Country singer releases moving song about brother with Down syndrome
A country singer has released a new song about his younger brother with Down syndrome, celebrating the differences they have…
American College of OB/GYNs announces support for killing preborn humans ‘without limits’
The pro-abortion American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG) has announced that it will nationally support abortion up to birth “without limits.”…
Preventing Abortion in Europe
You are all invited to watch the live Broadcast of a conference happening today at noon at the EU parliament in…
Il-Pillola tal-Għada Filgħodu (Morning-After Pill): Kun af il-fatti
Il-Pillola tal-Għada Filgħodu (Morning-After Pill): Kun af il-fatti Is-sopravivenza hija istint uman bażiku li jitqanqal hekk kif il-ħajja ta’ xi…
The Morning After Pill: Know the Facts
The Morning After Pill: Know the Facts Survival is a basic human instinct that kicks in whenever someone’s life is…
Morning After Pill Charades
Morning After Pill Charades The morning after pill can be abortifacient and women need to know the truth. I read…