Kay’s Story


Kay is a 20 year old who already had a son aged 6 years old. Kay had been in a short-term relationship; however, it was not a stable relationship, and it was typically characterised by lots of arguments. One day the couple argued bitterly and her boyfriend asked her to go and get an abortion, then he broke her phone, threw all her belongings out onto the street and kicked her out too. A friend called Life Line to explain that Kay was in trouble and had nowhere to go. She was in a vulnerable state and needed help. We were able to make a place for her at the maternity home with her 6-year-old son. She spent all her pregnancy with us and we supported her with all her needs, including helping her to find a job and enlisting her for other support services available to her as a single mum. She spent a year with us and gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby. The first thing she said after the birth of her baby was “what was I going to do with my own hands!” She was so very thankful that we supported her through this difficult time of her life and that she hadn’t gone ahead with the abortion, but rather that she went on to have a healthy pregnancy and gave birth to this bundle of joy. Life Line have remained present in Kay’s life, even after the birth. She has been able to move into an apartment, while supporting herself and her two children. Even after a year has passed, she is doing well and still supporting herself and her two children. We remain in touch and support her in any way we can; even just for coffee, to keep social contact.


Kay hija żagħżugħa ta’ 20 sena li diġà kellha tifel ta’ 6 snin. Kay kienet f’relazzjoni għal żmien qasir, madankollu, ma kinitx relazzjoni stabbli, u tipikament mifruxa b’ħafna argumenti. Ġurnata waħda l-koppja argumentat bil- kbir u s-sieheb taghha talbitha biex tmur tagħmel abort. Waqt l-argument kisserilha l-mobile u tefalha l-affarijiet kollha tagħha barra fit-triq u keċċa lilha l-barra wkoll. Ħabiba taghha ċemplitna biex tispjega li Kay kienet fl-inkwiet u ma kellhiex fejn toghqod. Kay kienet fi stat vulnerabbli u kellha bżonn l-għajnuna. Tajnijha saqaf fuq rasha ghalijha u ghal binha, fid-dar tal-maternità tal-Mosta. Hija qattgħet it-tqala kollha tagħha magħna u aħna appoġġajnaha fil-bżonnijiet kollha tagħha, inkluż li ngħinuha biex issib impjieg u nqabbduha għal servizzi oħra ta’ appoġġ disponibbli għaliha bħala omm waħedha. Hadna hsieb lic-ckejken taghha meta kienet tmur ghal-appuntamenti l-isptar.Hija qattgħet sena magħna u welldet tarbija sabiħa u b’saħħitha. Waqt il-hlas ahna konna magha wkoll. L-ewwel ħaġa li qalet wara t-twelid tat-tarbija tagħha kienet “x’kont se nagħmel b’idi!” Kienet tant grata li sabet l-appogg taghna matul dan iż-żmien diffiċli ta’ ħajjitha u li ma kinitx kompliet bl-abort, iżda pjuttost li kienet kompliet bit-tqala. Bqajna preżenti fil-ħajja ta’ Kay, anke wara li kien nwasal iz-zmien li titlaq tghix fl- appartament il-gdid taghha. Kienet f’xoghol stabbli u seghtet ssostni lilha nfisha u liż-żewġ uliedha. Bqajna f’kuntatt u nappoġġjawha b’kull mod li nistgħu, anke  għall-kafè mhux l-ewwel darba li morru sal lum il-gurnata.