The Coalition in favour of Life accomplishes its objective. NO TO ABORTION WINS.

23/6/ 2023  

Statement issued by the Coalition Int Tista Ssalvani led by the Life Network Foundation, Doctors for Life and I See Life; and 44 NGOs, Organisations, Groups and Associations together with the Former President of the Republic Marie Louise Coliero Preca and Mr Edgar Preca and the Group of 80 Experts.

The Coalition in favour of Life accomplishes its objective: NO TO ABORTION WINS.

Following the publication of the Government’s revised version of the amendment to the Criminal Code relating to pregnant mothers and unborn babies and that find themselves in life threatening difficulties, the Coalition Inti Tista’ Ssalvani has worked with judges, doctors, lawyers and ethicists to analyse the new draft amendment put forward by Government and come out with its position.

The coalition acknowledges that the Government’s redrafting of the amendment was a direct result of the over 25,000 people who emailed the Prime Minister, Minister of Health, and the MPs of their District, the more than 20,000 people who demonstrated in Valletta and the many individuals that expressed their concerns publicly on social media or privately with their MPs – sending a clear message that the original draft of the law would have introduced abortion to Malta, and this was not acceptable to the people of Malta.

The Coalition concludes that the amendment as now proposed does not introduce abortion to Malta but will codify the existing life-saving practices currently being applied in Malta, and provide further safeguards for mothers, unborn babies, and doctors.

Read full press release here.