Patricia Sandoval at March for Life 2023

Patricia Sandoval – will speak about her Escape from Drugs, Homelessness, and the Back Doors of Planned Parenthood

Patricia came from a broken home, good and bad boyfriends, three abortions, a job at Planned Parenthood (where she was told never to reveal what she saw), followed by methamphetamine addiction and homelessness.

Patricia Sandoval’s life story is an unusually gripping, hard-to-put-down ride along a journey that leads to an extraordinary triumph of God’s mercy—the mercy that waits patiently for all of us.

The way that Jesus came to her in the streets will leave you breathless, as will the heights to which God has since carried her.

If you know of someone who believes they cannot be forgiven or return to Church, this is the book to give them. (Watch the video of reader comments below.) Read Transfigured. Be Transfigured.

Patricia now travels the world as a pro life speaker, sharing her story with millions in packed stadiums and on radio and television shows, such as EWTN’s Bookmark, Life on the Rock, Women of Grace, At Home with Jim and Joy; and in Spanish, on EWTN’s Cara a Cara, Nuestro Fe en Vivo, Ellas lo Dicen, De Dos en Dos—and now on her own show with Astrid Bennett Gutiérrez: Informe Provida

Planned Parenthood Uses Hamas Attack to Sell Abortion

On October 7, Israel was the victim of one of the most horrific terrorist attacks in modern history. Heavily armed Hamas gunmen flew or drove into civilian centers and then began slaughtering everybody within reach, including women and children. By the time the massacre was done, over 1,000 Israelis had been killed, thousands more injured, and hundreds taken hostage. In the face of this appalling attack, Israel quickly responded, launching numerous airstrikes into Hamas-controlled Gaza. As of this writing, it appears that Israel is preparing to invade Gaza, the next stage in what is likely to be a long and brutal war. Read the full article here

Country singer releases moving song about brother with Down syndrome

A country singer has released a new song about his younger brother with Down syndrome, celebrating the differences they have and urging for inclusion and acceptance.


John Paul Von Arx said on his website that he released the song and music video, which features his brother Sam, to “bring hope to parents expecting a baby with Down Syndrome and express [his] solidarity with families of people with special needs.”


Read the full article here.

The Matic Report-Making a Mockery of Human Rights

The Matic Report-Making a Mockery of Human Rights 

On the 24th June 2021, the European Parliament held a vote about a controversial report presented by Croatian MEP, Predrag Fred Matić. The motion was for a resolution within the European Parliament on the situation regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in the EU and calling all member states to ensure full access to them.

The report places an emphasis on women’s health and the importance of access to all essential services, including but not limited to contraception, abortion, maternal health, and fertility treatments. It also covers gender equality issues and gender-based violence, among other issues. The Matić Report went through with 378 votes in favour and 255 against, with 42 abstentions–a result that clearly shows that this matter is one of high contention.

So, who is Predrag Fred Matić?

The MP and advisor to Croatia’s President is a war veteran and a former Minister of War Veterans. He is a keen advocate for equality, inclusion, and peace. In fact, his professional endeavours include the continuous protection of human rights at the highest levels.

Matić referred to the 24th of June as a “historic day”, stating that he is “proud that the majority of our house is recognising that, in the 21st century, we must no longer treat women as second-class citizens, but respect their feelings and freedoms, and make sure all women across Europe deserve access to healthcare.”

According to the Matić Report, abortion is to be considered a human right.

In his report, Matić criticised member states for their restrictive laws with regards to abortion. He called this “a violation of human rights and a form of gender-based violence”. His report claims that “all individuals have a right to make decisions governing their bodies”. However, when a woman is pregnant, her body is not the only one in the equation, and therefore, she has no right to terminate the life of the separate, developing body in her womb.

In fact, abortion has never been recognised as a human right by international treaties. The right to life is the most basic right, without which all other rights are futile. Every human being has the right to live, even if that person is still inside the womb. It is actually quite bizarre that a human rights activist would so carelessly dismiss the life of a person who is yet to be born, but who is still a human being—with rights as well!

Yes, a woman has a right to healthcare, but not at the expense of another life.

The result of the vote has no legal value, because it is purely symbolic. The European Parliament is not a medical institution and, therefore, has no competence to make such a crucial decision with regards to healthcare. Furthermore, abortion has nothing to do with reproductive health. When a woman goes to have an abortion, reproduction has already occurred. And there is nothing healthy about a procedure that terminates one life and risks affecting the other adversely, both physically and psychologically.

The Matić Report also seeks to remove the right of conscientious objection that doctors and medical professionals call upon when they consider a procedure to be detrimental to their patient’s health. It is disrespectful—and disturbing—to force people forming part of this esteemed career to go against what the medical profession seeks to attain—that of always striving to save lives, not terminate them! This has nothing to do with their own personal beliefs, but more to do with what these health professionals consider as the best and safest treatment for their patients.

EU member states should seek to promote healthcare which is more beneficial for women—and babies in the womb!

Rather than introducing or increasing access to abortion, EU member states would do better if they offered women safer alternatives to it. Increasing healthcare during pregnancy, offering aid to expectant mothers when they face financial or other setbacks, and promoting adoption and making it more accessible are all much better options than giving women the opportunity to do away with the baby in their womb.

No one is violating the human rights of a woman when abortion is not offered. On the contrary, her right to healthcare which is actually safe, comprehensive aid, and life-affirming choices would be presented to her as a safer alternative, as well as safeguarding the right to life of the innocent human being in her womb.

The Matić Report does not offer any of these safer opportunities.

Instead, it promotes a culture of death which not only harms our women’s wellbeing, but also demeans the medical profession and seeks to indoctrinate our children through the proposal of comprehensive sexual education in primary and secondary schools. This will in effect take away parents’ rights to educate their children themselves about sexual matters.

Let us not be misled by the lies that the Matić Report tries to present. Abortion is not healthcare, has nothing to do with reproductive health, and is definitely not a human right.

If it was indeed a human right, then what about the rights of the baby girl or boy in the womb?

Read the full Matić Report here:

Other sources:

Letter to Maltese MEPS to Vote Against the Matic Report

Letter to Maltese MEPS to Vote Against the Matic Report

Friday,11th June,2021

Dear Member of the European Parliament,

We write to you on behalf of Life Network Foundation Malta, a registered Voluntary organisation, that works towards promoting the value of each and every human life.

As might be informed, on June 23rd, the European Parliament will vote on the so-called Matić report, a proposal from the Women’s Committee.

This report is a new edition of the Estrela report, which had in 2013, proposed abortion as a fundamental human right. The European Parliament rightly rejected the Report basically on the principle of subsidiarity since matters relating to abortion are left, according to the Treaties, in the exclusive hands and jurisdiction of the member states.  

Now there is a new edition – the Matic report. This time the report, not only calls for a declaration of a so-called right to abortion as a human right; but there is also an urgent request to the member states to ensure that Pro-Life organizations shall no more be allowed to provide information and education, and to ensure that in all member states sex education be made compulsory already in primary schools, following the guidelines of the WHO.

The Matic report recommends State funding for abortion as well as an end to the possibility for medical staff to resort to conscientious objection concerning the termination of pregnancies. 

Our main objections as a network of pro-life organizations are that:

  • Abortions are expressly not part of the common European policy; they are the responsibility of the individual member states.
  • The report therefore ignores the principle of subsidiarity, which considers in particular the moral values ​​of the people of a country.
  • Each country is entitled to discuss and decide for itself on how its values ​​are shaped into laws – there are national parliaments for this. Moreover, in the case of Malta a Protocol was included in the Treaty of Accession that matters relating to abortion are to be decided by the Maltese people and no one else. 
  • Breaching the principle of subsidiarity on a matter where different views prevail, and where millions cherish the right to life of the unborn child, will fuel Euro-scepticism in the sense that the matter will be used as an example of the European institutions unnecessarily interfering with the decisions and activities of member states.
  • The proposal to restrict freedom of conscience on such a delicate matter is a serious matter, which may create a precedent for other areas of activity where conscience is involved. An annulment of this right by EU diktat on such elementary issues leads to even more disenchantment with the EU and politics and may drive voters to the parties that openly articulate this disaffection.
  • The reasoning of the report, according to which Pro Life organizations pose a threat to the right to life because they spread “false information” and pursue “nationalist goals”, is defamatory and discriminatory.
  • The European Court stated in a decision of 18 October 2011 in Oliver Brüstle Greenpeace e.V that from the moment of conception, the embryo is a human being that must be protected – this is exactly the position taken by the Pro-Life organizations who advocate this protection.
  • The Report thus lays hand on the right to freedom of expression, the right to freedom of conscience, the right to freedom of religion and, above all, the right to life for all people.

We therefore respectfully appeal to you to exercise your right to vote against the adoption of the Matic Report. In view of the fact that the vast majority of Maltese people are against abortion being treated as a fundamental human right, it is fit and proper that you express your disapproval and concern when the Report comes up for voting in the European Parliament.

We are at your disposal and available for any queries you might have or information you might request.


Kind regards


Dr. Miriam Sciberras BChD (Hons) MA Bioethics

Chairman | Life Network Foundation Malta


Ittra lil EU MEP biex jivvutaw kontra r-Rapport Matic 2021

Ittra lil EU MEP biex jivvutaw kontra r-Rapport Matic 2021

Il-Ġimgħa 11 ta’ Ġunju, 2021

Għażiż Membru tal-Parlament Ewropew,

Qegħdin niktbulek f’isem il-Fondazzjoni Life Network Malta, fondazzjoni li taħdem sabiex il-ħajja ta’ kull kreatura umana tkun protetta matul il-ħajja kollha tiegħu jew tagħha.

Kif taf, fit-23 ta’ Ġunju, l-Parlament Ewropew sejjer jivvota fuq l-hekk imsejjaħ Rapport Matic, propost mill-Kumitat tan-Nisa.

Dan ir-rapport huwa edizzjoni ġdida tar-Rapport Estrela li fl-2013 kien ippropona l-abort bħala dritt fundamentali tal-bniedem. Il-Parlament dakinhar ġustament irriġetta dak ir-Rapport, l-aktar abbażi tal-prinċipju tas-sussidjarjetà peress li materji relatati mal-abort huma mħollija, skont it-Trattati, f’idejn u fil-ġuriżdizzjoni esklussiva tal-Istati Membri.

Issa għandna edizzjoni ġdida – Ir-Rapport Matic. Din id-darba ir-Rapport mhux biss isejjaħ l-hekk  imsemmi dritt għall-abort bħala dritt tal-bniedem; iżda wkoll fih talba urġenti lill-Istati Membri sabiex jassiguraw  li l-għaqdiet favur il-ħajja ma jitħallewx iktar jipprovdu informazzjoni u edukazzjoni f’pajjiżhom u li l-edukazzjoni dwar is-sess issir obbligatorja fl-iskejjel primarji sabiex b’hekk issegwi l-linji gwida tal-WHO.

Ir-Rapport jirrakkomanda finanzjament mill-Istat għall-abort kif ukoll li jitneħħa d-dritt li professjonista jkun jista’ jeżenta ruħu minn xi proċedura jew trattament minħabba oġġezzjoni ta’ kuxjenza rigward it-terminazzjoni ta’ tqala.

L-oġġezzjonijiet ewlenin tagħna bħala fondazzjoni favur il-ħajja huma dawn li ġejjin:

  • L-abort bħala suġġett ma hux parti mill-politika komuni Ewropea u huwa mħolli fir-responsabbilita’ tal-Istati Membri.
  • Ir-Rapport għalhekk jikser il-prinċipju tas-sussidjarjetà li jieħu inkosiderazzjoni partikolarment il-valuri morali tal-poplu ta’ pajjiż.
  • Is-soċjetà f’pajjiż għandha jkollha d-dritt li tiddiskuti u tiddeċiedi għaliha kif dawk il-valuri jieħdu l-forma ta’ liġijiet – u hemm il-Parlamenti Nazzjonali għal dan il-għan. Barra minn hekk fil-każ ta’ Malta kien ġie nkluż Protokoll fit-Trattat ta’ Adezjoni, fis-sens li materji marbuta mal-abort jiġu dejjem deċiżi mill-poplu Malti u minn ħadd iżjed.
  • Il-ksur tal-prinċipju tas-sussidjarjetà f’materja fejn jipprevalu fehmiet differenti, meta miljuni ta’ persuni jgħożżu d-dritt tal-ħajja tat-tarbija mhux imwielda, jagħti lok għal ewroxettiċiżmu fis-sens li din il-materja tiġi użata bħala eżempju ta’ kemm l-istituzzjonijiet Ewropej jindaħlu bla bżonn fid-deċiżjonijiet u attivitaijiet tal-Istati Membri.
  • Il-proposta li tiġi ristretta l-libertà tal-kuxejnza fuq materja daqshekk delikata hija ħaġa serja li tista’ toħloq preċedent f’oqsma oħra ta’ attivita’ fejn hemm imdaħħla l-kuxjenza. L-annulament ta’ dan id-dritt b’ordni arbitrarja mill-Unjoni Ewropea fuq materja daqshekk bażika twassal għal iktar sfiduċja fl-Unjoni u fil-politika.
  • Ir-raġunament wara r-Rapport, li igħid li l-għaqdiet favur il-ħajja huma theddida għad-dritt tal-ħajja għax ixerrdu “informazzjoni falza” u jsegwu “għanijiet nazzjonalistiċi”, huwa inġurjuż u diskiminatorju.
  • Il-Qorti Ewropeja tal-Ġustizzja f’deċiżjoni tat-18 t’Ottubru 2010 fil-każ Oliver Brustle v. Greenpeace e.V qalet li mill-mument tat-tnissil, l-embrijun huwa ħlejqa umana li għandha titħares – din hija eżattament il-pożizzjoni tal-għaqdiet favur il-ħajja li jemmnu f’din il-protezzjoni.
  • Ir-Rapport jimpinġi fuq il-libertà tal-espressjoni, dik tal-kuxjenza u l-libertà reliġjuża u fuq kollox fuq id-dritt tal-ħajja tal-persuni kollha.

Aħna għalhekk bir-rispett kollu, nappellawlek sabiex teżerċita d-dritt tiegħek li tivvota kontra l-adozzjoni ta’ dan ir-Rapport. In vista tal-fatt li l-maġġoranza kbira tal-Maltin huma kontra li l-abort jitqies bħala dritt fundamentali tal-bniedem, huwa sewwa u xieraq li inti tesprimi d-diżapprovazzjoni u t-tħassib tiegħek meta r-Rapprt jitressaq għall-votazzjoni mill-Parlament Ewropew

Aħna qegħdin għad-dispożizzjoni tiegħek għal kull mistoqsija li trid tagħmel jew informazjzoni li inti tkun tixtieq minn għandna.

Inselli ghalik,

Dr. Miriam Sciberras BChD (Hons) MA Bioethics

Chairman | Life Network Foundation Malta

L-Ewwel Night to Shine f’Malta

L-Ewwel Night to Shine f’Malta

L-ewwel Night to Shine f’Malta ser isir fit-13 ta’ Frar 2021. Il-programm virtwali se jinkludi diversi artisti li ser jingħaqdu f’messaġġ ta’ tama għal persuni li jgħixu b’diżabilita. It-trażmissjoni tista’ tkun segwita mid-dar tal-persuna kif ukoll mid-djar għal persuni b’diżabilita. It-tim ta’ voluntiera ser iqassam gift bags b’xejn fuq bażi first come, first served, lill-ewwel 150 persuna li jkunu rreġistraw sal-Ħamis, 11 ta’ Frar 2021 f’nofsinhar.

Night to Shine hija inizjattiva Kattolika/Kristjana li toriġina mill-Istati Uniti mmirata lejn persuni b’diżabilita. Hija bbażata fuq stil ta’ prom night u ssir kull sena għall-ħabta ta’ Jum San Valentinu. Fiha jieħdu sehem persuni b’diżabilita li għandhom diżabilitajiet varji, minn kull qasam tal-ħajja, sabiex jiċċelebraw ħajjithom.


Tim Tebow Foundation flimkien ma’ Life Network Foundation 

It-Tim Tebow Foundation hija mpenjata li taqdi u li tiċċelebra persuni b’diżabilita. Twaqqfet minn Tim Tebow, sportiv Amerikan, u timmira li żżid l-outreach tagħha permezz ta’ erba’ inizjattivi ewlenin, jiġifieri Night to Shine, Shine On, International Education and Resource Centres u International Special Needs Coalitions. Il-Fondazzjoni tqis li l-għan tagħha mhux sempliċiment kożmetiku iżda hija mpenjata li tipprovdi l-essenzjali u kura spiritwali għal tfal abbandunati u li m’għandhomx fejn jgħixu. Dan oltre li tipprovdi għal tfal bi bżonnijiet mediċi profondi. Il-Fondazzjoni hija wkoll impenjata tiġġieled kontra t-traffikar tal-bnedmin.

Is-Seba’ anniversarju ta’ Night To Shine

Night to Shine se jiċċelebra s-seba’ anniversarju tiegħu. Fl-2020, ipparteċipaw 721 knisja u 34 pajjiż li għal lejla waħda ngħaqdu biex issir in-Night to Shine għal madwar 110,000 mistieden onorat bl-appoġġ ta’ 215,000 voluntier. Għalkemm din is-sena se jsir virtwalment, aħna ħerqana li naqdu u niċċelebraw lil tant persuni uniċi.

Illum ngħixu f’soċjetà li tilqa’ d-diversità u toffri opportunitajiet lil kulħadd. Iżda għal dawk b’diżabilita, il-ħajja tista’ tkun pjuttost iebsa. Il-membri tal-familja għandhom bżonn l-appoġġ ukoll. Nisa tqal bi prenatal diagnosis negattiva jiffaċċjaw biża’ u għandhom bżonn l-għajnuna. Is-solidarjetà, il-komunikazzjoni u l-inkoraġġiment jistgħu jagħtu ftit aktar tama u jiffaċilitaw il-ħajja ta’ tant nies.

Night to Shine Malta 2021

Night to Shine Malta 2021

The first Night to Shine Malta 2021 is set for Saturday 13th February at 6.00pm. The local virtual programme will feature diverse performers coming together as well and includes messages of hope for people living with disability. The transmission can be followed from private residences as well as the various homes for disabled persons. Our team of volunteers will also deliver free gift bags, on a first come, first served basis, to the first 150 people who register for the online event until Thursday 11th February by noon.

Night to Shine is an American Catholic/Christian initiative for people with disability sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation. The event loosely styled around a ‘prom night’ format, is organized annually around the time of Valentine’s Day and in it people with various disabilities, stemming from all walks of life, are invited to come together to celebrate their lives.

Tim Tebow Foundation in collaboration with Life Network Foundation Malta 

The Tim Tebow Foundation is committed to serving and celebrating people with disability. Set up by American football player, Tim Tebow, the foundation is increasing its outreach via four key initiatives: Night to Shine, Shine On, International Education & Resource Centers, and International Special Needs Coalitions. The Foundation, far from being merely a window dressing event, is committed to providing life’s essentials as well as spiritual care for homeless and abandoned children around the world in addition to children with profound medical care needs. It is also working to fight against human trafficking in all its’ forms.

7th Edition of Night to Shine 

Night to Shine 2021 will, this year, celebrate its seventh anniversary! Last year’s event saw 721 churches across the USA and 34 countries from around the world come together on one night to host Night to Shine for approximately 110,000 honoured guests through the support of 215,000 volunteers! This year, although Night to Shine 2021 will be limited to a virtual experience due to COVID-19, we remain pleased and excited at the prospect of serving and celebrating with as many people with disabilities as possible in this new and unique way!

Today we live in a society that embraces diversity and offers opportunities to all. However, for the person living with disability, life can often be harsh and very lonely. Family members need support too. Pregnant women with a negative prenatal diagnosis face fear of the unknown and need support. Social communication, solidarity, and encouragement as well as hope can help to make the lives of all these individuals that little bit easier.

Life Network Foundation Tells Brussels: ‘Maltese Values Are Not For Sale’ by

Lɪғᴇ Nᴇᴛᴡᴏʀᴋ Fᴏᴜɴᴅᴀᴛɪᴏɴ Tᴇʟʟs Bʀᴜssᴇʟs: ‘Mᴀʟᴛᴇsᴇ Vᴀʟᴜᴇs Aʀᴇ Nᴏᴛ Fᴏʀ Sᴀʟᴇ’ by

Local NGO Life Network Foundation has responded to comments made in Brussels that it is getting funding from extremist groups in the US, Russia and the European Union. Here is their reply in full:
Have you ever been placed in the media spotlight? Surprisingly Life Network Foundation featured in an article in Lovin Malta last week. Was it a commendation for our charitable work in providing emergency residency to women in need? Was it for our important and valued service to the women in crisis pregnancy by offering them emotional and financial support? The time and resources given freely by our trusted volunteers? The babies saved? Not quite.”
In an article focused on an EU Parliament committee meeting held in a far-away Brussels boardroom, Life Network Foundation – which supports the charitable women’s shelter Dar Tghanniqa ta’ Omm at Mosta – was implied to be peddling foreign interference. Nobody had asked Life Network a single question, or even invited us to contribute a comment before going to print.
On the other hand, the content of the article, meant to be focused on the situation in our own country, was inflated with quotes from foreign MEPs, and from English activists. Both such sources are completely detached from any form of Maltese reality.
Open Democracy, who is cited in the article as investigative journalists, are in fact a UK activist blog. Their donor list boasts a rich supply of ideological US billionaires, including the Rockefeller Brothers, the Ford Foundation, and the world-leading abortion lobby IPAS.
Indeed, only one lonely voice garnished Lovin Malta’s buffet of international opinion. “Doctors for Choice”, the BBC reported in January, represents around 60 people in our country. Yet they were asked to speak for us all, not “Doctors for Life”, their pro-life counterparts who have over 670 members! The cherry-picked opinion blatantly attempts to override national reality. Surely this is a bitter dishonesty hard for even the most ardent Maltese abortion-supporters to swallow.
It is also worth noting that the same sources who consider mainstream pro-life organisations to be “extremists” coincidentally, have themselves, a radical pro-abortion agenda to push. Labelling pro-life organisations as “extremists” is merely an attempt to discredit the position which they espouse.
Life Network Foundation Malta rejects vehemently any implication of financial assistance from the foreign organisations mentioned in the article published in the Lovin Malta article. On the contrary, we gratefully received a €130,000 grant from our own Maltese Government, over a three-year period, which helps in the running expenses of our maternity home and amounts to approximately €43,000 per year.
Like the absolute majority of our islands’ population, we think that abortion is not the best option for the mother and her preborn child. We think that Maltese women deserve better. This view resonates as an integral and widespread Maltese value. Quite unlike the views in the article attacking us.
Furthermore, in the small print, towards the end of the article, we learn that this particular “journalistic attack” on us is not wholly from Malta; it is, at least partly, paid for by funds from the European Parliament!
How can this be right? That Brussels is funding biased media articles designed to undermine and influence our national laws and values?

Printed words are cheap, but our values are priceless. Buyers beware: the Maltese people are not for sale.