 198.

Huwa ta’ thassib li dan l-abbozz jista’ jwaqqa’ u jgib fix-xejn sentenzi tal-Qorti Kostituzzjonali li iddecidew illi f’kull stadju ta’ proceduri  li jwasslu ghal pieni   amministrattivi  ta’ eluf ta’ ewro, ic-cittadin ghandu dritt li jidher quddiem qorti tal-gustizzja, u mhux tribunal jew ufficjali jew korporazzjonijiet pubblici.

Bl-emenda proposta ghall-Att dwar l-Interpretazzjoni, il-legislatur qed jipprova  jbiddel it-tifsira tal-Kostituzzjoni b’semplici maggoranza ta’ wiehed fil-Parlament minnflok iz-zewg terzi rikjesti.

Dan hu precedent ferm inkwetanti ghal kull min jahdem ghad-difiza tal-hajja. Jekk dan il-metodu isehh, ikun inholoq precedent ikrah, fejn kull Gvern fil-futur qarib jew mbieghed jista’ b’maggoranza ta’ wiehed fil-Parlament ibiddel it-tifsir u s-sostanza  ta’ kliem bhal  “persuna” jew “hajja“ fl-artikolu 33 tal-Kostituzzjoni  u, nghidu ahna, jeskludi it-trabi  mhux imwielda mid-definizzjoni ta’ “persuna”, jew idahhal l-ewtanasja billi jbiddel it-tifsira  tal-kelma  “hajja”.

Huwa ta thassib serju ukoll, illi b’dan l-abbozz il-Gvern  sejjer jippermetti  il-Bord tal-Ugwaljanza fl-Abbozz Nru 97 (dwar l-Ugwaljanza) sabiex jimponi pieni amministrattivi kbar (20, 000  euro multa u penali ta’ 500 ewro kuljum) fuq ghaqdiet u/jew istitzzjonijiet  li jinstabu hatja minn persuni lajci nominati mill-Gvern ta’ “diskriminazzioni”,  liema  kelma hija definita bl-iktar mod vag fl-Abbozz Numru 97 . Dan meta l-Qorti Kostituzzjonali ddecidiet li qorti biss tista’  timponi pieni   bhal dawn.

Il-Kostituzzjoni ghandha tibqa’ l-ghola protezzjoni tal-ligi f’pajjizna.

Huwa ferm importanti li jkun hawn gharfien li l- Kostituzzjoni tista’ tigi mhedda jekk isehh dan il-precedent. Ghalhekk nistiednu l-ghaqdiet kollha mhux governattivi u ohrajn midhla tal-ligi, sabiex jesprimu il-preokkupazzjoni taghhom. Nitolbu lill-ghola Awtoritajiet ta pajjizna inkluz lill-President ta’ Malta sabiex jassigura li l-Kostituzzjoni ta pajjizna ma tigix imminata. 

Il-Life Research Unit huwa l-Advisory Legal Unit fi hdan il-Life Network Foundation.

22 Marzu, 2021.

Life Network Foundation   


A statement about Bill 198: A dangerous bill which undermines the Constitution.

A statement about Bill 198 : A dangerous bill which undermines the Constitution.

Life Research Unit  is seriously preoccupied about Bill No 198

It is very worrying that this bill may go against and nullify sentences of the Constitutional Court which have established that in all the stages procedures which may lead to administrative fines amounting to thousands of Euros, citizens have the right to appear in a court of justice, rather than in front of a tribunal, officials or public corporations.

With the amendent proposed to the Interpretation Act, the legislator is trying to change the meaning of the Constitution with a simple majority in Parliament instead of the required two thirds.

Those who labour in the pro-life camp find this a highly disquieting precedent.

If this proposal comes into effect, a nasty precedent will have been created, whereby in the near or distant future any Government enjoying a majority of one may change the meaning and substance of words like “person’’ or “life’’ in Article 33 of the Constitution, and may, for example, exclude unborn children from the definition of “person’’, or introduce euthanasia by changing the meaning of ther word ‘’life’’.

It is also highly preoccupying that, through this Bill, Government will allow the Equality Board in Bill No 97 (Equality) to inflict large administrative fines (20000 Euros fine and penalties of 500 Euro daily) on organisations and/or institutions who are deemed guilty by lay persons nominated by government of “discrimination’’, a term which is defined very vaguely in Bill No 97. This despite decisions by the Constitutional Court that only Courts of law can impose such fines and penalties.

The Constitution should remain the highest protection for the law in our country.

It is very important for people to be aware that this precedent can constitute a threat to the Constitution. Therefore, we call upon all NGOs and others who are conversant with the law to express their concerns as well. We request the highest authorities in the land, including His Excellency the President of Malta to ensure that the Maltese Constitution is not undermined.

Life Research Unit is the Advisory Legal Unit within Life Network Foundation.

22 March, 2021.

Life Network Foundation   

Letter to Maltese MEPS to Vote Against the Matic Report

Letter to Maltese MEPS to Vote Against the Matic Report

Friday,11th June,2021

Dear Member of the European Parliament,

We write to you on behalf of Life Network Foundation Malta, a registered Voluntary organisation, that works towards promoting the value of each and every human life.

As might be informed, on June 23rd, the European Parliament will vote on the so-called Matić report, a proposal from the Women’s Committee.

This report is a new edition of the Estrela report, which had in 2013, proposed abortion as a fundamental human right. The European Parliament rightly rejected the Report basically on the principle of subsidiarity since matters relating to abortion are left, according to the Treaties, in the exclusive hands and jurisdiction of the member states.  

Now there is a new edition – the Matic report. This time the report, not only calls for a declaration of a so-called right to abortion as a human right; but there is also an urgent request to the member states to ensure that Pro-Life organizations shall no more be allowed to provide information and education, and to ensure that in all member states sex education be made compulsory already in primary schools, following the guidelines of the WHO.

The Matic report recommends State funding for abortion as well as an end to the possibility for medical staff to resort to conscientious objection concerning the termination of pregnancies. 

Our main objections as a network of pro-life organizations are that:

  • Abortions are expressly not part of the common European policy; they are the responsibility of the individual member states.
  • The report therefore ignores the principle of subsidiarity, which considers in particular the moral values ​​of the people of a country.
  • Each country is entitled to discuss and decide for itself on how its values ​​are shaped into laws – there are national parliaments for this. Moreover, in the case of Malta a Protocol was included in the Treaty of Accession that matters relating to abortion are to be decided by the Maltese people and no one else. 
  • Breaching the principle of subsidiarity on a matter where different views prevail, and where millions cherish the right to life of the unborn child, will fuel Euro-scepticism in the sense that the matter will be used as an example of the European institutions unnecessarily interfering with the decisions and activities of member states.
  • The proposal to restrict freedom of conscience on such a delicate matter is a serious matter, which may create a precedent for other areas of activity where conscience is involved. An annulment of this right by EU diktat on such elementary issues leads to even more disenchantment with the EU and politics and may drive voters to the parties that openly articulate this disaffection.
  • The reasoning of the report, according to which Pro Life organizations pose a threat to the right to life because they spread “false information” and pursue “nationalist goals”, is defamatory and discriminatory.
  • The European Court stated in a decision of 18 October 2011 in Oliver Brüstle Greenpeace e.V that from the moment of conception, the embryo is a human being that must be protected – this is exactly the position taken by the Pro-Life organizations who advocate this protection.
  • The Report thus lays hand on the right to freedom of expression, the right to freedom of conscience, the right to freedom of religion and, above all, the right to life for all people.

We therefore respectfully appeal to you to exercise your right to vote against the adoption of the Matic Report. In view of the fact that the vast majority of Maltese people are against abortion being treated as a fundamental human right, it is fit and proper that you express your disapproval and concern when the Report comes up for voting in the European Parliament.

We are at your disposal and available for any queries you might have or information you might request.


Kind regards


Dr. Miriam Sciberras BChD (Hons) MA Bioethics

Chairman | Life Network Foundation Malta


Ittra lil EU MEP biex jivvutaw kontra r-Rapport Matic 2021

Ittra lil EU MEP biex jivvutaw kontra r-Rapport Matic 2021

Il-Ġimgħa 11 ta’ Ġunju, 2021

Għażiż Membru tal-Parlament Ewropew,

Qegħdin niktbulek f’isem il-Fondazzjoni Life Network Malta, fondazzjoni li taħdem sabiex il-ħajja ta’ kull kreatura umana tkun protetta matul il-ħajja kollha tiegħu jew tagħha.

Kif taf, fit-23 ta’ Ġunju, l-Parlament Ewropew sejjer jivvota fuq l-hekk imsejjaħ Rapport Matic, propost mill-Kumitat tan-Nisa.

Dan ir-rapport huwa edizzjoni ġdida tar-Rapport Estrela li fl-2013 kien ippropona l-abort bħala dritt fundamentali tal-bniedem. Il-Parlament dakinhar ġustament irriġetta dak ir-Rapport, l-aktar abbażi tal-prinċipju tas-sussidjarjetà peress li materji relatati mal-abort huma mħollija, skont it-Trattati, f’idejn u fil-ġuriżdizzjoni esklussiva tal-Istati Membri.

Issa għandna edizzjoni ġdida – Ir-Rapport Matic. Din id-darba ir-Rapport mhux biss isejjaħ l-hekk  imsemmi dritt għall-abort bħala dritt tal-bniedem; iżda wkoll fih talba urġenti lill-Istati Membri sabiex jassiguraw  li l-għaqdiet favur il-ħajja ma jitħallewx iktar jipprovdu informazzjoni u edukazzjoni f’pajjiżhom u li l-edukazzjoni dwar is-sess issir obbligatorja fl-iskejjel primarji sabiex b’hekk issegwi l-linji gwida tal-WHO.

Ir-Rapport jirrakkomanda finanzjament mill-Istat għall-abort kif ukoll li jitneħħa d-dritt li professjonista jkun jista’ jeżenta ruħu minn xi proċedura jew trattament minħabba oġġezzjoni ta’ kuxjenza rigward it-terminazzjoni ta’ tqala.

L-oġġezzjonijiet ewlenin tagħna bħala fondazzjoni favur il-ħajja huma dawn li ġejjin:

  • L-abort bħala suġġett ma hux parti mill-politika komuni Ewropea u huwa mħolli fir-responsabbilita’ tal-Istati Membri.
  • Ir-Rapport għalhekk jikser il-prinċipju tas-sussidjarjetà li jieħu inkosiderazzjoni partikolarment il-valuri morali tal-poplu ta’ pajjiż.
  • Is-soċjetà f’pajjiż għandha jkollha d-dritt li tiddiskuti u tiddeċiedi għaliha kif dawk il-valuri jieħdu l-forma ta’ liġijiet – u hemm il-Parlamenti Nazzjonali għal dan il-għan. Barra minn hekk fil-każ ta’ Malta kien ġie nkluż Protokoll fit-Trattat ta’ Adezjoni, fis-sens li materji marbuta mal-abort jiġu dejjem deċiżi mill-poplu Malti u minn ħadd iżjed.
  • Il-ksur tal-prinċipju tas-sussidjarjetà f’materja fejn jipprevalu fehmiet differenti, meta miljuni ta’ persuni jgħożżu d-dritt tal-ħajja tat-tarbija mhux imwielda, jagħti lok għal ewroxettiċiżmu fis-sens li din il-materja tiġi użata bħala eżempju ta’ kemm l-istituzzjonijiet Ewropej jindaħlu bla bżonn fid-deċiżjonijiet u attivitaijiet tal-Istati Membri.
  • Il-proposta li tiġi ristretta l-libertà tal-kuxejnza fuq materja daqshekk delikata hija ħaġa serja li tista’ toħloq preċedent f’oqsma oħra ta’ attivita’ fejn hemm imdaħħla l-kuxjenza. L-annulament ta’ dan id-dritt b’ordni arbitrarja mill-Unjoni Ewropea fuq materja daqshekk bażika twassal għal iktar sfiduċja fl-Unjoni u fil-politika.
  • Ir-raġunament wara r-Rapport, li igħid li l-għaqdiet favur il-ħajja huma theddida għad-dritt tal-ħajja għax ixerrdu “informazzjoni falza” u jsegwu “għanijiet nazzjonalistiċi”, huwa inġurjuż u diskiminatorju.
  • Il-Qorti Ewropeja tal-Ġustizzja f’deċiżjoni tat-18 t’Ottubru 2010 fil-każ Oliver Brustle v. Greenpeace e.V qalet li mill-mument tat-tnissil, l-embrijun huwa ħlejqa umana li għandha titħares – din hija eżattament il-pożizzjoni tal-għaqdiet favur il-ħajja li jemmnu f’din il-protezzjoni.
  • Ir-Rapport jimpinġi fuq il-libertà tal-espressjoni, dik tal-kuxjenza u l-libertà reliġjuża u fuq kollox fuq id-dritt tal-ħajja tal-persuni kollha.

Aħna għalhekk bir-rispett kollu, nappellawlek sabiex teżerċita d-dritt tiegħek li tivvota kontra l-adozzjoni ta’ dan ir-Rapport. In vista tal-fatt li l-maġġoranza kbira tal-Maltin huma kontra li l-abort jitqies bħala dritt fundamentali tal-bniedem, huwa sewwa u xieraq li inti tesprimi d-diżapprovazzjoni u t-tħassib tiegħek meta r-Rapprt jitressaq għall-votazzjoni mill-Parlament Ewropew

Aħna qegħdin għad-dispożizzjoni tiegħek għal kull mistoqsija li trid tagħmel jew informazjzoni li inti tkun tixtieq minn għandna.

Inselli ghalik,

Dr. Miriam Sciberras BChD (Hons) MA Bioethics

Chairman | Life Network Foundation Malta

Matic Slaughter of Human Rights

Matic Slaughter of Human Rights

The Matic report was yesterday endorsed with 378 votes in favour, 255 against and 42 abstentions. The Maltese MEP vote was as follows: Alex Agius Saliba, David Casa and Roberta Metsola voted against, Cyrus Engerer voted in favour, and Josianne Cutajar and Alfred Sant abstained.

 The Life Network Foundation, Doctors for Life, The Malta Chamber of Pharmacists, Malta Unborn Child Platform and various other had alerted the Maltese Members of the European Parliament as well as Maltese members of Parliament and/or issued press statements criticizing this report and urging them to defend the rights of conscientious objection of professionals to abortion and to defend the principle of subsidiarity and reject the Matic report.

The Matic report is a radical proposal framed in women’s rights language that seeks to undermine fundamental freedoms in many European countries today. It makes a frontal attack on the right to freedom of expression, the right to freedom of conscience, the right to freedom of religion, the right of parents as primary educators of their children, and, above all, the right to life for all people.

It recommends state-funding for abortion as well as an end to the possibility for medical staff to resort to conscientious objection concerning the termination of pregnancies.

It requests that in member states sex education be made compulsory in primary schools, following the guidelines of the WHO, which might not be acceptable to many parents.

This is an alarming threat to freedom of expression. It also breaches the principle of subsidiarity whereby decisions are taken by the individual states. The sensitive topic of abortion should be discussed by the Maltese people and decided at a national level, and not imposed by some EU agenda. It should be emphasised that the Malta Protocol was included in the Treaty of Accession  so that  matters relating to  abortion would always be decided by the Maltese people and no one else.

The endorsement of this report strengthens our resolve to work further in promoting the real issues setting women back in society, to increase our support to pregnant women and to educate to save lives.

The results of prolife work are visible and can be counted. They are women empowered, women restored, and newborn babies; new lives that give hope to a Europe facing a demographic winter.

Press Release by Life Network Foundation Malta

Photo by The Climate Reality Project on Unsplash

Press Release-An Appeal in Favour of Life & Against the Decriminalization of Abortion

An Appeal in Favour of Life & Against the Decriminalization of Abortion

From the Life Research Unit within the Life Network Foundation Malta

The proposed law presented by MP Marlene Farrugia is a blatant attempt to introduce abortion into Malta, allowing every pregnancy to be terminated by a mother or medical professional, and the baby in the womb destroyed.

Life Network Foundation Malta objects very strongly to this bill proposing the decriminalization of abortion for several reasons:

  1. The law has symbolic dimensions. Decriminalization of an act in itself, is a declaration that the act is permissable, and worse still, acceptable.

Abortion is not such an act because, as a consequence, the child in the womb loses its life. The proposal to repeal the abortion provisions means that abortion will no longer be considered a criminal offense. Historically, the criminal law against abortion has always had an instrumental value of deterrent so that abortion does not occur in Malta. It also means that anyone who commits this crime, or helps to commit this crime, is convicted according to the law (and therefore justice is done to the child who has never been given the opportunity to live), this law was, and still is, considered symbolic because it reflects a moral obligation – that of the protection of the unborn life.

  1. The decriminalization of abortion not only leads to abortion no longer being considered a criminal offense, but to it being unregulated which easily leads to abuse because it becomes permissible (a) at any stage of pregnancy even on the eve of birth and (b) in all circumstances. In addition, doctors and nurses will be able to destroy the life of an unborn baby, as if nothing had happened and with complete freedom, and this is when, to this day, abortion is considered by many Maltese and foreign medical professionals to be against the ethical principles on which their profession is based and which bind medical professionals in their practice. Worse, the bill also repeals the provision criminalizing abortion caused by medical negligence or incompetence!

  1. Everyone who was born once started life born in a mother’s womb. It is now being proposed that this gift and privilege of life be denied to others. Every baby in the womb will be in danger of being destroyed, at any moment, by its parents or even just by its mother. It is significant that anyone who speaks in favour of abortion was born because his mother did not destroy him.

  1. The fundamental right to life, enshrined in the Maltese Constitution, can never depend on the will of the mother. Maltese law also recognizes the unborn child as a recipient of certain civil rights. This bill will be causing an inconsistency between criminal and civil law. The bill also goes against the Embryo Protection Act which protects human life from conception, at its early stage.

  1. No political party, much less an individual member of parliament, has an electoral mandate to introduce abortion in Malta today.

The right of choice that abortion proponents claim every pregnant woman has, is not a fundamental right but simply an idea that absolutely contradicts the fundamental right to life. The only option that is set aside and crushed by this bill is that of the unborn baby, who, because he has no voice and is weak and vulnerable, is exposed to abuse. That is not a “choice” but a destruction of human life.

Life Network Foundation Malta makes a strong appeal to the leaders of our country against the decriminalization of abortion. An appeal to continue to protect life, to fight against all threats to human life, and a promise to continue to offer and increase our services so that pregnant women can find all help. We want to be there for mothers during and after pregnancy, as long as is necessary.

Life Network Foundation Malta calls on all deputies in the House of Representatives to remain loyal to their principles, and to the mandate given to them by the people, and to choose life and not death.

So far two statements have emerged from political parties. The PN statement is clear and against the decriminalization of abortion. The PL, while reiterating that it is pro-life and anti-abortion, has not made a statement against its decriminalization. We hope that in the coming days such statements will become clearer in the interest of the protection of babies in the womb.

Stqarrija-Appell favur il-ħajja u kontra id-dekriminalizazzjoni tal-abort

Appell favur il-ħajja u kontra id- dekriminalizazzjoni tal-abort

mill-Life Research Unit fi ħdan il-Fondazzjoni Life Network Malta

L-abbozz ta’ liġi ppreżentat mid-deputata Marlene Farrugia ma hu xejn ħlief tentattiv sabiex jigi introdott u pprattikat l-abort f’ Malta u b’hekk kull tqala tkun tista’ tigi mwaqqfa minn omm jew professjonist mediku, u t-tarbija f’gufha meqruda.

Il-Fondazzjoni Life Network Malta joggezzjona bil-qawwa kollha ghal dan l-abbozz li jipproponi dekriminilizazzjoni tal-abort ghal diversi ragunijiet:

  1. Il-liġi għandha dimensjoni simbolika. Dekriminalizazzjoni ta’ xi att  fiha nfisha tfisser dikjarazzjoni li dan l-att huwa permissibbli, u agħar min hekk huwa aċċettabli.

L-abort mhux att ta dan it-tip għaliex it-tarbija fil-ġuf titlef ħajjitha. Il-proposta li l-provvedimenti dwar l-abort jigu revokati jfisser li l-abort ma jibqax meqjus bhala reat kriminali. Storikament, il-ligi kriminali kontra l-abort, barra li dejjem kellha valur strumentali ta’ deterrent sabiex l-abort f’Malta ma jsehhx u sabiex kull min jaghmel dan ir-reat jew jghin sabiex dan ir-reat isir, jigi ikkundannat skont il-ligi (u ghalhekk issir gustizzja mat-tarbija li qatt ma inghatat l-opportunità li tghix), din il-ligi kienet u ghadha meqjusa bhala wahda simbolika ghaliex tirrifletti obbligu morali – dik tal-protezzjoni tal-hajja mhux imwielda.

  1. Id-dikriminalizzazzjoni tal-abort iwassal mhux biss li l-abort ma jibqax jitqies bhala reat kriminali imma li ma jkunx regolat u facilment iwassal ghal abbuz ghax isir permissibbli (a) f’kull stadju tat-tqala anki lejliet it-twelid u (b) f’kull cirkostanza. Apparti minn hekk, tobba u infermiera jkunu jistghu jeqirdu l-hajja ta’ tarbija mhux imwielda, qisu ma gara xejn u bil-libertà kollha, u dan meta sal-lum-il gurnata l-abort jitqies minn bosta professjonisti medici Maltin u barranin li jmur kontra l-principji tal-etika li fuqhom jimxu u li jorbtu lill-professjonisti medici fil-prattika taghhom. Aktar gravi minn hekk, l-abbozz jirrevoka wkoll il-provvediment li jikriminalizza l-abort ikkagunat minhabba negligenza medika jew b’nuqqas ta’ hila!

  1. Kull min twieled kien xi darba mnisssel f’guf ta’ omm. Dan id-don u privilegg  tal-hajja issa qed jigi propost li jigi mċahhad lil haddiehor. Kull tarbija mnissla fil-guf tkun tinsab fil-periklu li, meta jridu, il-genituri jew anki l-omm biss, jeqirduha. Hu sinifikanti li kull min jitkellem favur l-abort, twieled diga’ ghax ommu ma qerditux.

  1. Id-dritt fundamentali tal-hajja, sancit mill-Kostituzzjoni Maltija, ma jista’ qatt  jiddependi mir-rieda  tal-omm. Il-ligi Maltija tirrikonoxxi wkoll li t-tarbija fil-ġuf bhala recipjent ta’ certi drittijiet civili. Dan l-abbozz ser ikun qieghed jikkaguna inkonsistenza bejn il-ligi kriminali u dik civili. L-abbozz imur anke kontra l-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Embrijuni li jipproteġi l-ħajja umana sa mill-konċepiment, fl-istadju bikri tagħha.

  1. Ebda partit politiku, u wisq anqas membru parlamentari individwali, m’ghandu xi mandat elettorali sabiex jintroduci l-abort f’Malta illum.

Id-dritt tal-ghazla li l-proponenti tal-abort jippretendu li kull mara tqila ghandha m’huwiex dritt fundamentali izda sempliciment idea li tikkontradixxi b’mod assolut id-dritt fundamentali ghall-hajja. L-unika ghazla li titwarrab u tigi mghaffga b’dan l-abbozz hija dik tat-tarbija mhux imwielda, li ghax m’ghandhiex vuci u hija dghajfa u vulnerabbli, hija mikxufa ghal abbuz. Dik ma hix “ghazla” izda qerda ta’ hajja umana.

Il-Fondazzjoni Life Network Malta taghmel appell imqanqal lill-mexxejja ta pajjizna kontra d-dekriminalizazzjoni tal-abort. Appell sabiex inkomplu nipproteġu l-ħajja, nniġġieldu kontra kull thedida kontra l-ħajja umana, u weghda li nkomplu noffru u nżidu s-servizzi taghna sabiex nisa tqal isibu kull ghajnuna. Irridu  nkunu hemm ghall-ommijiet tul it-tqala u wara, sakemm ikun hemm il-bżonn.

Il-Fondazzjoni Life Network Malta jappella lid-deputati kollha fil-Kamra tad-Deputati sabiex jibqghu leali lejn il-principji taghhom, u lejn il-mandat li taghhom il-poplu, u jaghzlu l-ħajja u mhux il-mewt.

Sa issa ħarġu żewġ dikjarazzjonijiet mill-partiti politiċi. Id-dikjarazzjoni tal-PN hija ċara u kontra d-dekriminalizzazjoni tal-abort. Il-PL, filwaqt li jtenni li huwa favur il-ħajja u kontra l-abort, ma jaghmilx dikjarazzjoni kontra d-dekriminalizazzjoni tiegħu. Nittamaw li fil-jiem li ġejjin tali dikjarazzjonijiet joħorġu aktar ċari fl-interess tal-protezzjoni tat-trabi fil-ġuf.


L-Ewwel Night to Shine f’Malta

L-Ewwel Night to Shine f’Malta

L-ewwel Night to Shine f’Malta ser isir fit-13 ta’ Frar 2021. Il-programm virtwali se jinkludi diversi artisti li ser jingħaqdu f’messaġġ ta’ tama għal persuni li jgħixu b’diżabilita. It-trażmissjoni tista’ tkun segwita mid-dar tal-persuna kif ukoll mid-djar għal persuni b’diżabilita. It-tim ta’ voluntiera ser iqassam gift bags b’xejn fuq bażi first come, first served, lill-ewwel 150 persuna li jkunu rreġistraw sal-Ħamis, 11 ta’ Frar 2021 f’nofsinhar.

Night to Shine hija inizjattiva Kattolika/Kristjana li toriġina mill-Istati Uniti mmirata lejn persuni b’diżabilita. Hija bbażata fuq stil ta’ prom night u ssir kull sena għall-ħabta ta’ Jum San Valentinu. Fiha jieħdu sehem persuni b’diżabilita li għandhom diżabilitajiet varji, minn kull qasam tal-ħajja, sabiex jiċċelebraw ħajjithom.


Tim Tebow Foundation flimkien ma’ Life Network Foundation 

It-Tim Tebow Foundation hija mpenjata li taqdi u li tiċċelebra persuni b’diżabilita. Twaqqfet minn Tim Tebow, sportiv Amerikan, u timmira li żżid l-outreach tagħha permezz ta’ erba’ inizjattivi ewlenin, jiġifieri Night to Shine, Shine On, International Education and Resource Centres u International Special Needs Coalitions. Il-Fondazzjoni tqis li l-għan tagħha mhux sempliċiment kożmetiku iżda hija mpenjata li tipprovdi l-essenzjali u kura spiritwali għal tfal abbandunati u li m’għandhomx fejn jgħixu. Dan oltre li tipprovdi għal tfal bi bżonnijiet mediċi profondi. Il-Fondazzjoni hija wkoll impenjata tiġġieled kontra t-traffikar tal-bnedmin.

Is-Seba’ anniversarju ta’ Night To Shine

Night to Shine se jiċċelebra s-seba’ anniversarju tiegħu. Fl-2020, ipparteċipaw 721 knisja u 34 pajjiż li għal lejla waħda ngħaqdu biex issir in-Night to Shine għal madwar 110,000 mistieden onorat bl-appoġġ ta’ 215,000 voluntier. Għalkemm din is-sena se jsir virtwalment, aħna ħerqana li naqdu u niċċelebraw lil tant persuni uniċi.

Illum ngħixu f’soċjetà li tilqa’ d-diversità u toffri opportunitajiet lil kulħadd. Iżda għal dawk b’diżabilita, il-ħajja tista’ tkun pjuttost iebsa. Il-membri tal-familja għandhom bżonn l-appoġġ ukoll. Nisa tqal bi prenatal diagnosis negattiva jiffaċċjaw biża’ u għandhom bżonn l-għajnuna. Is-solidarjetà, il-komunikazzjoni u l-inkoraġġiment jistgħu jagħtu ftit aktar tama u jiffaċilitaw il-ħajja ta’ tant nies.

Night to Shine Malta 2021

Night to Shine Malta 2021

The first Night to Shine Malta 2021 is set for Saturday 13th February at 6.00pm. The local virtual programme will feature diverse performers coming together as well and includes messages of hope for people living with disability. The transmission can be followed from private residences as well as the various homes for disabled persons. Our team of volunteers will also deliver free gift bags, on a first come, first served basis, to the first 150 people who register for the online event until Thursday 11th February by noon.

Night to Shine is an American Catholic/Christian initiative for people with disability sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation. The event loosely styled around a ‘prom night’ format, is organized annually around the time of Valentine’s Day and in it people with various disabilities, stemming from all walks of life, are invited to come together to celebrate their lives.

Tim Tebow Foundation in collaboration with Life Network Foundation Malta 

The Tim Tebow Foundation is committed to serving and celebrating people with disability. Set up by American football player, Tim Tebow, the foundation is increasing its outreach via four key initiatives: Night to Shine, Shine On, International Education & Resource Centers, and International Special Needs Coalitions. The Foundation, far from being merely a window dressing event, is committed to providing life’s essentials as well as spiritual care for homeless and abandoned children around the world in addition to children with profound medical care needs. It is also working to fight against human trafficking in all its’ forms.

7th Edition of Night to Shine 

Night to Shine 2021 will, this year, celebrate its seventh anniversary! Last year’s event saw 721 churches across the USA and 34 countries from around the world come together on one night to host Night to Shine for approximately 110,000 honoured guests through the support of 215,000 volunteers! This year, although Night to Shine 2021 will be limited to a virtual experience due to COVID-19, we remain pleased and excited at the prospect of serving and celebrating with as many people with disabilities as possible in this new and unique way!

Today we live in a society that embraces diversity and offers opportunities to all. However, for the person living with disability, life can often be harsh and very lonely. Family members need support too. Pregnant women with a negative prenatal diagnosis face fear of the unknown and need support. Social communication, solidarity, and encouragement as well as hope can help to make the lives of all these individuals that little bit easier.

Life Network Foundation worried about bill which may exclude ‘unborn children’, introduce euthanasia

Life Network Foundation worried about bill which may exclude ‘unborn children’, introduce euthanasia

Bill no. 198 currently tabled in parliament is “seriously preoccupying” as Government may change the meaning and substance of words like ‘person’ or ‘life’ in Article 33 of the Constitution and may exclude “unborn children” from the definition of ‘persons’, Life Network Foundation Malta said in a press release.

The Life Network Foundation describes itself as a life affirming organization, where they work to raise awareness on issues related to human life, marriage, and family based on a Catholic ethic of life.

The Bill in question states:

“Where any Act, whether passed before or after this Act, confers a power upon a public authority which exercises regulatory, supervisory, compliance, investigatory or enforcement functions to impose a civil penalty, an administrative fine or other civil or administrative pecuniary or non-pecuniary sanction or administrative measure, such a penalty, fine, sanction or measure may be interpreted as constituting a punishment of a criminal nature and the infringement in respect of which the said penalty, fine, sanction or measure may be imposed may be interpreted as substantively constituting a criminal offence subject to the following provisions of this article.”

The Life Research Unit, which is the Advisory Legal Unit within Life Network Foundation, voiced their concerns over such a bill.

“It is very worrying that this bill may go against and nullify sentences of the Constitutional Court which have established that in all the stages procedures which may lead to administrative fines amounting to thousands of Euros, citizens have the right to appear in a court of justice, rather than in front of a tribunal, officials or public corporations,” the statement read.

The foundation said that the proposed Interpretation Act, the legislator is “trying to change the meaning of the Constitution with a simple majority in Parliament instead of the required two thirds.”

This is a “highly disquieting precedent”, the Life Network Foundation said, as according to them, if such a proposal comes into effect, “a nasty precedent will have been created, whereby in the near or distant future any Government enjoying a majority of one may change the meaning and substance of words” such as ‘person’ and ‘life’.

The foundation also said that the Government “will allow the Equality Board in Bill No 97 (Equality) to inflict large administrative fines (20,000 Euros fine and penalties of 500 Euro daily) on organisations and/or institutions who are deemed guilty by lay persons nominated by government of ‘discrimination’.” They said that, as the Constitutional Court notes, only the Courts of Law can impose fines and penalties like these.

“The Constitution should remain the highest protection for the law in our country. It is very important for people to be aware that this precedent can constitute a threat to the Constitution. Therefore, we call upon all NGOs and others who are conversant with the law to express their concerns as well. We request the highest authorities in the land, including His Excellency the President of Malta to ensure that the Maltese Constitution is not undermined.”

This is opinion piece  

Photo sourced from