Police inaugurate unit focused on tackling domestic violence

Police inaugurate unit focused on tackling domestic violence 

Cases to be investigated by trained professionals

A new police unit to handle domestic violence and gender-based crime was inaugurated on Monday.

The setting up of the unit means such cases will no longer be investigated by district police but handled by a team of professionals who have been given specialised training, Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa said.

The unit was inaugurated by Gafa together with Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri and the prime minister’s wife Lydia Abela.

The commissioner said that since assuming his role, he had made the handling of domestic violence one of his priorities. 

The police receive some five reports of domestic violence daily.

The 25 officers deployed to the new units are helping 300 victims, 90 of whom are men. 

“Last September when we renewed the mission statement to take into account the current context of policing, we pledged a professional and trusted policing service to ensure safety and security in partnership with the community,” Gafa said. 

“When it comes to tackling domestic violence I feel we have implemented this to a tee.”

He observed that more victims were coming forward to report cases, in what was seen as testament that the public felt more secure in going to the police. 

Camilleri said domestic violence was a scar on society which must not be fought only by the police but everybody who came across it. 

“This crime cannot be justified and no one has the right to inflict violence on anybody, be it their partner or any member of the family,” he said. 

He added that all members of the police corps were receiving training on how to receive victims of domestic violence and that other initiatives had been carried out to bring officer’s training up to date, such as a virtual reality simulator. 

“We want to continue fighting the stigma that surrounds reporting the perpetrators of violence. It is not the victims who should feel ashamed but those who commit the violence.”

Lydia Abela said that in her profession as a lawyer, she had met many women seeking to flee abusive relationships. She praised the initiative to set up the unit in an effort to encourage more people to report such crimes.  

She was confident that the unit would provide much-needed support to victims because they would find someone to listen to them and help them and their children get out of that situation. 

“Society rarely talks about these issues, but it is important that everyone who can, takes steps to work against domestic violence,” she said. 

This is a timesofmalta.com opinion piece

Ref: https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/police-inaugurate-unit-focused-on-tackling-domestic-violence-gender.835619

The Truth About Emergency Contraception (MAP)

The Truth About Emergency Contraception (MAP)

We have a duty as scientists and healthcare professionals – and as humans – to expose the fallacy that emergency contraception (EC) – the “morning-after pill” – is not abortifacient. To do this I have drawn up the following write-up, which is also a synopsis of a previous piece, which, also rests on the evidence given by other scientists and medical professionals who have contributed in this field, in scientific, medical, legal and ethical research and literature.

Two of the reasons why I am writing again is because it is disquieting that we are faced with misinformation again and that pharmacists might be obliged to sell ECs, even if it goes against their conscience and morals. It is not equality at all to be ok with offending the sentiments of a particular group in order not to offend those of another category. It is evident that this is exactly the opposite.

Despite all considerable evidence regarding the abortifacient effect of ECs, some continue to deride those who maintain that ECs are abortifacient. Their arguments can hold water, only if one accepts the definition of conception, that is, the implantation of a fertilized ovum, adopted by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) in the 1960. For the rest of the world, or at least most of it, fertilization and conception are synonymous and mark the beginning of a new living organism.  (Charlotte Lozier Institute 2014, Sadler and Langman 2010, O’Rahilly and Müller 1996, Moore and Persaud 1993). 

However, our modern abortionists have become past masters of double-talk and the art of equivocation. For example, they substitute product of conception for pre-born child or by using the word choice instead of abortion. A word like abortion is too ugly and violent and sends negative messages. Indeed, all abortionists see red when one insists on conscience rights and conscientious objection. They are the most belligerent votaries of the cult of “the politically correct”. Serious scientific and scholarly research has proved that most popular emergency “contraceptives” can cause the death of embryos. For the sake of intellectual honesty, this truth must be accepted and acknowledged. Only thus, can we take informed decisions. But even if we refuse to look at the scientific truth in the face, as humans, we ought to feel prickly pangs of conscience when terminating the joy of a new birth.

However, our modern abortionists have managed to find a way to numb conscience. The equivocation is camouflaged in the prefix “pre“:  so, they have invented pre-pregnancy, pre-fertilization, pre-embryo and even such a meaningless word as pre-life when life exists already. Therefore, it is best to stick to scientific facts and base our arguments on empirical surveys. In case of EC we must stress clarity and follow the American maxim and say, “It walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, it is a duck”. To start with, following are a few (of the multitude) scientific definitions on the beginning of life:

  • “Human development begins at fertilization, when a sperm fuses with an oocyte to form a single cell, the zygote(one cell embryo). This highly specialised, totipotent cell (capable of giving rise to any cell type) marks the beginning of each of us as a unique individual.” (The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, Saunders 2016).
  • “Human pregnancy begins with the fusion of an egg and a sperm within the female reproductive tract.” (Human Embryology and Developmental Biology. Elsevier, Saunders, 2014).
  • “The seminal question in modern developmental biology is the origins of new life arising from the unification of sperm and egg.” (Gene expression during the oocyte-to-embryo transition in mammals. Evsikov AV, Marín de Evsikova C. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 2009).


The above quotations from scientific and medical sources prove that fertilization is synonymous with the very first instance of human life. So, it follows that any artefact terminating the result of fertilization is indeed an abortifacient. Therefore, whether ECs can induce abortion depends upon when a new human life begins. The scientific reality is that when a human egg and sperm unite (fertilization), the newly formed being contains the full genome in which hair and eye colour, gender and all physical characteristics are determined.

In the first hours of existence, the embryo signals the mother to lower her immune system, prompting her body mechanism to release the Early Pregnancy Factor and this protein is detectable in maternal blood as early as 24 hours after fertilization (Charlotte Lozier Institute 2014). During its journey down the fallopian tube, the fertilized egg is actively growing and dividing itself. It will implant in the uterine lining where it will continue to grow. One of the ways ECs may work is to alter the uterine lining so that a fertilized egg (the embryo) may not be able to implant and grow (Kahleborn, Stanford, Larimore 2002, Kahlenborn, Peck, Severs, 2014, Mozzanega and Cosmi 2010, Peck and Vélez 2013, Morris and van Wagenen 1973, Rabone, 1990, Stratton et al 2010, Turlock Pregnancy Center 2016).

Also, certain ECs have inferior effect on ovulation than other ECs (Brache, Cochon, Deniaud, and Croxatto, 2013). So other mechanisms of action would prevail to stop the process of life. What are these?

An interesting fact is that mifepristone, which is marketed (in various countries) as an abortion pill, is also used (at lower doses) as an EC. Mifepristone effectively kills embryos in approximately six weeks after implantation. Mifepristone is also molecularly very similar to ulipristal acetate, the active ingredient of mainstream EC. It may be taken within 120 hours (five days) of unprotected sex or contraceptive failure (such as a tear in a condom during sex)!

So, the term “Morning-After pill” is also a misnomer! In the 2010 study of Stratton et al mifepristone and ulipristal acetate were compared. The following is a self-explanatory excerpt. (Here, one has to keep in view that mifepristone has also an abortive effect because it causes reduction in molecular markers for implantation, progesterone action and endometrial thickness): “….either effect of CDB-2914 [ulipristal acetate], endometrial atrophy or combined proliferation (endometrial hyperplasia – tissue growth), however, may hamper implantation. 

Single dose of CDB-2914 given to normal women at other times of the cycle have yielded effects similar to mifepristone’s on the endometrium, ovary and menstrual cycle.

In the luteal phase, a single 200mg mid-luteal dose of CDB-2914 caused early menses and less frequently functional luteolyses, as did 200mg of mifepristone [as an abortifacient it is marketed as 200mg tablets]. Lower amounts of mifepristone (10mg) administered twice in the mid-luteal phase induced stormal edema and delayed glandular development without changes in the cycle length. With a single late-follicular dose, luteal phase endometrial maturation was delayed in 70% of the biopsies at each dose of CDB-2914 (10, 50 and 100mg) compared with 17% in the placebo group. A delay in ovulation and suppression of estradiol levels was less frequently observed and was dose dependent. Similarly, 100mg of mifepristone administered from days 10 to 17 delayed both ovulation and endometrial maturation… In contrast to histologic dating, molecular markings of implantation and progressive action and decreased endometrial thickness were reduced by CDB-2914 in a dose dependent fashion.”

In Destroying unwanted embryos in Research: Talking Point on morality and human embryo researchThomas Douglas and Julian Savulescu of EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organisation 2009), estimate that more than 50% of embryos die within eight weeks of conception, even if no direct actions are taken to end their lives. This vulnerability has also been unbelievably posited as a justification for considering implantation as the beginning of pregnancy, even the beginning of Life. So, here, the reasoning is that the phase following fertilization until implantation is a pre-pregnancy phase. By this reasoning even lethal experiments could be performed on pre-implantation human embryos. Yet, this fragile creature is indisputably human. His or her vulnerability should rather be a call for greater care than for annihilation (European Molecular Biology Organisation 2009). In plain language, we are aware of the vulnerability of embryos and yet, instead of striving to protect them even more, we use it as a prime justification for destroying them. But abortionists are not destroying life, it is a thing called pre-“something”. Abortionists seek excuses to terminate Life and to distort facts, they insult in their faces those parents who have lost a child, be it through a miscarriage or at a later stage in life.

I have gone into perhaps fastidious details to prove that the Morning After Pill is an abortifacient by any other name, but we are free to refuse to listen to reason and science and continue on the way to oblivion. Even at this late hour, it is not too late. All stakeholders must step forward to convince that it is both inhuman and self-defeating to terminate the unborn. Nice words can never hide ugly deeds.


Jean Pierre Fava holds a B.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc. in Health Science

This is a independent.com.mt opinion piece

Ref: https://www.independent.com.mt/articles/2020-11-29/newspaper-opinions/The-truth-about-emergency-contraception-6736229001

Abortions in the U.S. Hit All-Time Low

Abortions in the U.S. Hit All-Time Low, More Babies Saved From Abortion Than Ever

Americans have another reason to give thanks this week. A new report from the Centers for Disease Control shows abortions have once again hit an all-time low as more babies are being saved from abortion than ever before.

The new CDC report covers the year 2018 and confirms America’s abortion decline continues. The report indicates the number of babies killed in abortions has declined 1.4% from 2016-2018 and the abortion rate — the percentage of women having an abortion or choosing life for their baby — has declined 2.% as more women opt against abortion.

The abortion decline was widespread. Not every state reports its abortion data to the CDC, but of the states that do 29 of them saw declines in their abortion rates. California, Maryland, and New Hampshire did not report abortion statistics to the CDC and, as a result, the actual number of babies killed in abortions is higher — usually estimated to be around 900,000 a year.

Looking at the data more historically, the number of babies killed in abortions has dropped 21.8% since 2009 and the abortion rate has declined 24.2 percent, making it clear that lifesaving efforts such as pregnancy centers across the nation have helped and supported more women as they give birth instead of having abortions. The abortion rate has declined over 50% since 1980.

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From 2009 to 2018, the total number of reported abortions, abortion rate, and abortion ratio decreased 22% (from 786,621), 24% (from 14.9 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years), and 16% (from 224 abortions per 1,000 live births), respectively.

Despite the decline and more babies saved, the number of children killed in abortions is still staggering, as the CDC indicated 619,591 babies had their lives ended by abortion in 2018. And despite the overall decline from its last report covering 2016 to this one covering 2018, the number of abortions in 2018 increased slightly by 1% from the 2017 levels.

The CDC indicates young women continue to have more abortions than other age groups.

In 2018, women in their 20s accounted for more than half of abortions (57.7%). In 2018 and during 2009–2018, women aged 20–24 and 25–29 years accounted for the highest percentages of abortions; in 2018, they accounted for 28.3% and 29.4% of abortions, respectively, and had the highest abortion rates (19.1 and 18.5 per 1,000 women aged 20–24 and 25–29 years, respectively). By contrast, adolescents aged <15 years and women aged ≥40 years accounted for the lowest percentages of abortions (0.2% and 3.6%, respectively) and had the lowest abortion rates (0.4 and 2.6 per 1,000 women aged <15 and ≥40 years, respectively). However, abortion ratios in 2018 and throughout 2009–2018 were highest among adolescents (aged ≤19 years) and lowest among women aged 25–39 years.

But the good news is “Abortion rates decreased from 2009 to 2018 for all women, regardless of age.”

The decrease in abortion rate was highest among adolescents compared with women in any other age group. From 2009 to 2013, the abortion rates decreased for all age groups and from 2014 to 2018, the abortion rates decreased for all age groups, except for women aged 30–34 years and those aged ≥40 years. In addition, from 2017 to 2018, abortion rates did not change or decreased among women aged ≤24 and ≥40 years; however, the abortion rate increased among women aged 25–39 years. Abortion ratios also decreased from 2009 to 2018 among all women, except adolescents aged <15 years. The decrease in abortion ratio was highest among women aged ≥40 years compared with women in any other age group. The abortion ratio decreased for all age groups from 2009 to 2013; however, from 2014 to 2018, abortion ratios only decreased for women aged ≥35 years. From 2017 to 2018, abortion ratios increased for all age groups, except women aged ≥40 years.

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Most all abortions involved killing babies between 7 and 13 weeks of age, but 9% of all abortions involved killing older babies past 13 weeks. And 1% of abortions killed babies at or after viability, meaning abortions killed over 6,100 viable babies.

The CDC also indicated that half of abortions now involve the dangerous mifepristone abortion drug while the other half remain surgical abortions. When it comes to later abortions, the CDC report shows more surgical abortions are done to end babies’ lives than abortions with the pills.

The abortion industry continues to target black women and, as a result, they continue having abortion at much higher rates than women of other ethnicity.

“Among the 31 areas that reported race/ethnicity data for 2018, non-Hispanic White women and non-Hispanic Black women accounted for the largest percentages of all abortions (38.7% and 33.6%, respectively), and Hispanic women and non-Hispanic women in the other race category accounted for smaller percentages (20.0% and 7.7%, respectively),” the CDC reports. “Non-Hispanic White women had the lowest abortion rate (6.3 abortions per 1,000 women) and ratio (110 abortions per 1,000 live births), and non-Hispanic Black women had the highest abortion rate (21.2 abortions per 1,000 women) and ratio (335 abortions per 1,000 live births).”

Abortion also continues to be used as a method of birth control as 23.9% of women having an abortion had previously had one abortion, 9.9% had previously had two abortions, and 6.4% had previously had three or more abortions.

Overall, the news is encouraging for pro-life advocates who are working to empower pregnant mothers to choose life and to restore legal protections to unborn babies.

From providing free diapers and ultrasounds to educating parenting students about their rights on campus, to sidewalk counseling to laws that protect unborn babies from brutal dismemberment abortions, pro-life leaders are making a difference in the lives of countless families every single day.

Not since the U.S. Supreme Court allowed abortion on demand in 1973 through Roe v. Wade have abortion numbers been so low. An estimated 62 million unborn babies have been aborted since the infamous case was handed down.

This is a LifeNews.com opinion piece

Ref: https://www.lifenews.com/2020/11/25/abortions-in-the-u-s-hit-all-time-low-more-babies-saved-from-abortion-than-ever/

She was Scared and Unsure, and Looking for Alternatives

She was Scared and Unsure, and Looking for Alternatives

A woman in her early twenties came to us asking for an abortion…she was scared and unsure, and looking for alternatives…

After a few sessions with our counsellor she decided to keep her baby. Moreover, during her ultrasound examination she heard not one but two heart beats! Twin boys were on their way to the world.

Unfortunately, soon after she was given a negative diagnosis and told that one of the boys would probably die, possibly even losing both…

Can you imagine how hard her journey was…?

Amazingly, following our support sessions and doctors’ appointments she delivered her two beautiful and healthy baby boys!

A Girl called in Panic Considering Abortion

A Girl called in Panic Considering Abortion

A girl called in panic considering abortion…in fact she had already ordered and received the abortion pills by post.

Our team members kept meeting with her for over a month, discussing all the options with her. Following her counselling sessions, she chose to have her baby!

And, of course, as promised we helped her in all she needed, including things like the baby bag, pushchair, milk, baby cot, etc. We continued to support her for over a year.

After 1 year both the mother and her baby daughter are doing very well and giving each other unconditional love every day!

Pregnant Girl who was a Relapsing Drug Addict

Pregnant Girl who was a Relapsing Drug Addict

We got a call from a pregnant girl who was a relapsing drug addict and raped. The girl was in a very bad emotional state…

Nevertheless, after many meeting with our counsellor she changed her mind about having an abortion and decided to give her baby up for adoption!

Later, the baby girl was born. Our volunteers took great care of her until she was released for fostering.

A healthy and happy girl is now going to be adopted giving a lot of love and joy to an expecting family.

The birth mother is now also doing well following a rehabilitation programme.

Call from a Foreigner Working in Malta

Call from a Foreigner Working in Malta

One day we received a call from a foreigner working in Malta…she was troubled as her boyfriend had just left her…the reason behind the breakup was an unexpected pregnancy, and her refusal to abort their child.
She called us for help and soon after we went to visit her in a tiny cramped apartment. She decided to collaborate with us and our team helped and supported her in every possible way: we booked her prenatal care, assisted her during delivery, after child’s birth – with baby materials, babysitting and so on.
Now that 18 months have passed, she is happily settled in a shared rental apartment with her baby daughter… and while mummy is working her precious one is taken care of in a child’s centre.

Pope Francis Opposes Argentina Bill Legalizing Abortions: Don’t “Eliminate Human Life to Solve a Problem”

Pope Francis Opposes Argentina Bill Legalizing Abortions: Don’t “Eliminate Human Life to Solve a Problem”

Pope Francis, answering the pleas of Argentine women who are fighting for the rights of unborn babies, wrote a public letter to his home country this week urging its leaders not to legalize abortions.

According to the National Catholic Register, the grassroots group of pro-life women recently wrote to the pope, urging him to “help us by making our voice heard” in opposition to a new pro-abortion bill. Their letter and the pope’s response both appeared in the newspaper La Nacion on Wednesday.

“Is it fair to eliminate a human life to solve a problem? Is it fair to hire a hitman to solve a problem?” the pope wrote, adding that the pro-life women “know what life is.”

Argentina is facing renewed pressure to abandon its protections for unborn babies and legalize abortion on demand. Earlier this month, President Alberto Fernandez announced plans to introduce a bill to legalize abortions up to 14 weeks of pregnancy, according to the Buenos Aires Times.

Wide-spread public opposition stopped a similar bill from passing in 2018, and pro-life advocates hope to do so again.

In his letter Wednesday, Pope Francis praised the women who have been fighting for years to prevent the violence of abortion in Argentina.

“The country is proud to have such women,” he wrote. “Please tell them for me that I admire their work and their testimony; that I thank them from the bottom of my heart for what they do, and that they keep going.”

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The women who wrote to Pope Francis began meeting in 2018 to fight pro-abortion misinformation and advocate for the lives of women and babies in their country. One survey that they conducted found that 80 percent of Argentines oppose abortion, according to the report.

They told the pope that poor women and their children will be hurt the most if the pro-abortion bill passes.

Here’s more from the report:

The women told Pope Francis about being filled with “cold terror” after the abortion bill was introduced to the legislature last week, “just thinking that this project is aimed at adolescents in our neighborhoods.”

“Not so much because in the villa [shanty town] culture abortion is thought of as a solution to an unexpected pregnancy (Your Holiness knows well our way of assuming motherhood between aunts, grandmothers and neighbors),” the women wrote, “but because [the law] is oriented to cultivate the idea that abortion is one more possibility within the range of contraceptive methods and that even the main users must be poor women.”

They urged Pope Francis to use his voice to help them fight against the idea that “our life is the unwanted one and that we do not have the right to have children because we are poor.”

Currently, Argentina protects unborn babies from being killed in abortions. Exceptions are allowed in cases of rape or threats to the mother’s life. Most countries in Central and South America protect unborn babies from abortion, but Fernández wants Argentina to change that.

“Legalizing abortion saves women’s lives and preserves their reproductive capabilities, which are often affected by unsafe abortions, but it does not increase the number of abortions or promote them,” he said earlier this month.

None of this is true. Abortions destroy lives, they do not save them, and pro-abortion laws jeopardize the lives of more unborn babies by putting the government’s approval on killing them. Pro-abortion groups often overestimate the number of illegal and unsafe abortions that occur in countries across the world, and some have admitted to lying about the numbers. Growing research also indicates that access to basic health care, not abortion, is what really helps improve women’s lives.

Pro-lifers have been making their voices heard to lawmakers. In 2019, approximately 2 million Argentines participated in the country’s March for Life in Buenos Aires. Thousands more protested in March after Fernandez first announced his plans to legalize abortion on demand.

A similar proposal to legalize the killing of unborn babies in Argentina failed in 2018 because of strong public opposition. But pro-abortion groups, backed by some of the richest men in the world, continue to put intense pressure on Argentina and other countries to legalize abortion on demand.

This is a Righttolife.org.uk opinion piece

Ref: https://www.lifenews.com/2020/11/25/pope-francis-opposes-argentina-bill-legalizing-abortions-dont-eliminate-human-life-to-solve-a-problem/


President urged to safeguard right to conscientious objection

President urged to safeguard right to conscientious objection

The Chamber of Pharmacists has written to President George Vella asking for his intervention to safeguard the right to conscientious objection for pharmacists and other health care professionals.

The request was made in view of the current debate in parliament on the Equality Bill which the chamber views as breaching this right.  It did not specify any examples, but over the past weeks Parliamentary Secretary Rosianne Cutajar insisted that every pharmacy in Malta should sell the morning-after pill.

In September, fourteen associations representing various medical specialities in a statement also called for the inclusion of a conscientious objection clause in the Bill, endorsing a draft amendment proposed by the Medical Council.

“Doctors should not be faced with clinical situations where they are forced to act against their ethical convictions or be deemed liable if they exert their freedom of conscience,” the associations said.

They argued that doctors should be allowed to refuse to prescribe treatment or perform procedures that violate their ethical convictions, even if such interventions are deemed legal by the state.

Malta’s bishops in a statement in September had also warned that the proposed law aimed at achieving equality and eradicating discrimination would have serious implications on individual freedom.

The Chamber of Pharmacists said on Sunday it had also written to the prime minister, the Minister for Health, the Minister for Justice and the Parliamentary Secretary for Equality and Reforms.

“The Kamra reiterates that under the watch of these persons who serve the Constitution and the people, pharmacists and other health care professionals must not be stripped of their right to freedom of thought and conscience in the context of legal health care.

“The Kamra which is a professional association and also a trade union takes a serious view of this matter and expects the State to be a guarantor of this right,” it said.

Click to view the letter to the President

This is a timesofmalta.com opinion piece

Ref: https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/president-urged-to-safeguard-right-to-conscientious-objection.833725  

US States Passed 19 Pro-Life Laws in 2020 Saving Unborn Babies from Abortion

US States Passed 19 Pro-Life Laws in 2020 Saving Unborn Babies from Abortion

Despite the coronavirus shutdowns and limited legislative sessions, 13 states still made protections for unborn babies a priority in 2020.

A new report from Americans United for Life recently highlighted the life-saving laws and resolutions that state lawmakers passed this year – doing what they could to end the human rights abuse of abortion against unborn babies in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis.

According to Americans United for Life, 13 states passed 19 pro-life laws in 2020, including measures to require abortion facilities to give mothers accurate information and to protect underage girls from secret abortions without a parent’s knowledge or consent.

“While state lawmakers hit the ground running in January, pursuing dozens of life-affirming bills, efforts stalled in March when the COVID-19 global pandemic prematurely ended the legislative sessions in most states,” the pro-life organization said.

Thankfully, the shutdowns meant that states also passed fewer pro-abortion laws; only Virginia and the District of Columbia voted to expand abortions, AUL noted. Currently, Massachusetts also is considering a last-minute amendment tacked onto its budget that would expand late-term abortions in the state.

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The states that passed pro-life laws were: Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming.

Idaho and Utah passed legislation that would ban abortions when Roe v. Wade is overturned or the U.S. Supreme Court allows states to begin protecting unborn babies again, according to the report.

Three other state legislatures passed bills to protect newborns from infanticide, but only the one in West Virginia became law. The governors of Kentucky and Wyoming vetoed the Born-Alive Infant Protection Acts in their states.

Meanwhile, Florida passed a law to strengthen parental involvement when an underage girl has an abortion. The state now requires a minor to have a parent’s consent prior to aborting her unborn baby. Such laws not only protect young girls and their babies from abortion, but they also can help prevent and expose sexual abuse.

Four other states, Alaska, Iowa, Kansas and Kentucky, moved forward with ballot initiatives and constitutional amendments to protect unborn babies, according to the report.

Meanwhile, Louisiana voters just overwhelmingly passed a pro-life amendment to their constitution on Nov. 3. It states, “To protect human life, nothing in this constitution shall be construed to protect a right to abortion or the tax payer funding of abortion.”

Pro-life laws do save lives. Americans United for Life pointed to research by Dr. Michael New, professor of social research and political science at the Catholic University of America and associate scholar at the Charlotte Lozier Institute. New’s research found a direct correlation between increasing the number of state pro-life laws and reducing the number of abortions.

As a result, “the national abortion rate continues its downward trend, and it is now the lowest rate since 1973, when Roe v. Wade legalized abortion,” the pro-life organization said.

There were 862,320 abortions in the U.S. in 2017, down from a high of about 1.5 million annually in the early 1990s, according to the Guttmacher Institute.

The declining abortion rate comes as states pass a record number of pro-life laws. In 2019, the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute reported 33 states passed a record 479 pro-life laws since 2011. To put that number into perspective, states have passed 1,271 pro-life laws since 1973 when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade. This means more than one third of all pro-life laws in the U.S. were approved in the past decade.

However, the abortion industry is challenging many of these laws in court. Because of Roe v. Wade, states have very limited power to protect unborn babies and mothers from abortions.

Many state lawmakers recognize that their constituents want unborn babies to be protected.

Polls consistently show strong support of abortion restrictions. A 2019 Hill-HarrisX survey found that 55 percent of voters said they do not think laws banning abortions after six weeks – when an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable – are too restrictive.

Another poll out of Harvard University found that just 6 percent of Americans said abortions should be allowed “up until the birth of the child,” while 8 percent said they should be permitted up to the third trimester. It also found that a majority of Americans want the U.S. Supreme Court to revisit Roe v.Wade.

This is a LifeNews.com opinion piece

Ref: https://www.lifenews.com/2020/11/17/states-passed-19-pro-life-laws-in-2020-saving-unborn-babies-from-abortion/