Country singer releases moving song about brother with Down syndrome

A country singer has released a new song about his younger brother with Down syndrome, celebrating the differences they have and urging for inclusion and acceptance.


John Paul Von Arx said on his website that he released the song and music video, which features his brother Sam, to “bring hope to parents expecting a baby with Down Syndrome and express [his] solidarity with families of people with special needs.”


Read the full article here.

American College of OB/GYNs announces support for killing preborn humans ‘without limits’

The pro-abortion American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG) has announced that it will nationally support abortion up to birth “without limits.”

In an op-ed written by leaders of ACOG and the Society of Family Planning for The Washington Post, the groups stated that abortion “must be available without restrictions, without limitations and without barriers.”

Read the full article here

Il-Pillola tal-Għada Filgħodu (Morning-After Pill): Kun af il-fatti

Il-Pillola tal-Għada Filgħodu (Morning-After Pill): Kun af il-fatti

Is-sopravivenza hija istint uman bażiku li jitqanqal hekk kif il-ħajja ta’ xi ħadd issib ruħha fil-periklu. Meta nifaċċjaw theddida, l-istint li naħarbu jew niġġieldu, l-iskop li nħarsu lilna nfusna, naraw li huma parti integrali minna lkoll. Ħafna minna jibqgħu ‘l bogħod minn sitwazzjonijiet li huma ta’ sogru jew ta’ periklu għall-ħajja, anke jekk dawn ikunu rikreattivi.

Dawk li jogħxew bl-adernalina għandu mnejn ifettlilhom jaqbżu minn ajruplan jew jixxabtu ma’ rdum, imma ħadd mhu se jagħmel hekk mingħajr l-apparat tas-sigurtà u mingħajr ma jieħu l-prekawzjonijiet meħtieġa. Il-ħajja prezzjuża u ħafna minna, f’każ ta’ dubju,  jippreferu jagħżlu li jkunu  kawti jekk ikun hemm l-inqas ċans li se jfeġġ xi il-periklu għal ħajjithom jew ħajjet ħaddieħor.

Mela allura, għaliex hemm min lest jilgħab ir-roulette Russa b’dik il-ħajja umana li qiegħda tifforma fil-ġuf?

​​Diġà kien hawn ħafna diskussjonijiet, artikli u dibattiti fuq il-Pillola tal-Għada Filgħodu (Morning Afer Pill), u jekk din hijiex abortifaċjenti jew le. Hawn ħafna li jsostnu li mhux vera din il-pillola għandha t-tielet funzjoni, jiġifieri li ma tħallix il-bajda fertilizzata timpjanta. Fi kliem ieħor, jgħidu li l-Pillola tal-Għada Filgħodu ma taffettwax bajda li tkun impjantata diġà, u allura m’għandhiex effett abortifaċjenti.

Kull min jagħmel ir-riċerka sew isib li ċerti studji urew li l-Pillola tal-Għada Filgħodu tassew tista’ ma tħallix il-bajda fertilizzata timpjanta fil-ġuf, spejalment jekk l-ovulazzjoni tkun diġà saret. Hawn min isostni li tqala tibda biss wara li-bajda ferilizzata timpjanta fl-utru. Effettivamnet qegħdin jgħidu li, jiġri x’jiġri lill-bajda qabel l-impjantazzjoni, qatt ma tista’ tgħid li hemm telfien ta’ ħajja.

Imma dan imur kontra x-xjenza li turina li l-ħajja tibqda mat-tnissil.

Skont l-American Association of Pro-Life Obstericians (AAPLOGG), L-informazzjoni fuq it-tikketta ta’ Plan B tgħid li din il-mediċina ma tikkawżax abort fil-każ tqala impjantata, imma tammetti li għandu mnejn ma tħallix li ssir l-impjantazzjonu ta’ bajda fertilizzata (embrijun). Aħna noġġezzjonaw għal dan id-diskors ambigwu u qarrieqi. Li tittermina embrijun uman huwa abort, kemm qabel ma jimpjanta fl-utru u kemm qabel. Jekk il-kunsens se jkun  infurmat u xieraq ifisser li l-mara għandha tkun infurmata b’mod ċar dwar il-possibiltà li jekk tuża l-pillola tal-għada filghodu jista’ jkun hemm abort.’’

Barra minn hekk,ellaOne kimikament tixbah lill-pillola abortiva magħrufa bħala RU-486, tant li dawn iż-żewġ pilloli qishom aħwa. Fil-fatt, instab li ellaOne mhux biss iżżomm l-impjantazzjoni milli ssir, imma anke tikkawża abort tal-embrijun wara l-impjantazzjoni. Tagħmel hekk billi “ma tħallix il-progesterone jeħel mal-ħajt tal-utru u b’hekk iċċaħħad lill-embrijun min-nutrijenti li jeħtieġ biex jibqa’ jgħix.’’

Dawn l-avvenimenti jista’ jkun li huma rari, imma jiġru.

Hemm argument qawwi ħafna li l-pillola tal-għada filgħodu jista’ jfixkel il-proċessi naturali tal-iżvilupp tal-bniedem u tqiegħed fil-periklu il-ħajja. Ħadd ma għandu jwarrab dawn l-argumenti bħallikieku ma jfissru xejn. Jekk tassew hemm il-periklu, żgħir kemm hu żgħir, kull min jgħożż il-ħajja għandu jieqaf u jaħseb.
Il-possibiltà li din l-hekk imsejħa pillola ‘’li ma tagħmilx ħsara’’ ikollha effett negattiv fuq il-bajda fertilizzata – il-ħajja l-ġdida – hemm qiegħda. Barra minn hekk, din il-mediċina għandha s-side effects tagħha fuq il-mara li toħodha. Il-mara għandha teżamina u tiżen dan is-sogru qabel ma tirrikorri għall-pillola tal-għada filgħodu.

Xi wħud iġibu l-argument li l-Pillola tal-Għada Filgħodu se twassal biex ikun hemm anqas aborti.

Madankollu, skont l-AAPLOG, id-data turi li anke meta n-nisa jkollhom ‘’il-kontraċezzjoni ta’ emerġenza’’ b’xejn id-dar ma nstabel l-ebda differenza fir-rati ta’ tqala mhix ippjanata jew fir-rati tal-abort. Fil-fatt, fir-Renju Unit “il-kontraċezzjonia ta’ emerġenza” ilha dosponibbli mingħajr riċetta sa mill-2001 u r-rati tal-abort fir-Renju Unit telgħu fl-ogħla livelli li qatt kienu.

​Għalhekk inħeġġu l-pubbliku ingenerali – u speċjalment lin-nisa – biex jinfurmaw ruħhom. Ninkoraġġguhom li jsiru jafu x’inhuma l-għażliet kollha qabel jieħdu deċiżjonijiet kruċjali. Irridu li n-nisa jkunu jafu li mhumiex waħidhom. Aħna dejjem lesti noffrulhom l-appoġġ, speċjalment f’każ ta’ stupru, teenagers li joħorġu tqal u sitwazzjonijiet oħra li ma jkunux kif wieħed jixtieq.

Filwaqt li nissimpatizzaw għal kollox mat-tfajla jew mara li qiegħda tiffaċċja tqala li ma tridhiex, il-ħajja ċkejkna fil-ġuf xorta waħda hija prezzjuża u jistħoqqilha l-protezzjoni wkoll. Iċ-ċirkustanzi li wasslu għat-tnissil ta’ din il-persuna ġdida ma jnaqqsu xejn mill-umanità tagħha.

Mela minn qalbna nitolbuk li taħsibha darbtejn qabel tirrikorri għal xi ħaġa li tista’ tkun ta’ theddida għall-istess ħajja.

Anke jekk il-pillola tal-għada filgħodu tista’ tinkiseb faċilment mingħajr riċetta, m’għandhiex tintuża bla ħsieb. Irridu nqisu li jista’ jkollha konsegwenzi fatali għal ħajja umana innoċenti kif ukoll li tista’ tipperikola s-saħħa tal-mara. Kun af il-fatti u ddeċiedi bil-għaqal.

U ddefendi l-ħajja, dejjem.

Artiklu miktub min Shirley Jobson 

Shirley Jobson is a freelance writer and proofreader, born and raised on the island of Malta. An avid reader and writer from a very young age, her wish is to use her skills to raise awareness about societal issues that are close to her heart. Shirley is passionately pro-life and pro-women. She is in favour of life-affirming choices and support for women in crisis, as well as safeguarding every life, from the moment of conception until natural death.


The Dangers of the Morning After Pill

Plan B: Abortifacient and Other Risks

Does the Drug “ella” Cause Abortions?

The Morning-After Pill
An article by Wendy Wright, Carol Denner, R.N., and Jill Stanek, R.N.

The Morning After Pill: Know the Facts

The Morning After Pill: Know the Facts

Survival is a basic human instinct that kicks in whenever someone’s life is in danger. When threats arise, the urge to flee, the instinct to fight, the goal of self-preservation, are all innate in every human being. Many will shy away from risky or life-threatening situations, even if these are recreational.

Adrenaline junkies might jump from a plane or abseil down a cliff, but none of them will do it without the proper safety equipment and precautions. Life is precious and most of us would tend to err on the side of caution if there is the slightest risk that their own, or someone else’s, life will be endangered.

So then, why are people willing to play Russian roulette with the tiny human life forming inside the womb?

​​There have already been numerous discussions, articles, and debates about the Morning After Pill (MAP), and whether it is abortifacient or not. Many have argued that the third function, that of potentially preventing implantation of a fertilised egg, does not exist. They claim that the MAP does not affect an already implanted egg, thus negating its abortifacient quality.

Anyone who does their research well however, will find that certain studies have indeed shown that the MAP can stop the fertilised egg from implanting itself in the womb, especially if ovulation has already occurred. Some people further insist that a pregnancy does not start before the egg has implanted itself in the womb. They are effectively claiming that anything that happens to the egg before implantation does not lead to loss of life.

But this negates the scientific fact that life begins at the moment of fertilisation.

​According to the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians (AAPLOG), “the FDA labelling on Plan B states that the medication will not abort an implanted pregnancy, but allows that it may stop implantation of a fertilized egg (an embryo). We object to this deceptive doublespeak. Terminating a human embryo is abortion, whether before or after its implantation into the uterus. Adequate informed consent dictates that the woman using this medication be plainly informed of this abortifacient potential.

​Also, ellaOne is chemically similar, and often referred to as the sister drug, to RU-486, the abortion pill. In fact, ellaOne has been found to not only impede implantation, but also to cause embryos to be aborted after implantation. It does this by “preventing progesterone from adhering to the uterine lining and thus denying the embryo the nutrients it needs to survive.

These events may be rare, but they can happen!

There is an extremely viable argument that the morning after pill can actually interfere with the natural process of human development and endanger life. No one should dismiss these facts as if they mean nothing. If the risk is there, however small it is, anyone who values life should stop and think.

The possibility that the fertilised egg—the new life—will be negatively affected by this so-called “harmless” pill does exist. Furthermore, this medication also carries its fair share of side effects for the woman taking it. It is worthwhile to explore and evaluate these risks before resorting to the morning after pill.

Some people argue in favour of the Morning After Pill (MAP) by saying that it will lead to less abortions.

And yet, according to the AAPLOG, actual data demonstrates that even providing women with free “emergency contraception” on hand at home has not made a difference in the unintended pregnancy or abortion rates of women. Indeed, the United Kingdom has had over-the-counter access to “emergency contraception” since 2001 and UK abortion rates have risen to their highest levels ever.

​We therefore urge the general public—and especially women—to inform themselves. We encourage them to know their options before making any crucial decisions. We want women to know that they are not alone. We will always offer them support, especially in cases of abuse, rape, teenage pregnancies, and other less than ideal situations.

While we sympathise deeply with the girl or woman who is facing an unwanted pregnancy, the little life inside is still precious and innocent and deserves to be protected too. The circumstances leading to the conception of this new person do not make him or her any less human.

So please, think twice before resorting to something which potentially threatens life itself.

Being readily available over the counter does not mean that the morning after pill should be used recklessly. The possibly fatal consequences to an innocent human life, as well as the health risks for the woman herself, must be carefully considered. Know the facts, study the risks, and tread carefully.

​And always keep standing up in favour of life!

Article written by Shirley Jobson

Shirley Jobson is a freelance writer and proofreader, born and raised on the island of Malta. An avid reader and writer from a very young age, her wish is to use her skills to raise awareness about societal issues that are close to her heart. Shirley is passionately pro-life and pro-women. She is in favour of life-affirming choices and support for women in crisis, as well as safeguarding every life, from the moment of conception until natural death.


​The Dangers of the Morning After Pill

Plan B: Abortifacient and Other Risks

Does the Drug “ella” Cause Abortions?

The Morning-After Pill
An article by Wendy Wright, Carol Denner, R.N., and Jill Stanek, R.N.

Morning After Pill Charades

Morning After Pill Charades

The morning after pill can be abortifacient and women need to know the truth.

I read the article by Isabel Stabile, published on TMIS of Sunday, 6 December, and as a researcher and gynecologist in the field, I must answer in the interest of correct consumer information to the Maltese citizens.

I base my reply quoting the Official Assessment Reports on EllaOne by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) itself. It is pertinent to note that we are speaking of two very different drugs mentioned as Morning after pill, each having a completely different mode of action. These are Levonogestrel (morning after pill) and Ella One (five days after pill).

From the studies presented, it is clear that Levonogestrel (LNG) is unable to prevent or delay ovulation; however, it leads to a shortened or inadequate corpus luteum that does not allow the endometrium to prepare for implantation. The diagram below, from a study by Brache et al, confirms that compared to the placebo, Levonogestrel does not prevent ovulation. The data is presented and shared by EMA itself in its EPAR (European Public Assessment Report) on EllaOne page 9 and updated yearly; last update being on 20 May.

The EMA shows officially that LNG does not work by affecting ovulation and is placebo-like in the fertile days, when fertilization is possible. In spite of this, the EMA presents LNG as an ovulation-inhibitor. Why?

EllaOne (ulipristal acetate, UPA) can prevent implantation and also terminate ongoing pregnancies. “Ulipristal acetate prevents progesterone from occupying its receptor, thus the gene transcription normally turned on by progesterone is blocked, and the proteins necessary to begin and maintain pregnancy are not synthesized.” (EMEA 2617/87/2009, Page 8: 2.3). On page 10 of the same document, it goes on to say that: “The ability of Ulipristal Acetate (UPA) to terminate pregnancy was investigated. Ulipristal, mifepristone and lilopristone were approximately equipotent” further confirming that it can terminate an ongoing pregnancy.

The science and the marketing of the morning after pill (MAPs) are diametrically opposed. The consumer can easily be misled into thinking that the MAPs are “normal” contraceptives when in fact they can be and are anti-implantation drugs and EllaOne can likely interrupt ongoing pregnancies.

Women who would be reluctant to take any medicinal that could endanger their embryo’s life should have access to the correct information and biological processes taking place in their body. The law in Malta protects the embryo from conception. Professionals can also have a conscientious objection to referral and/or supply of such medicinals.

In her article, Stabile also emphasised the relevance of the SPC. Have a look at the image below taken from page 41 of the same 2009 EMA Assessment Report: the highlighted sentences: “Omit any sentence in the SPC and the PL suggesting that the product could be used as an abortifacient”, “Pregnancy should be excluded before EllaOne is administered” and “Contraindication: Pregnancy”, speak volumes.

Furthermore, the European Medicines Authority in the Assessment Report EMA/73099/2015 on page 35, reports that during the evaluation process of the ellaOne registration dossier, the company, HRA-Pharma, was “requested to study any potential off-label use of ellaOne, in particular during pregnancy, possibly as an abortifacient. No such clinical studies were performed with Ulipristal-Acetate and it is therefore left as an unknown, whether it is possible to use it for abortion”. This notwithstanding, at the end of the 2015 AR, EMA presented ellaOne once again as an anti-ovulatory drug and made it “not subject to medical prescription”.

EllaOne does not prevent ovulation in the most fertile days and yet over 80% of expected pregnancies do not appear clinically. The drug does not allow endometrial maturation, so necessary for the embryo to implant. This leads to the embryo losing his or her life.

EllaOne and Levonogestrel are being sold over the counter and without prescription to young adults and women who think that they are using contraceptives that are safe. No advice is obligatory as to the side effects that these medicinals can have on their health, especially with recurrent use of EllaOne. In fact, Esmya, a medicine containing the same active ingredient, ulipristal acetate, has been withdrawn from clinical use due to a direct relationship between UPA and severe liver injuries, including liver transplantation. A case of severe DILI (Drug Induced Liver Injury) occurred after an UPA consumption, not greater than the dosage in one-two tablets of EllaOne, and EllaOne, unlike Esmya, can be self-administered repeatedly, without any medical surveillance.

The scientifically correct information regarding the mechanism of action of these drugs must be available to our politicians, decision-makers, doctors, chemists and other professionals and last but not least to the women consuming these pills. Their rights and freedom of informed choice are being deliberately thwarted. Women are being deceived. They are being informed that ovulation will be prevented after taking Emergency Contraceptives, but, on the contrary, they can ovulate and can conceive, but their offspring dies as these drugs inhibit implantation. Healthwise they are completely unaware of the severe drug induced liver injury (DILI) potentially due to Ulipristal acetate.

For further information on toxicity and on the mechanism of action, please see, respectively: Ulipristal Acetate and liver-injuries: while Esmya is revoked, EllaOne is allowed in repeated self-administrations possibly exceeding UPA toxic-dosing with Esmya. Mozzanega B. J Hepatol 2020 Nov. 30; S0168-8278(20)33828-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2020.11.041. 

UPA and LNG in emergency contraception: the information by EMA and the scientific evidences indicate a prevalent anti-implantation effect. Mozzanega B, Nardelli GB. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2019; 24(1):4-10. doi: 10.1080/13625187.2018.1555662. Epub 2019 Jan. 18

Further scientific papers are available on in Italian or English

Related article –

Bruno Mozzanega, Dept SDB (Woman’s and Child’s Health), University of Padua (I)


This is a opinion piece



Ulipristal Acetate and liver-injuries by Bruno Mozzanega MD

Ulipristal Acetate and liver-injuries:

while Esmya is revoked, EllaOne is allowed in repeated self-administrations possibly exceeding UPA toxic-dosing with Esmya. – Bruno Mozzanega, MD – Assistant Professor Dept Woman’s and Child’s Health, University of Padua (Italy)

To the Editor of Journal of Hepatology,

Ulipristal Acetate (UPA), an antagonistic Selective Progesterone-Receptor Modulator (SPRM), is the active-principle of two drugs: Esmya and ellaOne. While Esmya for fibroid treatment has been revoked because of severe liver-injuries, the emergency-contraceptive EllaOne is allowed in repeated self-administrations possibly exceeding UPA toxic-dosing with Esmya.

ESMYA – Micronized-UPA, 5mg-tablets in blisters of 28. It was taken daily for three to six months to treat uterine fibroids, after EMA (European Medicines Agency) authorization in 2012. It needed medical prescription and treatment was supervised by experienced doctors. It reduced progesterone-induced fibroid growth.

Due to the appearance of serious liver injuries in 8 Esmya-treated patients, the EMA Pharmacovigilance-Risk-Assessment-Committee (PRAC) started an evaluation (EMA/791062/2017) [1] that concluded that UPA had a possible role in injuries. EMA recommended measures to minimize the risk (EMA/355940/2018) [2]: contraindication if liver problems; information to patients; liver-tests before, during and after treatment; repeated courses only to inoperable women.

On September 4th 2020, a further review by EMA-PRAC confirmed that UPA 5mg can cause liver injury, including the need for liver transplantation. Since it was not possible to identify which patients were most at risk or measures that could reduce the risk, the PRAC concluded that the risks outweighed its benefits and Esmya should not be marketed in the EU (EMA/455818/2020) [3].

The strict post-marketing surveillance made it possible to link Esmya-administration to side-effects. The time from Esmya first-intake to hepatic failure ranged from few days to six months [4].

ELLAONE – Micronized-UPA, 30mg single-dose tablets, authorized for emergency contraception.

Both the 2018 and 2020 EMA-PRAC Reports on Esmya-related risk 2,3 specify that with ellaOne there is no concern about liver injury.

When the Members of EMA-CHMP (Committee-Human-Medicinal-Products) recommended ellaOne for marketing-authorization in 2009, they acknowledged that UPA accumulates in tissues, with a high tissue-to-plasma ratio (EMEA/261787/2009,page 13) [5]. They acknowledged that repeated UPA-administrations (even scheduled monthly) lead to a progressive accumulation in the liver, eventually resulting in liver-toxicity. Consequently, EMA-CHMP authorized single-dose administration and warned against repeated self-administration.

However, in 2015 this scenario changed: the EMA-CHMP removed the warning against repeated self-administration and made ellaOne-supply “not subject to medical prescription” (EMA/73099/2015) [6]. Since then, the repeated self-administration of ellaOne in the same cycle is allowed and suggested as safe, without any medical supervision.

Up-to-date, no cases of hepatotoxicity have been reported after single-dose administration of ellaOne; however, the patient 2 in Meunier’s series [4] evidenced severe liver injury after taking Esmya (UPA 5mg) for 3 days (15mg=half ellaOne) to 26 days. Women on Esmya-treatment were strictly surveilled, while those taking ellaOne are unidentified: eventual adverse events could hardly be attributable to an undocumented drug-self-administration.

Indeed, liver-toxicity seems due to UPA-accumulation, while circulating levels of either UPA or its metabolites [7] have no impact on safety. The life-threatening DILI (drug-induced-liver-injury), including autoimmune hepatitis, associated with UPA in post-marketing surveillance may be partially explained by UPA physiochemical (high lipophilicity) and pharmacokinetic (hepatic metabolism, long half-life, inhibition of liver transporters, reactive metabolite formation) features [8].

The most challenging form of DILI is the so-called idiosyncratic one: it is unpredictable, usually unrelated to the dose and is characterized by a variable onset-time. DILI is an important public health issue: not only it strengthens the importance of the post-marketing phase, when urgent withdrawal sometimes occurs for rare unanticipated liver-toxicity, but also shows the imperfect predictivity of pre-clinical models and the lack of validated biomarkers beyond traditional, non-specific, liver-function tests [9].

The removal of the warning against repeated use was requested and obtained by HRA-Pharma, basing on HRA2914-554 Study (Report-pages 6-9) [6] that examined the effect of repeated administration of ellaOne on ovulation, menstrual cycle and safety. EllaOne was given weekly (Q7D, twelve women) or every 5 days (Q5D, eleven women) for 8 consecutive weeks since the first day of the menstrual cycle. No safety-issues emerged for those 23 women, suggesting that, should ellaOne be used more than once in the same cycle, the safety profile is similar to that for a single administration [6]. The repeated self-administration of EllaOne in the same cycle was authorized as safe [6].

Overlooking the fact that almost every woman had normal ovulations during the repeated self-administration of ellaOne, officially presented as anti-ovulatory [10], the total UPA-dosing for women was 270mg in Q7D and 360mg in Q5D. These amounts are presented as safe, but are equal to or greater than Esmya-dosing in the same 8 weeks, UPA 280mg: the UPA-dosing leading two patients to liver transplantation [4]; besides, the single UPA-bolus to liver was six time-higher than with Esmya.

The burden of DILI is likely underestimated: clinical trials are usually underpowered to identify rare idiosyncratic events and most data come from post-marketing retrospective studies. DILI occurs only in a small fraction of exposed-subjects [9]: with UPA the percentage was 1/10.000: 8 out of 80.0000 Esmya-patients, but ellaOne is taken by millions of women every year and repeated-self-administration cannot be quantified. EllaOne is not subject to medical prescription, so no data are available for post-marketing evaluation.

Liver-toxicity due to Esmya-administration were still unreported in 2015, when the EMA-CHPM removed the warning against the repeated self-administration of ellaOne, but nowadays it seems difficult to state that ellaOne-self-administration is always safe. The PRAC-EMA assessed definitively that UPA has a direct responsibility in inducing liver-injuries 2,3. Besides, it is commonly known that ellaOne can be taken repeatedly by millions of women whenever unprotected-sex-intercourse recurs, in whichever period of the cycle (ellaOne Package-Leaflet). In the light of the above, it is easy to argue that repeated self-administration can lead to a total UPA-intake even exceeding the UPA-amounts responsible of the dramatic DILI officially 2,3 attributed to Esmya. As well, it is easy to argue that nothing can either discourage or only restrict ellaOne-repeated self-administration: not only women are not informed about its risks, but, furthermore, they are reassured that even closely-repeated self-administrations are as safe as a single-tablet self-administration [6].

The overall metabolic impact of Ulipristal and/or its side-effects are still unknown. EllaOne frequent self-administration for subsequent contraceptive-emergencies is authorized as a correct and safe behaviour, but is likely to present a danger, in the absence of medical supervision, due to the progressive UPA-accumulation in the liver.


The repeated-self-administration of ellaOne, micronized-UPA 30mg, likely can be associated with hepatotoxicity in unaware women. However, further investigations are required to understand the underlying pharmacological mechanisms, to define the UPA-toxic-thresholds and to assure women the best protection.

Information to women and to the Medical Community seems mandatory to preserve women’s health.


  1. EMA/791062/2017 –

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  1. EMA/355940/2018 –

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  1. EMA/455818/2020 –

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Strategies for Early Prediction and Timely Recognition of Drug-Induced Liver Injury: The Case of Cyclin- Dependent Kinase 4/6 Inhibitors.

Front. Pharmacol. 2019; 10: 1235

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  • Mozzanega B.
  • Nardelli G.B.

UPA and LNG in Emergency Contraception: the information by EMA and the Scientific Evidences indicate a prevalent anti-implantation effect.

Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2019; 24 (10.1080/13625187.2018.1555662. Epub 2019 Jan 18): 4-10

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Accepted: November 24, 2020

Received in revised form: November 23, 2020

Received: September 23, 2020

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I declare no conflict of interest, neither any financial support




© 2020 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Modern Day Eugenics: Who Lives and Who Dies?

Modern Day Eugenics: Who Lives and Who Dies?

By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet|

November 30th, 2020|

In the early 20th century, eugenics was widely supported among the educated classes all across the West. Eugenicists fancied themselves benefactors of the human race, putting to use the most cutting-edge science to eradicate human suffering, and to “improve” the human race.

By giving nature a helping hand, carefully encouraging the reproduction of the “fittest” members of the human race, and discouraging the reproduction of the “unfit,” eugenicists believed they could rapidly create a race of strong, healthy, and super-intelligent human beings. No longer would the state and society be burdened with “moral degenerates” (the memorable term used by eugenicist Margaret Sanger), the mentally disabled, and those prone to costly and painful diseases.

Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was an enthusiastic proponent of eugenics. She openly advocated the forcible sterilization of the unfit, and the involuntary collection of such people into internment camps, where they would spend their entire lives in forced labour. She claimed that these methods were necessary, for the sake of “peace.” In various Western countries, including the United States, some of these recommendations were carried out. In the U.S. tens of thousands of people deemed “unfit” were forcibly sterilized.

Eugenics received a huge public relations blow, however, when Hitler took its principles further than most were willing to go, killing millions of Jews, the mentally handicapped, gypsies, homosexuals, and other unwanted individuals, in the name of “purifying” the race. After Hitler’s atrocities were exposed, the less brutal, but still profoundly inhumane experiments in eugenics being carried out by other Western nations fell out of favour.

Velvet Eugenics

Nowadays, however, people often speak of eugenics as a thing of the past – a failed experiment.

This is wrong. Not only has eugenics not failed, but it is also a more potent force than ever before. The explosion in popularity of assisted reproduction techniques means that every day, parents all around the world choose what kind of baby they would like to have. While in some cases this is restricted only to a choice between a boy and a girl, some IVF clinics are offering to test embryos for such things as intelligence, susceptibility to certain diseases, eye colour, etc. Those embryos – human beings – that do not meet the chosen criteria are unceremoniously discarded as waste, i.e. destroyed, murdered. They are treated as commodities, products, and judged to be unequal in dignity to their parents.

The same utilitarian, commercial, and eugenic treatment of human reproduction is found in clinics that offer artificial insemination. Women or couples who choose to become pregnant in this way, must first browse catalogues of sperm donors, selecting donors for desirable characteristics such as artistic ability, IQ, physical build, looks, etc.

These forms of eugenics are dressed up in the respectability of white lab coats, and presented in the language of modern marketing and “choice.” However, the same mentality that motivated Margaret Sanger – i.e. the reduction of the value of human beings to certain qualities they possess – is present. And in the case of IVF, the end result is often the same: i.e. a dead human being.

One thinker – Garland-Thomson – refers to this modern form of eugenics as “velvet eugenics.” As the author of a recent in-depth article on the problem in The Atlantic summarizes, “Like the Velvet Revolution from which she takes the term, it’s accomplished without overt violence [Note: I disagree with her here. True, the violence is not “overt,” in the sense that it is hidden in IVF and abortion clinics; but modern eugenics is deeply violent]. But it also takes on another connotation as human reproduction becomes more and more subject to consumer choice: velvet, as in quality, high-calibre, premium-tier. Wouldn’t you want only the best for your baby—one you’re already spending tens of thousands of dollars on IVF to conceive?”

“It turns people into products,” says Garland-Thomson.

Down Syndrome: The ‘Canary in the Coal Mine’

However, one particularly brutal form of eugenics is the practice of testing unborn children for various diseases, and then, should they test positive, aborting them, often quite late in the pregnancy. While this is always a horrific evil, there is something viscerally jarring about the degree to which this has been perpetrated on people with Down syndrome.

While Down syndrome unquestionably comes with many detrimental health problems, many people with Downs also live long, productive, and happy lives. In fact, an overwhelming majority of people with Downs describe themselves as ‘happy’– far more than those without Downs. And yet, in many countries around the world, Down syndrome is practically going extinct. Some medical experts are hailing this as some kind of a medical triumph. This is a farce. If the extinction of a disease by killing everyone with that disease is a triumph, we could achieve the “miracle” of eradicating all disease in a matter of days. We don’t, because killing a person with a disease, is not a solution to that disease.

One country that has attracted a lot of attention on this issue is Denmark, in which only a tiny handful of people with Down syndrome are born every year. Many of these are born only because in utero testing failed to detect the disease, or because the parents weren’t deemed at risk, and didn’t bother getting the testing in the first place. Only rarely do the parents of a child diagnosed with Downs choose to give birth to that child.

The article in The Atlantic mentioned above provides a fascinating in-depth look into the moral quagmire of this issue. While the publication and the author are clearly pro-choice, nevertheless, the article seriously wrestles with the issue, and provides some fascinating insights and conclusions. I urge you to read it, if you have the time.

The author calls Down syndrome the “canary in the coal mine” for selective reproduction. As she writes: “Recent advances in genetics provoke anxieties about a future where parents choose what kind of child to have, or not have. But that hypothetical future is already here. It’s been here for an entire generation.”

Testing for Downs is relatively accurate, which means that a large percentage of children with Downs are detected before birth. In many Western countries, the default position is to abort that child, basing the decision on a “quality of life” definition and determining the child’s life unworthy of living.

The irony, however, is that we currently live in something of a golden age for people with Downs. Treatment options are better than they ever have been. People with Downs live longer than they ever have. Most persons with Downs will learn to read and write, and many of them will work paying jobs.

The author of the article rightly questions why, in light of this, abortion has become the default position, and whether there may be some other way we should be looking at the issue.

Fear and Control

One theme that emerges strongly in the article is the degree to which fear plays a part in the decision to abort. However, as the author notes, this fear often simply doesn’t match the reality of what life with a child with Downs is like. That is, when couples receive a diagnosis of Downs, their imagination often immediately leaps to the worst-case scenario. The decision to abort, to end the life of their child, is made based upon this worst-case.

As the sister of one man with Downs who was interviewed in the article notes, “If you handed any expecting parent a whole list of everything their child could possibly encounter during their entire life span—illnesses and stuff like that—then anyone would be scared.” Her mother agrees, adding, “Nobody would have a baby.”

One researcher in the U.S., David Wasserman, a critic of eugenic selective abortion, has made the excellent point that (in the words of The Atlantic author) “prenatal testing has the effect of reducing an unborn child to a single aspect—Down syndrome, for example—and making parents judge the child’s life on that alone.”

This is the dark side of our society’s pursuit of perfection, and perfect control.

Modern science comes to us wrapped in a mythology – the mythology of perfect control. This mythology promises us that if we just use the scientific method the right way, we can eradicate all pain and uncertainty in our lives. This promise in turn leads us to have certain expectations. We expect easy, predictable lives. And when science fails to deliver on its promises – as it inevitably will – our whole world is shattered.

Often, we respond by desperately seeking to wrest control back. For parents with an unborn child with Downs, this often means that they will be tempted (and often strongly encouraged by doctors and family) to “erase the problem,” instead of welcoming life, accepting the challenge to love, and experiencing the learning and personal growth that always come from embracing life’s difficulty.

The Black Heart of Eugenics

Every child should be welcomed and loved. To welcome a child into the world requires a leap of faith. It is a leap that should come with no conditions.

As the Bible tells us, every child is created in the image and likeness of God. No characteristic can alter that – no disease, no handicap, not even any sin or crime, can efface that dignity. Humans are not beasts. It is acceptable to select and breed animals for certain characteristics, since humans have authority to use animals for certain, specific purposes. But humans can never be reduced in this way to something-to-be-used. To do so is to do incomparable violence to their immeasurable value, which is not found in their usefulness, but in their being.

The author of The Atlantic article, while maintaining loyalty to the pro-choice worldview, does a decent job of highlighting the beauty and humanity of those with Downs, and contrasting it with the fear and rejection that meet children diagnosed with Downs.

The mother of one family featured in the article runs a charity intended to provide couples with accurate information about Downs. She herself has a grown son with Downs.

In the article, she describes one case where someone sent her a link to a documentary with the heartless title, Død Over Downs (“Death to Down Syndrome”). Her son, she said, was peering over her shoulder when she opened the link. When he read the title, “his face crumpled. He curled into the corner and refused to look at us. He had understood, obviously, and the distress was plain on his face.”

The author concludes, “The decisions parents make after prenatal testing are private and individual ones. But when the decisions so overwhelmingly swing one way—to abort—it does seem to reflect something more: an entire society’s judgment about the lives of people with Down syndrome. That’s what I saw reflected in Karl Emil’s face.”

As a society, we must do better than this.

Every life is precious, without exception. No life should ever be viewed as unworthy or unwelcomed.

We once believed that we destroyed the beast of eugenics on the beaches of Normandy in World War II. But we hadn’t killed it; instead, we simply thrust it underground, and then allowed it to creep back into our hospitals, laboratories, and universities. To eradicate eugenics, we must drive a knife into the very heart of its poisonous philosophy. That means that we must reject the core premise of the culture of death – that the worth of human beings can be measured by what they do, or some characteristic they have, instead of what they are. Instead of expanding our sense of control, we must expand our hearts. We must help parents of children diagnosed with Downs, and other diseases, to reject fear, and live in hope, the hope that comes of unconditional love.


Baby Molly Sets World Record: Born 27 Years After She Was Frozen as an Embryo

Baby Molly Sets World Record: Born 27 Years After She Was Frozen as an Embryo

An East Tennessee baby whose birth was facilitated by the National Embryo Donation Center (NEDC) has made history with her arrival. Molly Everette Gibson, the daughter of Tina and Ben Gibson, spent more than 27 years as an embryo in frozen preservation, setting the new known record for the longest-frozen embryo to ever come to birth, according to research staff at the University of Tennessee Preston Medical Library.

Molly was frozen on October 14, 1992. She was thawed by NEDC Lab Director & Embryologist Carol Sommerfelt on February 10, 2020 and transferred to Tina’s uterus by NEDC President & Medical Director Dr. Jeffrey Keenan on February 12, 2020. She was born October 26, 2020, weighing 6 lbs. 13 oz. and measuring 19 inches long.

What makes all of this even more special is that Molly broke her own sister’s record!

Fellow NEDC baby Emma Wren Gibson, born in 2017, had been frozen for more than 24 years, holding the known record for longest-frozen embryo to come to birth until Molly’s arrival. Both girls were frozen together as embryos and are full genetic siblings.

“I think this is proof positive that no embryo should ever be discarded, certainly not because it is ‘old!’” said Dr. Keenan. “This is also a testament to the excellent embryology work of Carol Sommerfelt. She is perhaps the preeminent embryologist in the country when it comes to thawing frozen embryos. And of course it’s a testament to how good God is, and to His infinite goodness and love.”

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“When Tina and Ben returned for their sibling transfer, I was thrilled that the remaining two embryos from the donor that resulted in Emma Wren’s birth survived the thaw and developed into two very good quality embryos for their transfer,” said Sommerfelt. “It was even more thrilling to learn 11 days later that Tina was pregnant.  I rejoiced with Tina and Ben as we all anxiously waited for the arrival of their second child.”

Sommerfelt added, “When Molly Everette was born on October 26, she was already 28 years old from the standpoint of the time the embryos had been frozen. This definitely reflects on the technology used all those years ago and its ability to preserve the embryos for future use under an indefinite time frame.  It also shows the reason the NEDC mission is so important, giving all donated embryos the best chance for life.”

The faith-based NEDC has gained distinction as the world’s leading comprehensive embryo adoption program, with more births facilitated (more than 1,000) through embryo adoption than any other organization or clinic. Its dual purpose is to protect the lives and dignity of frozen embryos that would not be used by their genetic parents and to help other couples build the families they have longed for via donated embryos. Embryos have been donated to the NEDC from all 50 states and couples have traveled to Knoxville from all over the United States as well as some foreign countries for their embryo transfers. Our website is

This is a opinion piece


50 UK Palliative Care Doctors Speak Out Against Introducing Assisted Suicide

50 UK Palliative Care Doctors Speak Out Against Introducing Assisted Suicide

Over fifty doctors working in palliative medicine and care for dying patients have signed a letter to The Times in opposition to any proposed changes in the assisted suicide law.

In the face of continual attempts to legalise assisted suicide, fifty doctors have signalled their continued support for protections in the law for the most vulnerable. In particular, the doctors have called attention to a recent British Medical Association survey on assisted suicide which shows the unwillingness of doctors to participate in assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Most doctors would not participate in assisted suicide or euthanasia

In the letter, the doctors point out that whatever marginal support there is for the idea of assisted suicide, it remains the case that a “majority of doctors licensed to practise would not agree to prescribe lethal drugs (assisted suicide) and a larger majority would not administer them (euthanasia).”

In other words, when the doctors who answered the survey were asked if they would personally “participate in any way in the process” of assisted suicide, 45% said ‘no’, as opposed to 36% who said ‘yes’. When asked if they would personally “participate in any way in the process” of euthanasia, 54% said ‘no’, and only 26% said ‘yes’.

The same BMA survey showed that 84% of doctors in palliative medicine would not be willing to perform euthanasia on a patient should the law ever change.

The letter also notes that supposed safeguards in euthanaisa and assisted suicide laws are regularly breached. “Every legislature that allows ‘safeguarded’ assisted dying has seen its safeguards breached, starkly illustrating the gap between principle and practice.” In the Netherlands, for example, reports indicate that the requirement for explicit consent is frequently ignored, as is the required reporting of all instances of euthanasia.

The signers of the letter also emphasise the role medical professionals, which “if ever assisted dying were to be legalised… must be limited to the provision of an opinion on the applicant’s medical condition. It should be for the courts alone to make decisions – as they do now – on life-or-death issues.”

Being a burden

Calls for the legalisation of assisted suicide come at the same time as countries that have already legalised the practise reveal that the motivations for assisted suicide are social and not medical.

For example, in 2019 Canada reported that more than a third (34%) of those who opted for “medical assistance in dying” cited concerns of being a burden to family or carers. A further 13.7% cited “isolation or loneliness” as their reason for procuring an assisted suicide.

Right To Life UK’s spokesperson Catherine Robinson, said: “Once again, this letter shows that the vast majority of those doctors working with dying patients are opposed  to the introduction of assisted suicide.

“The data from Canada shows that ‘isolation or loneliness’ is a reason people choose assisted suicide. With the current COVID 19 lockdowns, loneliness is likely to get worse. This is a serious social problem, not a medical one, and the solution to it is not to end the lives of those suffering.

This is a Right to Life opinion piece
